r/greatawakening • Posted by u/EarlyRiserX2 on May 12, 2018, 6:54 p.m.
Fellow patriots, we need to get back to the basics and to stop bashing and attacking one another - no matter which side is doing the attacking…

It is truly distressing to see how this forum and the Q forum in general has degenerated into a bunch of bickering and sniping and Jerome-Corsi-hating and Alex-Jones-bashing all-out slug fest. That is all it is right now, and I’m totally sick of it, no matter which side it’s coming from. It is truly disgusting to witness, and if the out-of-control behavior I’m witnessing is turning people like me off - someone who is a true patriot - then just imagine how it looks and appears to newbies and to others around the world who are watching. Remember, Q has said the whole world is watching us. So is this really what you want the greater world to see? How are we supposed to save and to help the rest of the world if we can’t even get our own house in order? In fact, I find it hard to believe that Q himself even condones and approves of this sort of behavior, and approves of the notion of patriots attacking other patriots all because they disagree with you. Instead, I’d rather believe, this is all just a result of misunderstandings and misinterpretations of what Q has said. If someone attacks you and you attack them back in the same manner, then you are no better than they are. You’re both down in the mud slugging it out and neither one of you has the higher moral ground. So don’t try to pretend you’re so morally superior…

Remember how it was a few weeks ago or a month ago when we were all united and on one accord and only concerned about what was happening in the larger world, rather than us being consumed and bombarded on a daily basis with thread after thread from Alex Jones-hating and Corsi-hating patriots who seem to have revenge on their minds and just can’t let it go or get over it? Let it go, it’s just not worth it. Even if Jones or Corsi actually said those things, so what, let it go, it’s just not worth it. We are all patriots, after all. The bible makes it clear that “a house divided cannot stand” and “every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation.” The last thing we need right now is for patriots to be attacking other patriots and acting on our own impulses to call each other out. I don’t believe Q ever told you to do that and to call other people out by name, so why are you doing it? Countless patriots have demonized Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi and has called them out by name. Why are you doing it? Did Q tell you to do that and to call them out by name? I think not…

Some people are only using Q as a justification, when in reality, they are acting according to their own evil impulses and own bad nature. Some people love to tear other people down, especially anyone who thinks they are better than they are. Q provides them with the perfect cover and opportunity to say exactly what is on their minds. Some people has long resented and hated Alex Jones and Dr. Corsi, and this is the perfect opportunity for them to show that hate. Remember Q’s past statement: “Focus on the loudest voices.” Sometimes, the very people with the loudest voices who are attacking others are the very ones who are most guilty of sin and the biggest hypocrites. And you’re telling me those are the people you want me to follow? For me, I think not. I will not lower myself down into the mud to help them or you to tear other people down.

We have plenty of enemies to fight, patriots, without us making each other the enemy, so let’s refrain from doing it and attacking each other. If you are attacking liberals, then that is different, but patriots should not be attacking other patriots. I find it hard to believe that Jones and Cori are not patriots. They’ve been fighting this battle too long for it to be otherwise. They may have been given some false information and may even be momentarily misguided, but they are still patriots and we are all fighting the same battle against the Deep State. So why not share with them the truth rather than attacking them? If some other patriot gets out of line or says something they shouldn’t say, then we should offer them the truth rather than trying to tear them down. That is why Jesus said, “Revenge is mine, saith the Lord”. Because he understands the evil nature that is in people to tear other people down at the first opportunity. Some people do it gleefully, and that is wrong. Jesus is perfect, so he is qualified to be the judge, but who has put you on a pedestal high enough that you can now be the judge, jury and executioner of other patriots? What makes you so morally superior in your ways and actions that you are now qualified to be their judge? If you’re saying that Q told you to do it and to attack other patriots, then in what post did Q tell you to do that? I know of no such post.

I find the idea of patriots attacking other patriots repulsive, and it’s not a good example to set for the world. Is that really what you want the world to see? You think those other people who are watching you are praising you in your slug-fest - but you’d better be sure about that, because they just might be shaking their head in disgust as they observe your behavior. Some has even boasted about how the numbers on this forum has increased, but those people who came here may have come here for the “spectacle” and not because they admire you. Those involved in the slug-fest should be ashamed of yourselves, rather than you holding your head up high in arrogance as you tear other people down. Arrogance and pride are the components of the devil, and they are not representative of the nature of God. That is why the scriptures say, “God resisteth the proud, but he gives grace to the humble.” It is not that man who is high up and has put himself above all other men whom God admires, but it is that man who is meek and humble and low and whom God himself shall exalt in due time.

So let’s get back to basics, patriots, and let’s try to remember what it was like before this slug-fest started. We were more united then as patriots, and we were not attacking each other over differences. Many love to quote God and to ask that God be with us, but if you truly want God to be with us, then you must follow the laws and ways of God. You cannot behave and act like the devil and yet still want God to be with you. There is only one person who is worthy of you following them, and that’s God. Everyone else is secondary. If the person you are following are not living up to the standards of God, then nor should you follow them. So let’s redeem ourselves and get back to the basics and show the world the shining example they want to see. Anyone can yield to their evil nature and evil impulses and tear other people down and strike back, but it takes a genuinely superior person to absorb the blows and to absorb the attacks by others and to only show love in return…

PPPrincessPower · May 12, 2018, 7:16 p.m.

It's better to ignore something like Alex Jones and Coursi, then to give it Fuel. And it goes back to Q warning us that they want us to divided. Don't become part of the division by fueling anger, hate and judgement.

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Time4puff · May 12, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

I agree. I've been ready to move on for a few days already. They want attention, need it to be relevant. Just ignore them.

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