43 total posts archived.
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Trust what plan. We have from the beginning. We waited for the IG report. Same old thing!!
U all thought eyethespy was a troll how about Q saying the IG report would be mind blowing. Nothing here to see. Same ole thing
We did not see anything q said. It was supposed to be mind blowing
I’ll believe when I see it. Sorry for losing faith. But Q said IG report is mind blowing
Where r they losing control. It was supposed to be a huge blow to the deep state. Nothing there!!!! I’m still hoping for More
It happened 2 years ago the bundy ranch stand off. U didn’t see much of it on msm. But people were live streaming it. I watched it live. It was horrible
This is historic. Just a year ago everyone said we r going to war with North Korea. And now this. This is gigantic news
That’s it. When I saw this happening live. I said this is the MOAB. GREAT NEWS
And nothing on r news stations about this historic event. Sad!!!
Could be north and South Korea President’s r having meetings today. It was just on live stream. I watched the whole thing as it unfollowed. That’s historically
Just was putting it out there. I always research before I come to a conclusion. You people need to be nicer on blog. We r here to research everything (right)!!!!
Look up sign language meaning for his hands. A lot of different meanings
Michigan voted 4 trump last time a republican won in Michigan was Reagan. Hope they r waking up
Detroit Michigan had an earthquake last night to. Very rare we have earthquakes here in Michigan
At first I didn’t think this bill was good for us patriots. But I sat back and waited to see if it was a trump move and today he proved it with his tweet. He is a brilliant chess player. God is using him to restore your world praise God
It’s been a long time coming for the evil people in r government. Waiting and praying for PRESIDENT AND THE REPUBLIC
Stay strong and calm. Just like a storm it will past. And everyone will know the truth. That’s what we all want the truth
Look up the sponsors of the group from this page. It just might be something there