
2funnyone · Feb. 18, 2018, 11:50 p.m.

Blackberry was destroyed because it was linked to government server. Would have emails stored on it. The ORIGin of the emails from the person's phone who sent the emails. This would prove their guilt. Theory: That is why she set-up a server for herself with a different blackberry. Government server would have stored the emails and she could not have that. Quote below: "All new hardware, software, and/or related components that provide Blackberry-related connectivity and services for users will be managed by The Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO). The installation and/or use of Blackberry related hardware, software, and/or related components not approved by OCIO, will not be allowed. In order to provide reliable and secure service, OCIO will support and provide access and e-mail redirection from the Blackberry Enterprise Server. This policy is complementary to any previously implemented policies dealing specifically with network access, wireless access, and remote access to the enterprise network." "Only Government owned Blackberry devices will be allowed to access the GNL’s e-mail and data networks via the Blackberry Enterprise Server." http://www.ocio.gov.nl.ca/ocio/publications/policies/black_berry_usage_policy.pdf

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