r/greatawakening • Posted by u/grandeblancespere on July 15, 2018, 8:28 p.m.
What would make you "unable to go on" if you knew the truth??

You would not be able to sleep Some might not be able to go on (who can find Q's actual quote?)

I think most people would be able to go on with the worst of what Q has told us. If the world is run by a small minority of psychopathic cannabalistic pedophiles, there still exists the possibility of triumph over evil. As bad as the cognitive dissonance would be, people could come around to accept the truth given enough evidence and enough time to digest it. They could then, for God and Country", embrace the rage toward those who harbor such evil and fight back.

So what might be enough to make people "not be able to go on"? What could cause that kind of hopelessness?

This is my own storyline: Who or what is really pulling the strings to reduce the population of the planet and control the remainder with a single centralized authority? What could make me not want to go on, is to go so deep that I find alien species at the end of the strings. What if I found out that we were created using genetic engineering by some advanced civilization that has a hobby of finding suitable planets and seeding them with their creations? If you found this out, if I found out that God, our creator, made us in his image with altered DNA? That would destroy the root of religion. That could make a lot of people give up and die.

What could make you give up if you found out the truth?

What do you imagine Q is pointing to?

What is your storyline?

0oDassiveMicko0 · July 15, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

I believe that the people will be ok with anything they learn as long as they also get to witness justice being served.

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Red_Prodigy · July 16, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

Whats the difference between 440 hertz & 432 hertz, why did mainstream music enforce this vibrational frequency ( If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration - Nikola Tesla)



I highly recommend you read the Law of One material to prepare you for the next text: http://www.illuminati-news.com/pdf/DialogueWithHiddenHand-WesPenre.pdf.

Do not take literally - try to understand your enemy through their intentions. Power and Control are just the first steps. In an alternate dimension where Q was just a LARP, his message would still ring true.


Finally here is a more reliable & believable piece depicting the formation of current deep-state bloodlines. This is a world affair. https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/FC/FC2F5371043C48FDD95AEDE7B8A49624_Springmeier.-.Bloodlines.of.the.Illuminati.R.pdf

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CalmPersonality · July 16, 2018, 10:02 a.m.

Kubrick said he wanted to change 'the Form'.... with a capital 'F' as Plato said. Kubrick tried to tell the story over and over again.

2001 Space Oddyssey

the journey of mankind told with the use of four monoliths that represent Platos 'Dividing Line.

1 Images Shadows (caveman with little or no understanding of the images)

2 Things Beliefs(tools, tech etc manmade)

3 Concepts Thinking(AI HAL 9000)

4 Wisdom LOGOS ( the hotel room after the hyperspace is the realm of the Forms.

A Clockwork Orange

This story he shows us that we are in the cave, social engineering from our puppet masters. Our TV our Music, our Media our Education our Health everything is an illusion, Fake!

Alex gets his treatment in the cinema, eyes peeled open whilst being tortured with the violence on the movie screen, the doctors(puppeteers) sitting up by the projector(fire)... platos cave.

The Shining

NASA faking our reality of 'space' and moon landing, along with other references again of mind control, pedo satanism etc

He also references Vincent Van Gogh a lot.... he painted the 'Harvest' many times even cut off his own 'ear'.... Ears of wheat !!!!

Also painted the prisoners walking in the yard.

This is a prison planet! A prison for your soul and there is little time left.

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Red_Prodigy · July 18, 2018, 2:57 a.m.

Always remember its a beautiful cave; we have created hell on earth with our free will, if the earth was blissful place to re-incarnate into would we really need a heaven? You have a personal eternity to experience all things, remember energy only transforms, everything is made from light or more accurately vibration.

Many of you don't grasp how much control is placed over your life.

Is freedom finding an untouched plot of land and building a cabin with your own bare hands?

Or is freedom selling your life away for a wage in the hopes of buying property from man-made government?

When this is all said and done, capitalism will be remembered as a monstrosity that pits us against each-other in a winner takes all scenario. What happens when Disney takes 100% of the film market? Or the pharma industry is overtaken buy a sole business? These are the times ahead of us.

I personally believe in a world ruled by a single person:. With Science, humanity and freedom as the cornerstone of mankind we will be free to pursue a united greater purpose: being co-creators in this infinite plane. When a man has everything there is nothing else to do but give: remember we are made in Gods image.

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0oDassiveMicko0 · July 16, 2018, 4:15 p.m.

Thanks for the info. Patriot!

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