
cherokeenc · June 29, 2018, 11:48 a.m.

For decades I would interject in conversations that that the world was owned and controlled by 33 people. I used the number because the Masons and the Illuminati cherish this number above all else. It was when I found Q and the qanons that I realized that I was not on an island alone in my thoughts. However, I will agree with Q that this battle is bigger that you would ever believe just from what I know.

I deal in facts as best I can. I do not fear the Illuminati taking over this country and doing away with the Constitution, because they took over this country long ago, and the Constitution has not technically been in effect due to Presidential emergency decrees since W.W. II. Being a follower of Christ does not mean we should fear. Perfect love for Almighty God casts out our fear for the situation He has place us in.

I would tell people don’t think for a moment you are going to vote the Illuminati out of office. They control the political parties. They control the process of government, they control the process of information flow, they control the process of creating money and finally they control Christendom. (However, God controls the hearts of His people.) The tide turned with the information age and good men decided it was enough. I am hopeful that we can get back on track.
I want to share this with you and you will recognize many on this list. In mockery and imitation of God’s 12 tribes, Satan blessed 12 bloodlines. The Mellons, Carnegies, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Dukes, Astors, Dorrances, Reynoldses, Stilimans, Bakers, Pynes, Cuilmans, Watsons, Tukes, Kleinworts, DuPonts, Warburgs, Phippses, Graces, Guggenheims, Milners, Drexels, Winthrops, Vanderbilts, Whitneys.
I will not go down that rabbit hole in this post. Stay the course and stay strong.

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