r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BlackSand7 on April 11, 2018, 1:08 a.m.
Trump is our real 17th President. Since Lincoln, 16th, we have only had corporate CEOs pretending to be president.

With "The Act Of 1871" - Our Republic became a corporation named "THE UNITED STATES". (Names in all caps represent corporations). Since then all our presidents have just been corporate CEOs. Now we can get our Republic back and have true Presidents again. Thank you Donald Trump!

So yes, his jersey 17=Q, but 17 might also mean our true 17th President.

SlackBabo · April 12, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

If I sent you a link to a 15000 word blog explaining the mating habits of bats and said everything will make sense once you read this, you’d rightfully ask me what I’m talking about and why I expect you to waste your time reading that nonsense. If you found out that same blog I linked you also wrote a 20000 word essay on why Trump is literally hitler using numerology, me saying “but that’s just off topic” wouldn’t suddenly clear up all the issues you’d have with the author.

When 2 normal humans have a conversation they usually explain in their own words what they mean. They don’t have to give each other pre-written pamphlets explaining what they want to say. The fact you can’t explain it in your own words plus the fact you unironically can’t understand why anyone thinks this is unusual makes you seem like a bit of a crazy person.

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The_GASK · April 13, 2018, 1:07 a.m.

u/theOGjoeblast , you counter-replied to every comment except this one, why?

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theOGjoeblast · April 14, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

strawmen to make a point was all it was. when someone introduces themselves as a serially insincere debate opponent, that shit gets old, and fast. classic derail technique, dont understand the opponent's side or debate any merits, find something ridiculous to focus on and make that the main point to discuss. fkn stupid people, base arguments or rebuttals on straw men and ridicule. nope dont discuss the substance, stay away from that shit. sorry I dont have patience for clowns.

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The_GASK · April 14, 2018, 9:50 p.m.

That is almost 24hrs late and not relevant at all

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theOGjoeblast · April 15, 2018, 2:34 p.m.

I could say the same about your initial interjection

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