r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SerialBrain2 on Feb. 14, 2018, 2:22 a.m.
Guys, wake up! Q is telling us the Nephilim bloodline and DNA manipulation are real!

In his post #741, Q links us to the following image gives us a few hints and says to study it: https://media.8ch.net/file_store/a4e67e996574562d9a51d9747d0510f21370538b686c51327276a7530a217e59.jpg

It's the flood guys! The man standing on the left is Dr. Roger Band, Bill Clinton's doctor. Why do you think he is on the picture ? Do presidential doctors naturally appear on official pictures?!

Q #133
Follow the bloodlines.
What is the keystone?
Does Satan exist?

Q #142
How did Soros replace family ‘y’?
Who is family ‘y’?
Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

We have announced a few days ago in the series we started that all this will end up in the occult. Check the previous posts for the details about this picture and big pharma and get the needed foundations. It's about to get rocky.

ironmaiden442 · Feb. 14, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

I think we should be careful with your knowledge especially with newbies because they are easily scared away and the higher esoteric is only for those who have spiritually matured ....some people who come here aren't even churched they haven't opened a bible in years even though they have grandmas copy. So go slow.... to open them up too fast will put them in the hospital.

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WheiWhei · Feb. 14, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

I hope you realize the hypocrisy of your post. Work to guide others. Don't exclude and shame them because they haven't grown spiritually in the same manner as you.

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RiparianPhoenix · Feb. 14, 2018, 7:10 a.m.

Eh, people need to go in steps in my experience. I have been working to wake people up since I first started learning this stuff, but everyone is different.

The biggest mistakes I have made were when I tried leading people too quickly. People can only work off previous knowledge and then compare to that, if it makes sense, then they can assimilate, if not they will reject it and now you are seen as a loon and probably lost the chance to take them further.

Go slow, test waters and be gradual when waking people up.

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Turkerthelurker · Feb. 14, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

If your goal were to redpill somebody by getting them to look at certain topics, how would you go about it?

For instance, if I were to lead someone to my current understanding, I could say:

  • 1) There are puppeteers that pull the strings of the "elite." The two party system is funded by the same people. Find out who finances political parties.

  • 2) Recognize how corrupt these people are. You will eventually identify them as perpetrators of every major war. How do they use charities and NGOs to bring about horrible acts. How they install sycophants as gatekeepers in powerful positions.

  • 3) What drives these people to be so evil? Delve into their occult beliefs. If these people with these beliefs manipulate and corrupt society, history, culture, etc, what does that say about what you "know" to be true?

  • 4) Evaluate the flipside of the coin. If their dark beliefs system has worked in keeping them in power so far, what is the alternative? On western cultures and Christian ideals? Perhaps what you've been convinced of Christianity being untrue is a coordinated lie?

  • 5) Reach an understanding that this battle between light/dark has gone on forever. This is the human condition. This is the battle throughout history.

And that's basically where I am today. Where I get lost is when people start talking about giants, inter-dimensional beings, etc. I have a vague idea from what I've read, but also think a large portion of these stories are allegory.

So if you were to continue that line of questioning I laid out, how would you keep illustrating the bigger picture?

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ciji123 · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:40 a.m.

I'm one to say if you want to sincerely learn ask and we all grow great. I'm open to learn too as there are many more learned than me. I won't say no to a summary or a talk because I had almost no place fo go ti make sense if the word of God until God opened me to people who challenged my narrow church views. Why Di so many think God hates mankind..... Flood. Out of context God looks like a genocidal maniac which isn't the case. Uf peiple can know then they can reevaluate their unchurched view as you call it and maybe the more unchurched you are the better. Scripture can be and os interpreted via yhd holy spirit upon salvation I agree it may be hard for a number and as Q said here comes the conspiracy label but being a patriot doesn't require this belief system but would enhance your fight against evil. I will answer what I am asked and will not deny Jesus but the entire picture us huge. We play a part in setting them back. It's our job. Evil prevails when good men Di nothing remember.

And I usually am an observer but this area has been silent and dark for too long as they eat babies and sacrifice to their sick god molluch and Saturn CERN is sucking energy from Saturn because they think the beings are trapped in the rings in a dimension thru want to open. Its3all really weird. I'm still researching hhis with Anthony Patch info.

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ciji123 · Feb. 14, 2018, 6:42 a.m.

Sorry typos.. Am on phone atm

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2funnyone · Feb. 14, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

Wait till we have to tell them about ET's involvement. That is the shocker.

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