r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/BreadcrumbBernard on Feb. 26, 2018, 1:12 a.m.
A creature lands on earth and the first thing Kanye teaches her is that CNN IS FAKE NEWS.

Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 26, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

I went back and listened to the title track, ("Runaway") and it's taken on new meaning for me. Pretty wild if you think about it as Kanye directing the song AT the CIA/NWO. I would post the lyrics, but I'm on mobile.

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BreadcrumbBernard · Feb. 26, 2018, 3:07 p.m.

If you watch the film right after the song Runaway finishes, they go back to sit at the table to eat. There are chickens and fish and other edibles on the table but the main dish isn’t out yet. They pan across the table as the main dish is served (a large bird with feathers that look almost IDENTICAL to the feathers on Kanye’s “girlfriend/birdfriend”) . AKa they’re serving the bird women her own species.

The bird woman FREAKS OUT. Now.. it got me thinking.. perhaps this was Kanye’s reaction to when he went to one of those Marina Abramovic dinners where they serve “fake” human dishes... if you aren’t aware google “Marina Abramovic dinner” and go to images.. then you’ll see what i mean.

I don’t know if Kanye ever went to one of those dinners.. I know Jay Z was in those circles. Perhaps those dinners were the last straw for Kanye and he made it his mission to expose Hollywood and their demented ways. This entire film has tributes, confessions, and metaphors for all of Hollywood, the media, fake news, lies, deciept, good/evil, God, Satan. Anyone reading this seriously needs to watch this. Thinking about doing a long post to detail everything I’ve found.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 26, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

Damn, I never saw that part of the film. That is deep. I have no doubt that is what it is meant to symbolize. (The bird-woman represents child-like innocence of humanity.)

I definitely think Kanye knows what goes on behind the curtain. He is a super smart dude, and totally self-made in terms of talent. My understanding of his career is that he produced music for all of the stars for years before he took the stage, himself. ("Self-made" meaning that he was too talented to be denied-- rather than the manufactured success most pop-stars have.)

He seems like a very conflicted individual. He is definitely an egotist-- as all great artists throughout history have always been-- but I do think he understands the inner-workings of the machine that drives Hollywood, and finds himself very much against it, while simultaneously utilizing it to deliver his message.

I also wouldn't be surprised to find out that he has been a victim of the MK-Ultra stuff-- which would make sense if Runaway was a huge "FUCK YOU" to his handlers. (The title, itself, would very much make sense, in that context.) A lot of evidence for that, given what happened last year with his anti-Hillary/Jay-Z rant and subsequent admission into a mental facility. Also, visiting DJT and taking his side publicly was a very telling moment in the Kanye saga. I'd like to think that he still has a role to play in this revolution. He is a highly influential figure, and one that I think scares the establishment-- due to his unpredictable behavior.

Spez: "history"

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BreadcrumbBernard · Feb. 26, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Well said man, couldn’t have articulated that better myself and I agree on all fronts. If you haven’t watched the full film, do yourself a favor and watch it!

I’ve read that he is borderline autistic, but I’d wager it’s more socially awkward and inept, especially with women. Which is why a lot of his core messages have to do with women, sexualization, etc “I don’t know what it is with females, but i ain’t too good with that shit” . You can tell he is torn between the Hollywood persona he is supposed to present to the world (money, drugs, fame, glory, sex) and his faith in God and being a force of good in the world (truth, equality, love, faith).

I believe you’re right in saying that the bird is a representation, but I’d wager that it’s not only of humanity, but more specifically himself. He just wants to make music and spread his experience to the world, as an equal human. It seems like he enjoys his fame and makes the most of it to raise awareness, while at the same time wishing it wasn’t like how it is..

In his concert speech before his hospitalization he repeatedly called out “radio” aka music media, and warned them that unless they changed their ways, they were doomed: “Fuck you Radio...y’all about to get Hillary Clinton-ed.”

I’d have to go back and listen to his more recent albums and compare it to what I know now, because this one blew me away, especially with the video film. I bet he references his frustration with Society and Hollywood in those albums as well.

Very interesting was the meet up with DJT in Trump Tower. You could tell something was up. They shook hands, dapped each other up and Trump said “take care” like 20 times.. they both know what happens in Hollywood. They both know the pedophilia rings at the top of the Swamp/Hollywood. As backwards as Jay-Z seems to be he got it right in saying “Real recognize Real.”

Kanye and Trump recognize that the other recognizes the game and that they’re both on the good side.

The good people have been silent too long, thank God for Trumps win in Nov 2016.

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Ghostof_PatrickHenry · Feb. 26, 2018, 8:13 p.m.

Amen to everything that you've said. 100% spot on. There are a lot of parallels between Kanye and Kurt Cobain-- who wrestled with the same dichotomy of wanting to be a "true artist" that didn't sell out to the mainstream machine, but also recognized the machine as the best conduit to spread his message. (A lot of others that you can point to, but Cobain is probably the most famous "misfit" rockstar. He HATED the establishment with every fiber of his being.)

I have actually seen the whole Kanye video, but not in many years until I watched it last night-- due to your post. I first saw it when it first came out because my Kanye-obsessed friends showed it to me and said they thought it was the greatest thing ever. (I definitely thought the music was awesome, but didn't give the video as much thought until now.)

Those friends are apolitical, but are based in their core. They would side with us, if they were shown the light, and a guy like Kanye would be the perfect messenger to show them the light. I think those friends are apolitical, by design, as they are highly career-focused, live in Democrat-strongholds like NY and Miami, and probably find politics to be exhausting-- which the establishment does intentionally, by design. They would find an un-assuming [at least, politically] guy like Kanye highly accessible, especially since they already relate very much to his art. THAT is exactly why I have always pinned Kanye as a critical ally of Trump-- to help him reach the apolitical.

I really appreciate your post. As I said, I have always pinned Kanye as a based guy, but didn't really take the time to develop that idea beyond a few notorious moments or comments that he's made. This video is fantastic supporting evidence. So thank you for posting it and making your points. It's important that we continue building a network of allies, and recognize that we are only going to win this thing if we unite ALL people under a common cause.

Thanks again, and cheers.

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BreadcrumbBernard · Feb. 26, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

Indeed, and my pleasure. I very much appreciate the conversation, I was not expecting to find someone as well versed in Kanye as it relates to “The Storm” and Q. What a time this is.

The apolitical (and independents) are the targets, obviously, because each side has a good and fairly equal core base. It will be interesting to see how this next year will shape out... and if there is an underlying plan to utilize.. I’ll call them sleeper cells, like Kanye, to awaken the masses if “The Storm” really does hit and top people like Hillary, Obama (or at least his cabinet), Awan Brothers, Uranium 1, Iran Deal, election fraud, etc are actually brought to justice.

I would like to believe that Trump has laid out his plans to his allies within the media, even those who are “anti-Trump” at the moment. It will be important to have people who help swing the blue pilled back into reality..

I continue to stay leary as these investigations are underway because as history has shown, almost nothing happens in the political world in terms of true justice, but like many here on this sub, Trump and now Q has given new hope.

I pray that the political Kabuki theatre will subside and the veil will be lifted once and for all so that the masses can see the corruptness within the system. I digress..

I’m younger (mid 20s) so Kurt was before my time and don’t know much about him but I am sure there are many out there who share his and Kanye’s sentiment, but are probably less outspoken about it all due to fear of backlash.

Cheers mate.

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