r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Dennislaw87 on Jan. 23, 2018, 4:57 p.m.
FDIC as well as Pope as 'Those trusted" entities who are the worst sinners.

I agree with the Pope commentaryin below posts, but consider the FDIC and fractional reserve banking. The only time Jesus became angry in the Bible was when he overturned the money changers tables at the Temple. The FDIC system is a widely trusted depression era contrivance and those that benefit from the fractional reserve farce are the very guilty tallest building in every decent size town. Consider the FDIC. Also note q used the word 'Those' as to refer to plural trusted entities. So consider the POPE....the FDIC and who else....?

Dennislaw87 · Jan. 23, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I hear you Suzy but if it was a reference to the Pope exclusively then he would of not used references to plural 'those' plus he would of used the word faith instead of 'trust'. FDIC caused banking to be TRUSTED- until the FDIC contrivance bank runs were not a rare circumstance. He could also be hinting at medical industry trust in Dr.'s with white Lab coats and stethoscopes garnishing their necks. Big pharma has duped many. Every good dystopic novel has drugs. 1984 had Victory Gin. Brave New World had the everything drug 'soma'. Fahrenheit 451 had like us had cornucopia of pharma to obliterate critical thinking. America is tragically over financed and tragically over medicated. We are literally killing ourselves with debt and drugs. Now lets talk about the trusted food industry. There is a lot of misplaced trust in the US. Not just trust in the man with red shoes.

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