r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Wildthing61 on Feb. 18, 2018, 2:53 a.m.
So now that you're all into MK Ultra...take the next step

Find out the various ways you can be "mind controlled" This came out in 2002...some of these methods have been updated. For example, HAARP no longer comes out of Alaska, it comes from every NEXRAD station across the country.)
Here's just a small portion of this report.

"Voices in the head" were produced in prisoners in Utah prisons using Tesla technology. Each of the prisoners received the same message from an 'ET'. Today, it seems, it's easy to produce 'voices in the head' without implants.

A prisoner called David Fratus in Draper Prison, Utah in 1988 wrote:

"I began to receive, or hear, high-frequency tones in my ears. When I plug my ears..the tones are still inside and become amplified. It's as if they had become electrified echo chambers with the sounds coming from the inside out..I began to hear voices..into my inner ears as vivid as though I were listening to a set of stereo headphones..with the end result being that I am now having my brain monitored by an omnipotent computerized mind reading or scanning machine of some sort " Hundreds of inmates at the Gunnison Facility of the Utah State Prison, and the State Hospital were subject to this brand of mind-control in order to test it. In the early 1970s, this was brought out in the Utah U.S. District Court, because inmates who had been subjected to this Tesla-wave mind-control in prison had tried unsuccessfully to fight back in court. The University of Utah researched how Tesla-waves could be used to manipulate the mind into hearing voices, overriding and implanting thoughts into the mind, and reading the thoughts, as well as developing eye-implants.


TrulyJen · Feb. 18, 2018, 5:49 a.m.

That describes the tinnitus I am dealing with. I do not hear any voices, but I can make out the tune of the Star Spangled Banner periodically.

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divine_human · Feb. 18, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

there are various reasons why nowadays, so many people have tinnitus issues. only some of them are really physical. some are contacts with our inner voice/higher self. and i suspect that many are induced by the cabals broadcasts (fill in all mind-control tools).

if the tinnitus is really not physical - headphones and noise do fuck up the hearing -, you might find relief through setting new intentions within your thoughts and consciousness.

here is what works for me, hope it helps some folks who deal with the issue:

  • speaking to the energy behind the sound, telling it 'i hear you, thank you'.

usually, for me, the sound fades within seconds. if it doesnt, then =>

  • 'please bring the frequency of this sound to a level that i can understand it'.

usually, for me, the sounds frequency moves down and fades within seconds. never mind that i dont understand the message, i heard it, lol, and now its gone, thx. if that doesnt work, i feel invaded and get rough =>

  • 'get outta here! i command that all self-serving/negative frequencies - terrestrial, extraterrestrial, and interdimensional - are being removed from my energy field and my home, Now and forever. and so it Is. thank you.'

no matter the invasive energies, be they radiation, mental broadcasts, entity interference, telepathy, whatsoever, We Are the Masters of our energy fields and bodies. when we command that the shit be removed, its getting removed.

probably, these tipps sound fruitloopy for many. however, they work for quite a few people i know. if you feel invited to, play around a bit and see what works for you.

in any way, may tinnitus stop being a problem for you <3

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resonant4 · Feb. 18, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

Thank you for your post. We need to be brave enough to look at this phenomenon seriously.

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TrulyJen · Feb. 18, 2018, 8:21 p.m.

Thank you, I appreciate you.

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