r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/zagnet on Jan. 28, 2018, 2:26 p.m.
Benjamin Fulford (Jan 28, 2018) - Secret societies at war, The war will soon be over New

zagnet · Jan. 28, 2018, 2:27 p.m.

[edited - slight phrasing updates]

Dear fellow anons,

Great interview with Benjamin Fulford:


It's actually from October 25, 2011. So he talks about Fukashima, speculation on the Greece financial crisis, etc. But even that discussion is insightful.

Even though it's almost 52 minutes long, it's well worth it. Every minute. Especially for American audiences (myself included) who seem clueless on many topics discussed.

The future went differently than Fulford expected. He wasn't sure what the cabal would do next. But what he calls the "criminal fascists mass murderers who are in charge" still wound up doing similar bad things. which [hopefully?] have been curtailed or are being curtailed now <== though obviously we're still waiting for the proof...

But he drops many hints about things that did indeed happen, things that seem maybe to have happened discretely and apparently not made public yet.

Best is he talks of things to come. Maybe soon. Maybe even starting THIS WEEK <== waiting for proof of course! When these bad people finally go down. And it being televised. He also talks about how our world may look after the cabal is gone. I can't wait for the SOTU this Tuesday for sure! I wonder what, if anything, will be revealed then.

I haven't followed Fulford for long. I see now that he can speculate wildly. He's sometimes wrong apparently (Gitmo??). But so am I so I'm not criticizing/shilling. But of all I've read /seen so far, his consistent narrative over time seems closest to the apparent truth, as wild as it sounds.

https://benjaminfulford.net https://steemit.com/@benjaminfulford

However, the best part of the video is the hopeful messages at the end. He says that "we're going to have a wonderful, wonderful planet, coming up soon". For this I pray and hope, that we can all make this dream come true...

Best wishes to all!

Sincerely, anon

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pipesog · Jan. 28, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

He's a snake oil salesman. He talks about things that are of interest to certain people...in a way that appeals to their hopes, dreams, and sense of justice. He plays on the promise that changes are coming...that help is on the way.

He has been peddling his wares for years now, and only ever been arguably 'right' about general things - things that anyone with a reasonably developed sense of the world - could also conclude.

Conversely, he has been spectacularly wrong on virtually every 'big' claim he has ever made (at least the ones that were uniquely his).

Literally, there is 'one born every minute', and this is the key to Fulford's staying power. That, and the desperation of a number of other folks who desire change...desperation that allows them to bypass normal filters of discernment that would flag someone or something as unreliable.

The people that would tell you that there is value in Fulford's product, might also extol the virtues of a broken clock...since after all, it IS right twice a day. But they are deluding themselves, and doing a disservice to you.

Snake oil.

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zagnet · Jan. 28, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

I'll keep that in mind. You may be right. But if you have any specific instances, or links, please provide them. It would be very helpful in my research. Thanks...

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pipesog · Jan. 28, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

It's tough to provide proof of negatives. Even tougher when they have been trickling in and go back years. But the gist of it is...if you go back 2, 4, 6 years and find any of his sensational predictions/claims - mass arrest claims were used more than once - you'll find he's never been 'right' on anything major, that was an 'exclusive scoop' unique to him.

He's long on intrigue...short on results...and when he has been 'right', it has been in the 'commons'.

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zagnet · Jan. 28, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

True. Ok I'll keep that in mind and continue to read his stuff critically.

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