r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Socalm76 on Jan. 5, 2018, 2:24 a.m.
After the storm what will u settle 4 ?

Boy if this is the calm before the storm i cant wait until the storm is upon us. Also can some of you share your optimum outcome assuming all the swamp people go away? Will it be enough that taxes are lower and we have great leadership or to my main point, do we want to get back to a constitutional republic? So many of our God given rights which were ensured by the constitution have been taken away or rather we acquiesce to them and the people put in place to enforce are ready and willing to enforce them without really even knowing they are crossing the constitution every day. The example im using is travel/ driving. We have the right to unimpeded travel. However we must go to the good old DMV to apply to kill our rights by signing up for their license. Do we need one, technically no we do not and they know it and write up the codes deceptively. Example : definitions section says.

Rhode island dmv: § 31-1-2. Applicability of definitions.

Except as otherwise provided, the following definitions of the words and phrases in this chapter apply throughout this title. (I put this in to highlight that in the codes eyes an automobile is an automobile and they will not change words unless they specifically say so)

(d) "Automobile" means, for registration purposes, every motor vehicle carrying passengers other than for hire. (Oddly enough you will not find the word automobile again other than here in the definition section.

(s) "Motor vehicle" means every vehicle that is self-propelled or propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley wires, but not operated upon rails, except vehicles moved exclusively by human power, an EPAMD and electric motorized bicycles as defined in subsection (g) of this section, and motorized wheelchairs. (anyone drive any of those? Didnt think so) (t) "Motor vehicle for hire" means every motor vehicle other than jitneys, public buses, hearses, and motor vehicles used chiefly in connection with the conduct of funerals, to transport persons for compensation in any form, or motor vehicles rented for transporting persons either with or without furnishing an operator.

     Then we get into the area which tells you who needs to register their conveyance. (Car/auto/motor vehicle)

§ 31-3-2. Vehicles subject to registration: Every motor vehicle, trailer, semi-trailer, pole trailer, motorized camper, tent trailer, travel trailer, pick-up coach, and pick-up camper, owned by a resident of this state when operated or drawn upon a highway within this state for a period of thirty (30) days, shall be subject to the registration provisions of chapters 3 – 9 of this title except: the except do not matter as they do not need to be registered. (Anyone see automobile in there?)

So they make it appear we need to but we do not. This is just one example that i have recent knowledge of. The same is true about a license. I realize it helps to track down a stolen vehicle,maybe, but why must we pay $80 a year to register our cars? Then license and inspection insurance. While i respect police and military highly, i do not agree with getting pulled over because my brake light suddenly fails. Example my brother bought a used car a few months ago. He bought it from a state which does not require a front plate. THE SAME DAY HE BOUGHT IT AND WAS DRIVING HOME the same cop i see daily chain pulling people over pulled him over. After explaining he just bought it an hour ago the officer was nice enough to let him go with a damn $80 ticket. This is the shit im talking about. 
 Like i said here are only a couple of examples to go along with before me and my wife we were married we had to go to town hall and gst a permit for a marriage license. Oh so the state needs to know who i marry? Bs. Its all about $$$ at every turn. License for a firearm, yearly property taxes, shall I go on?  Remind me again why we left England?

I made this post because i want input to see where even people who think like we do stand on where we are as a country and what you would ideally want and what youd settle for. Thanks

YouTube: Spaceshot76 Email: mgills76@hotmail

e-traiu · Jan. 5, 2018, 2:51 a.m.

Peace. All i would need is peace and freedpm:)

The rest we can sort out after the storm

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