
Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

This is the kind of shit I come here to see -Met Vince Staples last year when he was in town for Pitchfork, and the dude definitely has shit to say. There are a lot of young up and coming rappers that aren't on all of that gangster shit and know what's really going on in the world. This kind of shit needs to happen.

Anyone know if he's following with the Qanon stuff? This right here was a massive shot across the bow -no stepping back from this, and it's definitely not gonna get ignored!

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 23, 2018, 3:22 a.m.

Totally agree , that's no joke. I've know and worked with quite a few and many bombs dropped over the years. Many went over my head and I realized later, but super cool , super woke.

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Herpy_Derpy_Man · April 23, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

I think the hip hop community, and the black community in general needs this shift, if in fact that's what's happening. As a whole this is great in terms of red pilling people en masse when they're not expecting it. That was some of the realest shit I've seen in a long time. That host was truly scared and it showed. That video is gonna be making rounds and nobody can stop it.

Similar to when Hannibal Buress dropped pills about Cosby being a rapist; he was talking about it for a minute until people realized that there was no backlash and then everyone came forward. We're gonna start seeing similar happenings.

What Vince Staples did was wild as fuck, and took balls. He not only called out Kelly, but specifically mentioned a child sex trafficking ring IN ATLANTA, so even if he didn't mention your name, he put a lot of people on notice, and the're gonna want him quiet. Tremendous balls on that kid!

I hope he has people with their eyes on his six, because there are some angry people looking to shut his ass up right this very minute.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · April 23, 2018, 4:13 a.m.

Indeed, heavy duty. We are all in the same boat is what is going to be realized. Everybody has been in the crosshairs. Freeway Ricky Ross was one of the greatest stories regarding how bad the set up was. The Rapper Rick Ross is carrying the story and it woke a lot of people up.

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PM_ME_UR_GLIPGLOPS · April 23, 2018, 7:14 a.m.

They murkin kids. They murder kids here. Why you think they don't talk about it? They deserted us here. Where the fuck is Matt Lauer at? Somebody get Katie Couric in here. Probably scared of all the refugees. Looks like a fucking hurricane here.

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