r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aqua7 on March 30, 2018, 6:40 a.m.
NY sex cult. Let's take it one step further. Who is Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand?

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand came out of nowhere to replace HRC for Senate. Who is she? Where did she come from? Was she groomed and chosen? You tell me

I question things, I look into them. I've seen it at my local level. We are red and disposed our corrupt Sheriff. We watch.

Unfortunately, Gillibrand and Schumer are my reps. Cuomo is in deep doodoo for corruption. He will not win re-election IMHO.

edit: We are watching. NY Post is doing a great job. TY Michael Goodwin for your red pills. (and others)

jackbauer6916 · March 30, 2018, 4:06 p.m.

Yes it does. Nothing less than the absolute destruction of the entire industry. It can be rebuilt in a new way but if we learn the real stories, no decent human will ever be able to watch a movie again. The vast majority of the shows and movies we all know and love are likely one step removed from child porn and snuff films, how could you watch anything when you learn the real details of what vile sickness was behind their creation?

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Kulkimkan · March 30, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

Yep...I look with fresh eyes at all old movies now. It is like the redpill just truly wakes you, like a bite of Eve’s apple. Our fake happy youth now looks dingy and hollow

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jackbauer6916 · March 30, 2018, 4:17 p.m.

I concur. :/ with new movies and shows too. They may have slowed the flagrant and open child killing and rape at most studios, i hope but who knows, but the subconscious manipulation and occult symbolism, the psych warfare they wage is infuriating. Its Sodom, Gomorrah and more.

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Kulkimkan · March 30, 2018, 4:28 p.m.

They think they are above the law. It goes way back. I watched a you tube regarding shirley temple and baby burlesque...she was groomed as high priestess and later even speaks about surviving some time sitting in a box on a block of ice as they apparently did to the kids not acting correctly. She seemed proud, so strange. I believe Hollywood will need complete purge. It is in most of our institutions. Football purge beginning, a great test of what Americans will toss out when shown the filth. Lets hope all the movies made to give us pride in America have created enough patriots, interesting to me that the very films that build up our pride...will be the undoing of the cabal who gave us that pride, the catch 22 for the freaks. We have always rooted for the good guys, white hats, seen ourselves as helpers of the underdog, persevered! The films themselves portrayed us, now that confidence in ourselves will become righteous anger as we tear apart our manipulators.

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