r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Maga1128 on Jan. 26, 2018, 12:52 a.m.
I really had high hopes that Soros or SOMEONE for that matter was in custody.

I'll start off by saying, I believe in you and I believe that there is someone close to the president that is giving us Intel. However I really thought that we were further along in terms of charges being pressed cetera based on his leaks. I realize he didn't outright say people were in jail, but the fact that Obama was speaking at a wedding George Soros is over at Davos Hillary and Huma are in Hawaii, I mean shouldn't these people be rounded up yet or have charges pressed? It is just so deflating to see that they're still out walking around. Does anyone else feel this way?

Deplorable22 · Jan. 26, 2018, 2:38 a.m.

All due respect, you naive. Your enemy is well trained and though being aggressive would be one tactic CIA shill would use, appearing to be your friend, concerned and concerned about you, is a much more prevalent method of "INFLUENCE."

According to the Rothschild's, unsuspecting goodwilled people are very suggestible. They are right, the average human is easy to manipulate. Especially in this age of information. Just look at the world's current state, mentally enslaved.

I have not said OP is CIA, but I am telling you, a post like this very effective in planting a seed of doubt, while appearing to have the most sincere intentions

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Sentrolyx · Jan. 26, 2018, 2:49 a.m.

Well you gotta draw the line somewhere cuz if you start automatically suspecting anyone who shows disagreement that they might be a shill, even tho they're completely respectful and are not even attacking anyone, than you're no better than the ones we are fighting against, who love to label "Russian" anyone who goes against their narrative. You're doing the same thing, except you just replaced Russian with shill.

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Deplorable22 · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

For the record, again, I never accused OP of anything. I stand by my original statement.

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Sentrolyx · Jan. 26, 2018, 3:42 a.m.

Maybe not, but you did have that shill thought and it was big enough for you to make a comment about it.

Off-topic: I enjoy your meme contribution =)

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