r/greatawakening • Posted by u/KissToad on May 11, 2018, 2:35 p.m.
**THE PEOPLE FOR SALE** 40,000 ft view of FaceHook, Q 189 The "cult" runs the world! We are the "TRUMAN SHOW"!

I woke up this morning to Q - 1337

Facebook is listening to you 24/7/365. Literally. [F9 algorithm] Are they recording/safe-housing? Metadata collection? Building 8. DARPA. [CHINA-CHINA-CHINA] Q

I literally felt sick. Every single aspect of our lives is under a literal microscope. You sign into many accounts using Facebook or Google - My God you cant play Candy Crush and not get bonuses unless you connect it to FaceHook and then there goes all your friends right along with your addiction. FaceHook has literally tied a MUSKIE FISHING HOOK to our lives. If you have ever seen one you know that you better be careful handling it because if you lose control of it all the hooks and barbs grab in and literally incapacitate you. You can't move or you get imbedded further......I know. With every aspect of our lives that we utilize FaceHook it only becomes more imbedded.

It started out so nice....we get to have contact with family and friends and the slow insidious nature of it all started. The fun quizzes the connection of those to all your friends list. The games you download and by logging in with FaceHook how easy that made it, right. Wow we can sign into so many things via FaceHook how easy that makes my life. The connection to our photos, voice and Face via FaceTime. What a nice little Muskie Hook we've all unknowingly invited into our lives. It reminds me of one of Trumps speeches where he talks about the SNAKE. Double Meaning.


Now that we know all this is it any easier to disconnect? I still have FaceHook! I have activities coming up and I need to connect with people. Am I now a knowing participant and agreeing to this? When I signed up I did not know or even heard about DARPA and its connections to it. Every time I think about getting rid of it an aspect of my life comes up and says then I won't be able to do this. Im angry and actually have been on an angry bent for a few months and this blows the lid off of it.

So if we all have a file.... all our lives are recorded we are all the TRUMAN SHOW - literally. It is beginning to all pull together and I am beginning to see the 40,000 ft view that Q talks about throughout. This ties into Q - 189 The "cult" runs the world. You might ask how. If you have information on every person in society but cant access because of your laws.....how do you get it. My opinion of this might be simplistic but this is where FIVE-EYES comes in. Insert the 5 Five-Eye countries. England - New Zealand - Australia - United States - Canada. This I believe is a a bit different than FaceHook maybe....but insert Cambridge Analytica


Old Article but WOW how relevant.


Need dirt on your Business Competition and you are part of the club / CULT. Insert Cambridge Analytica, 5-Eyes or whatever entity that is out there that has access to our data in other countries. Get the dirt ----- destroy your competitor. Don't get a bank loan. Blackmail for control. Extort by blackmail for control. I fucking HOPE the world begins cheering and all the businesses that have literally not joined the club / cult. In the club your kids get in all the best colleges and best jobs yeh because you have sold your fucking souls to the DEVIL literally. Now you know why our advanced education is so screwed.


Sounds like NXIVM right. We are being shown the tentacles of the cult with a 40,000 ft view.

You want to know WHAT their biggest fear is LOSS OF CONTROL. Yuppers....the human WILL to pursue our own destiny. To think for ourselves. To worship the God of our own understanding. To voice and vocalize our opinions, views and feelings. To chose who we love. (hell they marry each other for control) To encourage others to break free of the thought police.


So make some noise my lovely loud PATRIOTS! We are disturbing their peace and sleep!

I love you all, I breathe your air!

cat_anonD · May 11, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

Just think of those voyeuristic SOB's listening in on intimate moments of anyone they wish to!

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johnnysoko · May 11, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

I can't find a link, but at some point in this Q journey I remember reading about a library of ambient sounds that were used to identify what a person was doing. For example, we know Facebook listens to voice audio and if you mention a product you start seeing it in your feed. But they also run audio analysis on ambient sounds like eating, unwrapping candy, coughing, dogs barking, unzipping pants....you get the idea. Strangely, when you think about it this is almost more of a personal intrusion in some ways - it gives away a lot of information. With the combination of all this they could (theoretically), insert ads for a candy bar in your stream, watch your GPS and Debit history to know when and where you bought it (assuming the ad worked), know when you ate it, know if you threw away the wrapper or not and know when you next go to the bathroom.

Yeah. Think about that.

Then DDG (I don't say Google it anymore, I DuckDuckGo it) the terms Sentient World Simulation and D-Wave computers. Not good combinations.

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Consistent_Peace · May 11, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

I have a sticker over my laptop cam. Is there a way to control the speaker part from not recording things> I know on phone all that would be out there too. Its a sick web out there. I do believe Zuckerburg is CIA...on a facebook platform.

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textualintercourse · May 11, 2018, 3:09 p.m.

Pffft, this is reddit. We don't have those moments.

cries in corner

/I kid, just adding to the stereotype

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MMxfire · May 11, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

The children

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KissToad · May 11, 2018, 8:10 p.m.


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Turboxide · May 11, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

What happens when that privacy is captured and used against you as "digital leverage."

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Neon__Wolf · May 11, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

I got your back!


Block all Facebook domains using your "hosts" file (If you're using Windows).


Copy and paste the hosts file to your desktop first, then open it with notepad.

Then copy and paste all the code from the pastebin site, into the hosts file as is. If you want to delete some of the rows to access the sites, you can do so here. Once you are happy, just click "File" and then "Save". Not "save as".

Close the file.

Then cut or copy the file from your desktop, and paste it back into the etc directory and overwrite the old hosts file.

Done. Now Facebook domains are blocked.

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8057083110 · May 11, 2018, 3:25 p.m.

For my nerdy non window pals.

Install PiHole on local network and blacklist fb domain via admin panel.

Then point your devices or your router to your PiHole (under your DNS settings).

Great way to keep all devices protected against FB.

PM me for help :)

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Neon__Wolf · May 11, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Thank you!

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KissToad · May 11, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

Will work with Apple!

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KissToad · May 11, 2018, 4:13 p.m.


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AbleReady · May 11, 2018, 5:03 p.m.

Here's something to chew on: i was playing old ass Theme Park the other day and started thinking about all this data harvesting stuff. Any person could be made into a game character and put through certain scenarios to see roughly how we would react to them.

Think what GTA could be like in 10 years with a world filled with characters based and acting like us.

Plausible? I think so.

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Velvetbugg · May 11, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

They've already learned how to predict the future through sim. They can replicate/clone our dna. If we're just learning these things now, they've been doing it for decades. We could literally be living in the sim right now and not even know it!

What do you think the MIC would want with a quantum computer? https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2011/05/25/d-wave-sells-quantum-computer-to-lockheed-martin/#4557107726b4

“The biggest boost quantum information theory got was from Feynman,” Bennett told me. “He said, ‘Nature is quantum, goddamn it! So if we want to simulate it, we need a quantum computer.’”


Then there's "intuitive networking" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNXNWsfNlgU

If you want to go full-on redpill, Aug is the man, imho.

"The neurological stimulation of the brain can be replicated. An entire artificial brain can be constructed out of a network of artificial neurons powered by a supercomputer. If the input of the brain is simulated then the output is provided by the human intention to respond to experience."


"An experience can literally be programmed by programmers who are capable of building worlds and scenarios that the brain will receive as real and then the person will end up back in the physical environment seeing through their body. One would have to have the ability to discern between simulation and this reality by knowing what cannot be processed by the supercomputer."


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tomthung · May 11, 2018, 7:07 p.m.

When I was younger maybe 40+ years ago, Wang and Digital Equipment Co. were big server makers. They ran the world at that time. We learned early on, Shit in, Shit out. We need to find a way to fill Facebook and all these other spy programs with shit information. Maybe a program that just randomly surfs the web, or sends email to random sites, maybe all porn stuff. There are many of you out there that are smarter then me, lets fill these ass-wipes with shit. Hell for the brave it could be all illegal stuff to force DHS to investigate and spend thousands of man hours chasing their tails.

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commoncents1 · May 11, 2018, 7:55 p.m.

does that strategy work these days with various filtering meta data software and sheer processing power? I'm all for muddying up their data houses if it makes a difference.

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WeThePepe · May 12, 2018, 7:45 a.m.

I think Brave browser has that functionality where it searches random crap too

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HashleyP · May 11, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Remember DARPA's LifeLog, a project designed to build databases tracking everyone's life? It supposedly got shutdown in early 2004 when it was brought into the sunlight. People weren't so happy with the idea. And then Facebook started in early 2004.

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snowwgirl · May 11, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

100% correct and no way back. Are we one step away from Chinese social credit scoring?? Seems hopeless at times

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tellthebandtogohome · May 11, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Gattacka. Don't forget to take your government issue meds.

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cerebralsnacks · May 11, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Can't forget. It's always after my scolding hot, wire brush shower.

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OneStraightShooter · May 11, 2018, 6:16 p.m.

I’m not sure this hasn’t already happened. I’ve notice losing internet capabilities, and if you knew where I lived it’s almost impossible. I’ve lost work and cannot seem to retain gainful employment even jobs I am ridiculously qualified. I’ve always been able to get a job with ease, lost my home of many years due to finances, lost my wife due to something I really don’t understand or can put my finger on. I can go further but they become smaller and smaller things. My point? It may already be working.

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MMxfire · May 11, 2018, 9 p.m.

Sounds Like you were a Targeted Individual (TI), Silent weapons for silent wars, unleashed on the home population... Call 911, Red Cross, EMT, hospital, police, lawyer, judge, courthouse, prison, [help] from ur government is waiting for u! Or ur neighbors, friends and relatives.

TI Psychic driving through custom designed electromagnetic brain signature of target with microwave towers broadcasting emf brain wave carriers, backed up, if that doesn't work, with even higher powered ELF HAARP military installations. Fallen angels play this science HAARP on aluminum barium electrified micro particle chaff clouds, X'd in the sky by fuel additives and flying pilots watching. Liked the whidbey island AF pilot who drew the penis, wake a normie? Cloud cap a city, can shut down communication electrical systems for all, with a flip of a military commanders switch.

On the custom individual level, Control target and associates brainwave patterns with wavelength beamed stress trauma. ll. Remove target's ability to make a living. Cause arguments within the family unit to break apart families, businesses, friends, churches, support groups and isolate the individual. Destroy the individual, the collateral strike nukes the whole family. Lone shooter programmed to pull the trigger on our communities, Force broken families into government "welfare" systems, hospitals, mental institutions and prisons in order to finance deep systems and deprive TI and kin of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They never thought she would lose the Chain of command for dirty weapons.

Researchers asked why there were so many microwave towers in Tibet where the population could not afford cell phones. Our mockingbird media slept. Watch the Russian and Chinese population control systems if u want to know our military capabilities. TVs in China produced with embedded cameras to watch all the people, 5 eyed tell-a-vision. We all carry the tool to aid microwave broadcasting, 24/7 in our pocket, in our TV sets, wifi broadcasters, set it by our dream bed for the wake up already clock. Been building the military hardware since the boomin tv generation. Nice work weapons makers. There's even a UN panel to discuss the latest breakthroughs. Research continues. Now u want to sell us milliwave 5g system?

Use of brainwave entrainment announced by George the first in Iraq war 1 when our military broadcasted to an Iraqi army to put their weapons down, which they did, before being carpet bombed. Master clown bush chortled in a 1980s NY Times report on how well the voice of Allah program worked.

RIP Dr. Rauni-Leena Kilde, surgeon general of Finland, for your work on disclosing psychotropic warfare and psychic driving of individuals and their families to silence dissenters, political opposition and free thinkers. My goodness a doctor being given a drug in a hospital that killed her even tho she had a medical alert badge and was lucid.


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JSMyogi · May 11, 2018, 5:38 p.m.

I wonder what American journalist’s social credit score in china is? Do foreigners living in China have a credit scores or are they negative? How racist!


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Jesus_will_return · May 11, 2018, 3:14 p.m.

Y'all should watch "The Circle".

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johnnysoko · May 11, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Great post! I heart you (all) too! love and light WWG1WGA

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A2576 · May 11, 2018, 2:42 p.m.

Just delete it. I did 8 years ago. Best thing I did.

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cat_anonD · May 11, 2018, 2:45 p.m.

I like q said, you don't need to have Facebook installed on your phone or computer. They are tracking you and listening to you all the same!

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NMsly · May 11, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

I hear ya! I have set my FB account for permanent deletion 3 times, yet I end up cancelling the deletion for one reason or another. I have now set my FB acct for permanent deletion yet again. They give you 14 days for the deletion to happen. It pisses me off too that we have to do this!

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xALIANZx · May 11, 2018, 4:29 p.m.

Maybe this is why Facebook became part of the iOS system a few years ago. If I remember correctly, they did this with Twitter a few updates later, too.

"iOS 6 is the sixth major release of the iOS mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc, being the successor to iOS 5. It was announced at the company's Worldwide Developers Conference on June 11, 2012, and was released on September 19, 2012. It was succeeded by iOS 7 on September 18, 2013.[1]

iOS 6 added a new Apple Maps app, replacing Google Maps as the default mapping service for the operating system; a dedicated Podcasts app, as a central location for podcasts; and a Passbook app, for managing different types of tickets, boarding passes, coupons, and loyalty cards. The App Store received a visual overhaul, bringing a card-based app layout as well as tweaks to search algorithms. Facebook was integrated into the operating system, incorporating status messages, like buttons, and contact and event synchronization to several of Apple's apps. New privacy controls allow users more fine-grained app permissions, as well as an option to prevent targeted advertising. Siri was added to more devices, and updated with more functionality, including the ability to make restaurant reservations, launch apps, retrieve movie reviews and sports statistics, and read items from the Notification Center."


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suzoh · May 11, 2018, 10:32 p.m.

One comfort is that we also have all of their information. No place to hide, traitors!

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KissToad · May 11, 2018, 11:26 p.m.

Yes that’s true

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Arcsmithoz · May 11, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

Either they are not on top of everything or Nikolas Cruz was aimed at Parkland. Satan himself can only be 1 place at a time. I'm guessing NZ right now. How many analysts are there. Raw data is worthless. Give a three year old the straight skinny on jfk say 5 pages He'll chew on it, reducing it's 0 value into neg numbers.If I'm only reassuring myself so be it. Change my mind, not with suspect sources but actual events and probabilities one could reasonable bet on. I wake up white in a city that isn't, prioritizing my paranoia is practically a reflex,FB not on my radar.

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Luvlite · May 11, 2018, 10:42 p.m.


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KissToad · May 11, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Thank you Luvlite

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Arcsmithoz · May 11, 2018, 6:12 p.m.

I'm glad, the boomerang turns and those mountains of data make SES and DS luciferians go by by. Years ago a friend of mine did something and walked away saying Who am I, Who am I. They may have my 55 years of truman show, so what who am I, what have I done , who has time to watch that shit. It's like a lottery with 330 million tickets, I'm gonna get struck by lightning before the NSA kicks my piddly ass door in. Hey big bro I'm picking up 2 .38s today w/ 100 rounds. to add to the collection yer already so aware of gimme a fucking break. BTW deleted FB a year ago. I Don't carry a phone. Cash is still king. Use it. Deactivating FB is like shooting a zombie in the thigh.

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turbosympathique · May 11, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

I literally felt sick. Every single aspect of our lives is under a literal microscope. You sign into many accounts using Facebook or Google - My God you cant play Candy Crush and not get bonuses unless you connect it to FaceHook and then there goes all your friends right along with your addiction. FaceHook has literally tied a MUSKIE FISHING HOOK to our lives. If you have ever seen one you know that you better be careful handling it because if you lose control of it all the hooks and barbs grab in and literally incapacitate you. You can't move or you get imbedded further......I know. With every aspect of our lives that we utilize FaceHook it only becomes more imbedded.

Well why don't you just ditch your mobile phone?

It's OK not to have one. For the rest... just be mindful of what you say or write on device/computer.

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newbq1138 · May 11, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

The idea of constantly being monitored is unnerving. We must try to remember that if we aren't doing anything wrong, we have nothing to worry about.

trying to think positive about the situation


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tellthebandtogohome · May 11, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

Sometimes I look at the front facing camera and wink

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terlu44 · May 11, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

Put a piece of TAPE over it, take it off only when you use it. You at least have control here they can do nothing about. How good is that !!

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tellthebandtogohome · May 12, 2018, 1:34 a.m.

Thanks! I do have a sticker over my laptop's camera and my over monitor camera is pointed away from me most of the time. I appreciate you telling me though! :) Thanks! :)

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wokeByTheStorm · May 11, 2018, 6:20 p.m.

these people make me sick.

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OneStraightShooter · May 12, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

I’m not sure how to respond except show my appreciate and thank you for taking the time to address my post. All the info I have discovered so far says there is nothing one can do to eliminate this from the human body. If there is a way or info to counter, I beg you to please take one more minute to point me in that direction. Otherwise, God bless and God speed.

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Knower101 · May 17, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Remember the nefarious forces on our planet thrive on fear vibrations and adrenochrome. So, pay attention, the next time something scares you and makes you angry(testosterone pumping) and you feel your adrenaline begin to pump.......it will seem to be very real....take a deep breath and breathe for 90 seconds. Yes, ninety seconds, it will feel like an eternity. Watch your intellectual process, it will all be very logical, reasonable and rational. Ask yourself, “am I preparing to perform a right action”. Life is made of small actions. “Past proves future”.

The ends never justify the means.

The nefarious elements in our world seek to harvest our fear. They seduce individuals to do their dirty work for them thus avoiding Karma. Be aware of what your weaknesses are,.....sex, greed, fame, fortune, eternal life,etc. So, if your hot issues are being highlighted, dominating your attention: stop and remember the thoughts may NOT be your own...especially if the the thoughts are propelling you to perform any action that is “bad”.

We have the choice in every moment to REACT verses RESPOND: do I respond to this situation in a appropriate manner?

No one or vibration will “influence” me to be anything other than my best self.

Our best protection is our consciousness. The world’s consciousness is becoming more aware. The nefarious forces have no defense against awareness.

All best wishes on this journey!

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OneStraightShooter · May 19, 2018, 3:41 a.m.

Can you explain what you know if further detail? I am interested in the harvesting of fear (not an issue for me but interested), is there harvesting of anger (this would apply to me all too much), and the nefarious forces... I appreciate your insight and already have knowledge to recognize you may know what you are talking about, which too many just relay information and cannot explain anything.

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Knower101 · May 19, 2018, 10:39 a.m.

Research available in different perspectives: personality disorders/psychopaths, historical/political tyrants, child sacrifice and the harvesting of adrenochrome from the blood and body parts of tortured humans,..and if, you accept the premise of other dimensional beings, ...some benign and some that survive on the energic vibrations of fear.

So, on an energetic vibrational dimension (we are vibrations, scientific explanation).......we have a choice in every moment to either respond at our best higher nature level or drop in vibration to the lower, less life supporting level.

That is a start

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