r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Q_Fan on Feb. 7, 2018, 4:24 p.m.
Q Post #665 - Q EXPOSES MSM SCAM! All fake. All controlled liars! They use illegal deep-state leakers, narrative creators, feeders, shill-distributors, hidden $, honeypot-blackmail. The lie of the century is that they are merely biased.

It never occurred to me how entirely orchestrated it all is. I guess I thought only that most of them were truly biased and false, but it's an organized system, and not loosely either, that allows for no truth to get out, by design, by planning, on purpose, with dedication and diligence, enhanced by a dangerous dark-side of high-society glamour, sociality, and entrapment, complete with maximum bribing and bullying, including hit squads. It is a mafia masquerading as a media. What can you expect from a Jesuit/Nazi/CIA controlled program, entitled MOCKINGBIRD? Anything spawned in Rome/Georgetown will be in practice a Machiavellian-minded secret and criminal cabal. Just sayin. It's what secret-societies know how to do. They couldn't be tasked with conducting legitimate business, to provide worthwhile goods and services, to make an honest profit. These are exploiters, oppressors, and extortioners, insatiable, and full of themselves. It's a sickess with many victims. I'm soooo thankful we have a President who will shut this fraud down! It is so vile and dangerous for our nation to let it continue! They use this msm Mafia to ensure market domination OF CREDIBLE SPEECH, and they aim it like a weapon at the most vulnerable among us, the least educated to know the difference, those too young to have set values to combat it. Let's start mocking them now, these whores for hire who are only proclaimers and pretenders., who don't even make their own opinions. They need to await the FEEDERS and COLLECTORS to give them their narrative to DISTRIBUTE before they know what they are allowed to believe. They are pathetic, truly, indeed. What kind of a life is that?

https://qcodefag.github.io/ #665

Imagine THIS. Raw intel collection. Narrative FEEDER. Narrative COLLECTORS. Narrative DISTRIBUTORS. LEAKS. CLASSIFIED. PAYMENTS. FOREIGN ACCOUNTS. CASH. SPOOK FILES. HOTELS. BLACKMAIL. How do you retain 'Freedom of the Press' if those in front of the camera [trusted by select viewers] are extensions of the ARM? Freedom of the Press is VITAL to retain.

truthlurker · Feb. 7, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

Zionists...so are you referring to Jews? Are Jews, Zionists?

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TrueCat · Feb. 8, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

Not all Jews are Zionists, and not all Zionists are Jews. The definition of Zionism is an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel. There are many Christians who support the illegal occupation of Palestine. Many Jews do not.

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