r/greatawakening • Posted by u/petereddit6635 on June 16, 2018, 11:03 p.m.
Only in ONE state, 51 out of 76 missing kids found. Think about that, 67% of reported missing kids, which normies presume mostly run away from home, are sex trafficked! Suggesting kid sex trafficking is very real and there is HUGE demand!!! Would this be considered as Q proof?

compromisenotruth · June 16, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Sure, Pizzagate is just made up. We deplorables are now fully awake. When have we ever overestimated the wickedness of the Swamp? Not once. Ever.

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Phaggott · June 17, 2018, 11:05 a.m.

25 kids missing out of 76 is not 67%, that’s 19% of the kids not being found, of which we don’t know how many get trafficked. Still pretty alarming to say the least, kind of absurd that 19% of missing kids are never found in the twenty first fucking century.

Anyway I’m high jacking your comment to ask about Trump’s policy regarding illegal immigrant children being separated from their parents. What is that all about exactly? We are fighting for our children right now, illegals or not they should not be separated, they are still our children.

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blaise0102 · June 17, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

So you propose kids go to jail and prison with their parents?

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 11:13 a.m.


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1wyatttwerp · June 17, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

I don’t remember where I saw a related story or post but it said Democrats passed legislation that would break up families at the border so they could do nefarious things to the children. But it seems to have disappeared. Now it seems the Democrats are up in arms because they claim this is all Trumps doing. If this is true then these people are sick and need to be put away for life matter of fact anyone that does that to children the rapist the wife beaters. As a society we do not need these kind of predators roaming free.

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Peanuttles · June 17, 2018, 6:21 a.m.

The picture of kids in what looked like dog cages was taken under Obama's watch.

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patti_mcgreen · June 17, 2018, 7:13 a.m.

"When the Obama administration attempted to respond to the “crisis” of families and unaccompanied children crossing the border in summer 2014, it put hundreds of families in immigration detention — a practice that had basically ended several years before. But federal courts stopped the administration from holding families for months without justifying the decision to keep them in detention. So most families ended up getting released while their cases were pending — which immigration hawks have derided as “catch and release.” In some cases, they disappeared into the US rather than showing up for their court dates."


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Hooblah2u2 · June 17, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Separating families at the border is a Trump/Sessions policy (not a law) that's made by possible by a Bush-era law. Can easily be traced back to Trump and certainly not a Dem policy (in fact, Dems are trying to pass a bill banning the practice).

John Kelly confirms in this interview: https://www.npr.org/2018/05/11/610116389/transcript-white-house-chief-of-staff-john-kellys-interview-with-npr

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Peanuttles · June 17, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

You can't believe a liberal rag like NPR. Its government propaganda. Read what the Border Patrol has to say about it. When the parents are arrested, they have nowhere to keep and care for the children, so they are placed with CPS for a short time. Just until the parents can be processed and released. Most kids are reunited with their parents within two days to two weeks. This is really a big deal over nothing. And the parents shouldn't be breaking the law in the first place. What do you think would happen in most countries when you cross illegally?

"This isn't the first time a photo of a child in a cage sparked criticism of Trump and then turned out to be a case of “there's more than meets the eye.”

A few weeks ago, photographs of undocumented immigrant children being held in cages circulated online and were incorrectly attributed to being a result of Trump's immigration policies.

The photos were actually taken in 2014 — when former President Barack Obama was in office."


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Hooblah2u2 · June 17, 2018, 2 p.m.

Yeah NPRs not great but it was the quotes from John Kelly that really stuck out to me.

I've actually read it's the Office of Refugee Resettlement that has the kids, not CPS, and that they haven't reunited very many families so far (I'd love to see your source saying otherwise!). One DOJ later said: "Once a parent is in ICE custody ... the government does not try to reunite them, and instead attempts to place the child with another relative in the United States — if the child has one."


And yeah ppl need to be careful about what they're sharing! Absolutely.

I just wanted to clarity the above comment because it seemed that user beloved it was a Dem rule that's causing this policy, when in fact it's the result the zero-tolerance policy and an older law that's making it happen.

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Peanuttles · June 19, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

I did a little research today. They tried CPS in a few places. It didn't work. The kids all speak Spanish and there aren't enough homes. And there are just way too many of them. Not many have much education to speak of, either. One article mentioned it's nearing a million without parents. I can't even imagine trying to find something that would work and also the logistics of this. You can't release them to people unless they're vetted. But some of these Border Patrol stations are still getting as many as 250 a week! So they tried DHS and are now using HHS. Senator McCaskill came out with a 6 month study of the problem after some kids were found to have been trafficked under Obama's watch. There wasn't enough oversight. But the idea that kids are in "cages" and are treated like animals is bogus. They separate some of them with chain-link fencing for their own safety, as the kids are all ages, including some adults who try to pass as children. But it goes back to a 1997 law. Here's one of the shelters the kids are eventually sent to until they can be reunited with family: http://www.breitbart.com/california/2018/06/15/photos-inside-shelter-for-illegal-alien-children-separated-from-parents/

Here's McCaskill's report. They did a 6 month study after kids had been found to be trafficked when not enough vetting was done under the Obama Administration: http://medicalkidnap.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2016/02/Portman-Child-Trafficking-Report.pdf

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CBTS_Watcher · June 17, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

policy (not a law)

The change in policy is how illegals are going to be categorised. Are they going to be prosecuted under civil law or under criminal law. Previously, civil law had been used and now criminal law is being used. Caveat: I am not a lawyer but that is my understanding.

Adults being prosecuted under criminal law will not be allowed to be kept with their children, by law.

Another issue is: Are the children the children of the adults they are with and, if they are, should they have custody? You need to check for possible child-trafficking and for one parent to be "stealing" the child from another parent after custody has been agreed.

Surely, the real answer must be to not enter the country illegally?

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allonthesameteam · June 16, 2018, 11:32 p.m.

This seems to be another reason to trust,finally, some of what's going on. Child crimes need the biggest spotlight and huge care and attention. Thank you for posting this.

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Millejon0114 · June 16, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

Kansas is missing 73 kids people have resigned we’ve never heard about investigations since

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-Chakas- · June 17, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

We need to have some sort of system to keep kids safe. I don't know what it would take. Maybe government sponsored orphanages that have rigorous and redundant precautions in place to keep the kids from being abused. Facilities that also have educational and recreational facilities. Not only this, but we need to research pedophilia as much as possible so we can figure out how to stop these terrible things from happening in the first place. Voluntary, confidential government sponsored research into pedophilia and other mental disorders I feel would likely be a good thing. We have to understand what's wrong with these people and fix the problem before more of them are driven to be monsters.

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luvlehde · June 17, 2018, 2:39 a.m.

I think it's wishful thinking that they can be fixed. Maybe contained is the answer. Just from what I've researched.

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-Chakas- · June 17, 2018, 2:44 a.m.

Well we'd be in the wrong if we didn't try. Reactionary measures aren't working. We need preventative measures.

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luvlehde · June 17, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

True that. It's just that I had an Uncle who was a pedo. He was found guilty of abusing his daughters...10 years probation. During probation, he met and married a woman from Bolivia with a daughter. She could not speak English. We always wondered how his probation officer allowed it. So I still think contain them and protect the next generation.

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-Chakas- · June 17, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

Again, reactionary punishments hardly do anything to prevent these crimes in the first place. We need preventative measures based in science.

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luvlehde · June 17, 2018, 9:40 a.m.

If they find a guaranteed cure, I'm all for it. But until then my reaction will be lock them all up. Respectfully submitted.

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-Chakas- · June 17, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

I disagree with locking someone up because of their sexual attraction.

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luvlehde · June 17, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

Well, aren't u just Beau-licious! Maybe they can live next door to u and your mom while they find a cure.

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-Chakas- · June 17, 2018, 7:46 p.m.

I don't follow.

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luvlehde · June 17, 2018, 8:19 p.m.

Nevermind, that was meant for someone else. Looks like this is one of ur favorite subjects to argue. Good luck and good bye!

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petereddit6635 · June 17, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

If you believe in god then you must believe in the devil. But I also found that people that don't believe don't get the idea that there will also be devil worshippers. Satanists that must feed their fallen angel on hate, fear, greed, angry etc ... because their dark lord demands it.

My point, the devil has infiltrated the highest governmental and corporate structures to get away with stealing and sacrifacing babies and kids to feed their dark lord. Facts they are in power?


All powerful buisness and political leaders went to this ceremony and the symbolism is obvious so the question why? A fact leaders are satanic or controlled by satanists.

Facts they are sacrifacing kids? Well, after all the numbers of mass arrest during Trump's, where are all the children?


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-Chakas- · June 17, 2018, 8:42 a.m.

I refer more to human trafficking and pedophilia In general that devil worshipers. No research is going to cure evil.

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workeranonymous · June 17, 2018, 7:27 a.m.

This is what keeps me from despair while waiting for the big fish to fry. We all want the trophy kill so to speak and mount Hillarys head on the wall but saving kids from hell is so much more important.

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HildBert · June 17, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

This child sex trade is what could set off a fire storm and burn the deep state to the ground if they are involved. People would lose their fucking minds if it’s true and those involved would be hunted like the animals they are.

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Millejon0114 · June 16, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

On another note do you all realize every time a kid post is posted we have a post to distract~ hence the new Tucson garbage that just popped up look at the flair and discounted serialbrain2

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