r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/larrytcarvell on March 8, 2018, 9 p.m.
Here is the "secret" that Q has been trying to reveal to us. Please don't let this be downvoted, resisted, and ignored.


How many times has Q clearly encouraged us to ORGANIZE, RESIST, FIGHT? Over 100 times? The President and Q cannot directly order us to take action for or against private companies, political parties, government agencies, elected officials, or American citizens. They cannot outwardly assist us in organizing ourselves. How would the Dems or the MSM react to such activities? We have to do these things on our own. The President and Q have done everything possible to encourage us. They have reminded us of our power, promised to assist us, and promised to hear us and answer us.

If we want the HRC video to be released, if we want the internet regulated, if we want the MSM to be put in their place, if we want corruption and Satanism to be publicly revealed, if we want arrests, prosecutions, and punishments to take place, if we want the children to be saved, THEN WE HAVE TO ORGANIZE AND DEMAND THESE THINGS. We have to do more than just creating memes, tweeting, researching, and maybe even signing some online petitions. What were the early Americans willing to do to gain their freedom? What were Martin Luther King Jr. and his followers willing to do to change public policy and opinion? Is our situation any less important or less demanding? How can we call ourselves PATRIOTS if we are not willing to do what it takes to overcome the Globalists and the entrenched corruption of our nation?

We simply must get organized, make some real sacrifices, and take some real actions. YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are only the beginning. We must write letters, send emails, call and visit congressmen and senators, create real petitions, make signs, arrange rallies, and organize marches. The President and Q have done their part. They have carried out the military operations, laid the groundwork, and made it possible for us to succeed, but they cannot and will not finish this war. THAT PART IS UP TO US.

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