
244 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2014/10/26 (土) 03:00:51 ID: 5viGBivf
I'm sorry if you thought it difficult to be transmitted is because English can not be well.

Now the administrator of 2ch, I want you to remove this wording [転載禁止] and (c)2ch.net.
I want to quit to be inconvenient to all users because some are clamoring.
Can't forgive is that this wording is attached to all of the thread where we make.
It is to apply this kind of stupid function, only ニュー速(嫌儲), なんでも実況J, ニュー速VIP.
Please don't get caught up the other 2ch user in silly fight.
It is better that it has been reprinted I would rather be in this inconvenient specification.
Please think well do you think really it is only Afikasu saying now complain.
We think only of just want to do 2ch.