
314 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2013/09/08 (土) 02:55:12 ID: /e6r39Ga
Mr. Code Monkey said "Now I am working hard to find the best way to protect the future anonymity of 2ch and bbspink users.". >>278

Do you think leaked log data is not a subject to protect anonymity ?
To remove or delete time stamps will not complete the anonymous, definitely.
But it will help a lot of people from riot.
Of course, it should do before restarting Maru.
Would you consider these conditions ?
349 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2013/09/08 (土) 13:45:16 ID: /e6r39Ga
Mr. CodeMonkey said "To delete timestamps of 2ch is possible but need to have permission from some people" >>264.
And he said "Ask Jim-san who have a right of permission."
You are expected to know how to have permission.

Don't you have a will to protect victims?
Victim's damage is not only Credit card number leakage.