
545 : 名無し編集部員 : 2014/12/15 (日) 11:00:11 ID: qH1Z+Gh/
Dear Jim-san

The following sentences are opinions of one user of the TV program board.
Besides I post it in place of the person. Please read it. What do you think?

888 名前: ◆AOKI.Tk.m2 投稿日:2014/11/09(日) 22:51:06.31 ID:2raTMiv1O

On tv-program board, there are numerous comments that are obviously written in order to deny and/or defame some specified casts.
They often aim to the program itself, and those comments often appear even on other tv-programs' threads where those casts are unrelated.

If those statements were general we could recognize them as fair ones, but all those commemts are too biased and too selfish.

The biggest problem is that they are used to be done by different IDs with multiple words so NG system was not duly asserted against them.
In these several years many innocent users seemed to leave our board by being harraced by those vicious comments, for example being labeled as "fanatic fans", "paranoias" and "OTAKU" by them.

Many of us suspected that those comments were written only by a few vicious users so we decided to vote for name-of-prefecture display, and eventually the vote ended with too many doubtful "opposite".

40% of all votes were casted by softbank smart-phone from resemble IPs, and 99.4% of them voted for "opposite",and 10% of all opposite votes were from plala (provider) Saitama.
Actually 80% of all opposite-votes were casted from 3 providers in close areas.

We are not sure how to treat this result, fair or unfair while some of us believe that this result is the evidence of ID-changers' dirty deeds (done dirt cheap).

Please tell us what would be the best thing for us to do now.

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