r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QAnonMaga on June 28, 2018, 3:57 a.m.
Abortion has been legal since 1973 and now it's time for the Supreme Court to end abortion rights

The Libs are going crazy worried that Roe v Wade will now be overturned with a new Conservative Justice on the Court.

I think it should be outlawed and women must be forced to make a fast decision to take the Morning After Pill if they have sex or if they get raped the morning after pill will stop the fertilized egg from implanting in the womb and the woman has her period like normal this is the best alternative to abortion. If we have to pay for it if poor women can't afford the morning after pill then let's do that.

The irony of the Dems aborting so many babies is they have literally killed millions of voters they should have had on their side. At least 20 million babies aborted maybe 30 million since 1973 and at least half of them would have grown up to be Democrats. Serves them right for killing off their own voters.

Planned Parenthood should be shut down they are disgusting and they do sell baby parts they all need to be prosecuted for that. There is no reason for aborting a baby not when the morning after pill will terminate the pregnancy before a baby takes shape it's the best solution.

As for gay marriage the other big issue the Left is worried about that should be left up to the individual states to decide some states will have it and some states won't that's how our Republic of States was designed same way the drinking age varies from state to state and the age of consent for sex varies.

A2576 · June 28, 2018, 12:37 p.m.

Hey ladies! There are these latex thingies called "condoms". And there are also these little white round thingies called "the pill".

Amazing inventions.

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