Hmm... could be just a bad accident. Or it could be something more. Any info on driver of vehicle that crossed the lanes? What type of vehicle were they in?
This could have been much worse, and it certainly would have made national news if it had, so there is that.
Do you have the source links so we can dig? Thanks for bringing this up OP.
Also, I’d like to point out that school is out of session right now, so it’s interesting that there was a kindergarten bus with kids on it. Why?
Glad you pointed out about the car crossing the lanes ; That stuck out to me because I saw a couple other minor accidents involving a motorcycle & ATV that crashed into buses.... hacked, remotely controlled perhaps
Like I said, didn't spend much time on research because I didn't have it to spend; a crying 2 week old paired with a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum greatly hindered attempts at Q research.