
32 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/09/15 (日) 02:36:14 ID: Mm8YFn/P
livejupiter board be recognized easy because of the board has least thread.
livejupiter has least threads on the board, so many responses are gathered in one particular thread.
livejupiter has least threads on the board, so threads which are not funny become unavailable very rapidly.
On the contrary, news4vip has many threads on the board, so one particular theme is not recognized by a lot of people.
news4vip has many threads on the board, so our responses forced to separate, and one particular thread is not to be longer.
news4vip has many threads on the board, so even if silly threads, we can remain these longer.
These reasons led me a decision that I establish a new board which has less threads and start new activity there, so I leave news4vip.