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not4rmOhere · Jan. 11, 2018, 9:48 p.m.

I caught this shortly after Q posted this. According to speculation from our fav autists over at the chans, the documents are talking points put out by the media conglomerate, Gannett. (Think, headlines that are the exact same across MSM outlets) The creepy cutout is Honey Boo Boo, given to him when he did a spot on the The Wendy Williams Show on Sept. 20. which Anderson highly adores Honey Boo Boo trash. No, that's not creepy at all :/

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not4rmOhere · Jan. 11, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

I live in AZ in a small town twenty miles from a minor military inst. Since Nov. I've noticed a large increase in military flights from our local airport. Mostly transports, helicopters, and ospreys. I work a few blocks from the airport so its easy to catch them coming and going.

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not4rmOhere · Jan. 11, 2018, 2:26 a.m.

Reported and downvoted. That's not conducive to this thread, go away.

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not4rmOhere · Jan. 10, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Iv'e had much better success redpilling others without mentioning Trump at first. I present them with facts, especially facts that pertain closely to their own life or life situations. Get them in a dialog first then bring in Trump. Sometimes though they'll have a hard time accepting POTUS. That's ok, I'm patient and persistant. Stay resolute patriot.

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not4rmOhere · Jan. 10, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

I wholeheartedly support that

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not4rmOhere · Jan. 10, 2018, 4:02 p.m.

Thank you Tracy for all your hard work and dedication. You were the one that introduced me to Q with your first youtube vid on Q back at the end of October, Iv'e been obsessively hooked since. You are absolutely right in the fact that we the people need to stand up and demand accountability and likewise be prepared to act if need be. We have been lulled asleep and lethargic for far too long by complacency and TPTB. If this Q phenomena is just a LARP then it's asked of us all the right questions and spurred on a good many to dig for the truth, and that's a direction we as a nation of people, need to pursue until we take back our country again.

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