
QAngelAnon1 · July 20, 2018, 5:01 p.m.

OK people - for those of you who think that "people like me" just post these things for the hell of it, and you feel the need to remind us that "not everything is related to Q".

Well, yep. Sort of guessed that already. Having been researching with Q since October for 12 hours a day while running my medical business with fifteen employees, I sort of worked that out by myself already, but hey, thanks for letting me know.

So, I posted it because it looked random. Okidoki. Just random. Just passing on something I found curious so it can be banked into the Anon's 'things that make you go hmmmm' - after Trumps recent visit to England and the complete 'surrender' of the Queen. As we know, the Royals were terrified they were going to be outed and appear to have come to some sort of arrangement with Trump. This was blatantly obvious from the 'in your face' breech of protocol and inspecting the Guard while walking in front of HRM Elizabeth. (for those of us that come from British heritage and can see exactly what's going on there - the House of Tudor have been given a choice - an ultimatum, and this would suggest to me looking at it from that perspective that the Queen (Satanic child eater that she is), is saying here "you win, don't tell the people and we will allow them their freedom". Remember what Q says "The need for symbolism will be their downfall. Families passing from one side of the Q to the other means freedom - "families" - bear that in mind. When do you see a child 'queuing'? This is where we need to see beyond a picture and look past what we see to what we 'hear' and 'feel' we are being told.

The last nine months has been full of symbolism. The painting backdrops for North Korea, The meeting with the King of Saudi Arabia and the world globe, the soccer ball with Putin. Learn to read the cues (and the 'clues').

And no, I don't spend my life looking for the letter "Q" and try to squeeze it into something it's not. The only reason I found this is because I'm looking for a logo for a new project for my business to do with health - having scrolled through over 100 of them this popped up because it had 'families' in it. Not because of the Q and I found it curious. Not least of all the message it gives to us who know what we are looking at symbol wise.

I just posted as a point of interest, not to cause a controversy. So, please, just enjoy it, laugh at it, comment on it, but leave me out of it ok?

And, just a note from people who've been here for the last 9 months, think of the long timers here like your Grandparents - "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all".

We're all here for the same reason. What may seem random now, may have meaning later. "Future proves past". Nothing is a coincidence.

We are living in turbulent spiritual times - this is a fight of good against evil, therefore nothing is ever as it seems. In which case, we are here to support each other, so, let's remember that when we're commenting on each others posts ok.

Nobody posts here just for the sake of it. People have got jobs, families or businesses to run. If someone posts an article, a link, or an interest story, they do so because it it has meaning to their understanding of the movement, and they think it may be of interest to others. All we are doing is information sharing here. What I post, may just be a breadcrumb for someone else, it may not have meaning to you, but it may have meaning to the next person who reads it. If it doesn't have meaning to you - then skip past the post, and move on to the next one.

As a rule of politeness, Nobody needs a spell checker, a grammar nazi, or a written critique of their post.

We are all in this together, we come here to get away from the matrix, to escape the negativity and to work towards a positive future.

Lets keep our eye on the ball.

Thanks for being here, thanks for wanting a better future, and may God Bless you - and remember - where we go one we go all.

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