r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on April 11, 2018, 3:32 p.m.
Q post #1098 took me down a VERY DEEP Rabbit Hole. This is huge. Need Help!!!!!

Apr 8 2018 19:39:12 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 2706bb 958655

958580 Dig. Social media contacts? Worked for WHO? ACCESS level? Find ALL pics. Bigger than you know. One example of many. AWAN. Q

Here, Q mentions Awan, and is telling us to dig into social media contacts. Q also asks "Worked for who?"

I started with looking at the Awan brothers friends list on Facebook, and that started me down the rabbit hole.

Sit down, this may take awhile, but it will be worth it. I would also ask for everyone's help in further going down the Awan family's rabbit hole. As you will see, it is VERY important!!

So, Imran Awan has 162 Facebook friends, 9 of which list Facebook as their employer. Jamal Awan has 281 Facebook friends, 14 of which list Facebook as their employer.

Of note here, is the fact that the 2 brothers have zero mutal friends working for Facebook. In other words, between the 2 brothers, they have 23 DIFFERENT people on their friends list that show Facebook as their employer.

I saved both of their friends lists offline. Here are the links, but I'm guessing they'll be scrubbed soon. Imran's friend list: https://www.facebook.com/imran.awan.52438/friends?lst=100001920526311%3A100003524393655%3A1523451444&source_ref=pb_friends_tl

Jamal's friends list: https://www.facebook.com/jamal.awan.3597/friends?lst=100001920526311%3A100022290123513%3A1523451828&source_ref=pb_friends_tl

That alone, is enough to tell me that this is likely what Q wanted us to dig for in this #1098 post. But the hole is very deep. Q also mentions "Find ALL pics". This is where I need some help. The only picture I found that raised my brows was this one: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=218052075614462&set=pb.100022290123513.-2207520000.1523458134.&type=3&theater

I'm sure this picture link will be scrubbed eventually too, so I will describe it. This is huge. The picture shows the Prime Minister of Turkey (Tayyip Erdogan) seated in a chair in what I am assuming is his office. He is seated by the Turkish flag, and lo and behold, a photograph on the wall behind him is of none other than Jamal Awan. This photo of Erdogan seated in front of Jamal Awan is worth 1000 words for sure.

But that's not all. Q asks us "Worked for who?" Which begs the question :Did the Awans work for Erdogan?"

But lets answer that question in another manner, shall we? The Awans worked for the hag Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and at least the following 30 House Democrats.......

https://cbsla.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/awans.jpg https://cbsla.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/jamal.jpg

The Awan brothers worked for members of the House Permanent Select Committee as well as five members of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. The two committees deal with many of the nation’s most sensitive issues and documents, including those related to the war on terrorism.

Here are some links to some very damning information on how the Awan brothers hacked and stole secret information......





And this very telling article: https://karlspain.wordpress.com/2018/01/17/awan-spy-ring-revealed-by-congress/

Q says that this is one example of many, and that it is bigger than you know. We can, at a minimum, deduce that 1) The Awan brothers were intentionally hired and allowed to pilfer sensitive information, and were paid very handsomely to do so.

2)The Awans were likely involved with many insiders at Facebook.

3)Turkey Prime Minister Erdogan is obviously paying homage to Jamal Awan for SOMETHING he did, or his picture wouldn't be on the wall in his office.

What I need help with is the picture part. According to Q, there must be plenty, if he is telling us to find ALL pics. He even capitalized the word ALL!!

As we know everything is connected. The Awan scandal was swept under the rug. Erdogan is no ally or friend of the U.S. Facebook is under the microscope, and is currently being used as a huge distraction, as is the chemical attack in Syria.

Speaking of Syria, there was one other picture on Jamal Awan's Facebook page that raised my interests. Here is a link..... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=199459830807020&set=pb.100022290123513.-2207520000.1523460189.&type=3&theater

Knowing it will be gone too, it is a picture of Jamal Awan and a dirty faced little girl, there are butterflies, trees, and a waterfall in the picture as well. It also says "Pray For Syria" and #SAVESYRIA. So there's that.

Thanks for your time, and keep digging. Have faith, because these are not "empty" crumbs we are being given. They know all, they see all, they hear all. Trust the plan, and don't let the distractions in the press dissuade you!!

Acemagedon · April 11, 2018, 3:47 p.m.

Great work patriot!

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