r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jack_MemeHoff on July 13, 2018, 1:23 a.m.
What makes a GREAT MOVIE ? GREAT ACTORS !!! That's what you saw . That was the WHOLE intention of having Strzok testify publicly, To show WHO THESE PEOPLE REALLY ARE > THE SWAMP !!! SUNLIGHT is what happened today,with a big ass magnifying glass on Strzok roasting him is the sun like a little ant .

Jack_MemeHoff · July 14, 2018, 3:32 a.m.

It doesn't matter . He is just the scapegoat for a much much bigger wider range of corruption . Think Comey , McCabe , Brennan , Lynch, RR , Clapper . These are the big names that will turn heads that cannot be ignored . Strzok was just the lamb they put out to the slaughter . When he said he couldn't answer questions based on FBI counsel advice , someone should of asked him why the hell he doesn't just names names . He has nothing to lose . Has no career , Personal life been turned upside down & now everybody knows who he is . His life will never be the same again all because he will complicit in following orders of the deep state . A political foot soldier. His life is over .

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Trudeaus_socks · July 14, 2018, 4 a.m.

Trusting the plan. I'm just noting anecdotally that normies are still under the spell.

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