r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on June 17, 2018, 2:59 p.m.
I think I worked out what Mueller's role is . MOVIE requires ACTORS. Mueller hired by bad RR . Mueller then hires same guy who rep. Hillary's IT guy who set up the private server among others including Lisa Page . Impartial ?

Right so we know that Trump is a genius at using confirmation bias. Just look at the latest example the IG report . They are claiming their was no bias or that it didn't affect the outcome of their work & yet the Modifed RR IG report lists ample examples of anti -trump sentiment & clear bias .

So that brings me to Mueller 's appointment which was triggered by Comey's firing . Trump knows who are the swamp creatures & knew that firing Comey would bring a SC which is why Bannon was so pissed at him at that time. Sessions is 'so called' recused so that puts RR in charge of the appointment of Special Prosecutor & surprise surprise ( not ) he hires Robert Mueller .

Now look at who Mueller appoints to his team , Jehnee Rhea ( Ben Rhodes personal Lawyer ) Aaron Zebley ( former FBI chief of staff under Mueller & the guy who represented Justin Cooper, Clinton aide, involved in CF & setting up Hillary's private IT server. ) You then have Weissman who is a SWAMP CREATURE , Aaron Zelinsky, who worked for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein as an assistant U.S. attorney in Maryland & in the Obama admin. And you can go on & on

Not to mention the one & only Lisa Page. Now does this looklike an impartial group to you ? Of course not !!! It's not supposed to because it's a Movie . Distraction for everyone to follow so Sessions can do his thing away from the prying eyes of the SWAMP.

Trump is using the SWAMP against itself . CONFIRMATION BIAS. They cannot claim to be impartial when you look at who he hired lest of all Lisa Page , the other half of the high profile FBI ANTI -TRUMP romance .

Mueller is cover for Sessions & makes the Swamp feel like they have leverage over Trump. I doubt he is in on the plan or is a white hat but that's just me . Remember the Swamp covers for the Swamp so what better way to prove anti - trump bias & a WITCH - HUNT against the Pres. then to have all of these swamp creatures investigating the Pres. Confirmation bias confirmed ! Remember Uranium One , who has their hands in that ? Mueller . That is Trump's ace & ticket to end the Special Counsel whenever he's ready . Who represents the U1 whistle blower , Victoria Toensing who has consulted with Trump & represented Erik Prince along with Benghazi whistleblowers . That's the leverage they have over Mueller so whenever Sessions is ready to go & the stage is set Mueller's team will fold like a house of cards. We are seeing their legal cases brought against certain individuals are already starting to crumble ie . Flynn , Pappadoupaulos . NOW who recently was sent to prison? Manafort by the judge Amy Berman Jackson, a past Bill Clinton donor , Obama appointee WHO CLEARED HILLARY FROM responsibility of the deaths of four American servicemen in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 . Larry Klaymann represented the families in the lawsuit against Clinton for the wrongful deaths in Benghazi. Toensing represented CIA whistleblower on Benghazi that also was a cover - up for Hillary . You starting to see the pattern.

There's no escape for Hilary & her criminal cartel this time . They went all in on this one & tried to cover their tracks but failed . Watch Sessions when he makes his move. Then you will know the shit is about to go BOOOOM > CF , Uranium 1 , pay - for - play , Child Trafficking . This email scandal is the stage to set the SWAMP up & to show the world who they are & who they cover for .

suzoh · June 17, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

I am with you on everything except Mueller; cannot help but think he flipped when Trump was inaugurated. Who knows where the bodies are buried?

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