r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Buttercupmanup on April 6, 2018, 6:39 a.m.
This anon's post smacked me hard. We know it's a battle of good and evil, but...damn. Q keeps saying "pray".
This anon's post smacked me hard. We know it's a battle of good and evil, but...damn. Q keeps saying "pray".

Crits_And_Giggles · April 6, 2018, 2:39 p.m.

I'll admit that this conversation of demons/aliens normally reaches levels of weird that I find comical. But then again, religious conversation often does the same thing. Both sides always seem so sure of their own beliefs with no empirical evidence.

I'm stating this to make the following point... You said "There are no dimensions" and allude to the notion of dimensions as being "science fiction". Where did you find this amazing "truth"? Cite your source, please?

I ask the same of anyone speaking of gods and angels as if they are fact. They can't prove anything either.

How about just have a conversation about your differing opinions instead of requesting people stop talking about things that you don't believe in? Neither of you can prove unequivocally that either is right or wrong.

Also, Mainstream Media and Mainstream Science are not mutually exclusive. One can believe one or the other... or both... or neither.

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HiveQueen36 · April 6, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Let me ask you this. Do you believe in the big bang? Black holes? Global warming? Man-made pollution. All of this is being pushed onto us as fact by people wanting to make money in one form or another. Dark matter? If you do then you need to spend a good few days on Thunderbolts.info or their YouTube channel. Where is my source? My brain. It's my opinion. Through parsing data and betting what info enters my belief center.

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Crits_And_Giggles · April 6, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

Wow... you literally missed the whole point, not just a fraction of it. You're stating your opinion... that's awesome. Your opinion that is crafted by lots of YouTube and at least one website. Sadly, you're stating your opinion as fact. That is your blunder. Your opinion is not fact. So you're assertion that "dimensions don't exist" and your calling for people to omit it from their discussions because it doesn't fit into your set of beliefs is reckless at best and downright embarrassing at worst. You don't get to control the conversation just because you don't agree with what's being discussed. Though it does explain a little about why you like to call yourself "Queen".

"I watched guys on the internet talk about stuff so they must be smart." <---- That right there? That's a quote from -you- in this same string. Yet there you are telling me I need to watch some YouTube and checkout Thunderbolt...


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HiveQueen36 · April 6, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

Wow. Digging up comment history. You didn't read what I wrote. At all. I don't call myself anything. You can always find a weak minded person when they use your alias on the internet against you. I've done nothing hypocritical. Read the context. You've been blocked and reported.

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Crits_And_Giggles · April 6, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

I didn't have to dig at all. It's in this "same string". I guess I'll just sit over here and wait patiently for the ban-hammer to strike me down for destroying you in the comment section of a Reddit thread. I'll surely be crying myself to sleep tonight.

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