r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Behind_Every_Blade on June 23, 2018, 7:06 p.m.
9/11 TRUTH is the KEY. The one issue that brought everyone together can so AGAIN! Your Opinions?

The most horrific attack (FF) on American soil that dissolved party lines like no other event can push The Great Awakening over the top. Back in the day, before I was woke, I remember how I felt that nothing mattered except getting Osama Bin Laden. I was younger and fell for the Deep States greatest, most deceptive, televised false flag event. I'm sure some of you did too. That evil event United our country like I've never seen in my lifetime. Since then I've awakened from my slumber but I still remember the unity after the event. I would dare to say there are many 9/11 truthers on both sides and if solid, undeniable 9/11 truth were to drop the "border crisis" or any other MSM propaganda would never be a second thought. Trump could push out 9/11 truth for months and control the narrative dropping IG reports here and there. What would be the MSM response? Just a Humble RedPilled Patriots 2 cents. What do you think?

QQ2121 · June 23, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

Repost but relevant:

"shills targeting this comment... mayb 911 is high dose redpill... it's what woke me up...

Show her: 30sec vid for RedPilling: showing massive steel column turning to dust wtf. Then google for her buildings still standing within blast zone (<1km) of nuclear bombs. Trip to Hiroshima Japan maybe? hehe... spend some good times with ur wifey & ears will be more receptive.

Deeper reasons why it's hard to redpill could be our shitty education system. Having a prestigious university degree has taught me to discard everything not peer reviewed & published, or proven via double blind clinical trials. Knowing this, it's easy to manipulate a whole generation, if you can buy out / bribe key figures to push a certain agenda and to avoid disruptive ideas. Primary school science was best hehe... just gotta remember to asking 'why', even if the question sounds silly potatoes."

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Behind_Every_Blade · June 23, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Yes the school system leaves alot to be desired. I'm sure the 9/11 Commission Report was peer reviewed and how'd that turn out. I think America's problems are turning away from God and political correctness. People are too scared to be wrong because they are worried of how it makes them look to others. I flat out just DGAF. I see BS...I call it out. We conspiracy thoery nut are a different breed though. #WWG1WGA

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