Anonymous ID: ad44ea April 8, 2018, 5:24 a.m. No.261065   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1066 >>1069


>Users on /sudo/ are NOT happy about this reticence from CM.

I can't blame them, that's weird as hell. And again I find it hard to believe codemonkey is totally useless (although he could well be lazy). Interestingly not a long time between the last commit and q being compromised. Is it just me or are you getting weird gamergate vibes from the admin takeovers in the past year or so? Gamergate ended up being much larger than suspected, with much more enemy resources than made sense, this feels so damn similar except this time on 8 rather than 4.

>ppl being removed from the exec office of the Presidency on Jan 4

This is an interesting one - one thought that occurred to me here last night - I think this might relate to why Q might not have attempted to reestablish contact. It was always obvious imho that anyone with old Q's intel levels, regardless of whether they actually had Q clearance or not, would have to be posting with some kind of legal cover. If you're that close to the president, and leaking intel that blatantly, you're doing so with permission. So maybe when they were removed those permissions were removed, and now they're avoiding posting because doing so would end up with an instant court martial?

>he really can't get in touch any more, at least not via a chan. But I don't know for sure.

I'm not sure either. I ran across something very odd on 4chan last night though. I'm wondering if it might be Q connected. Possibly even him/them posting as a basic non tripfag anon. Pics related, I've copied most of the ones that seemed like they might have been relevant. Some of it is fairly /x/ tier stuff, but I think it's worth glancing at. Can't give you a link to the original thread though I'm afraid, it got shoah'd. The basic tl;dr is

>weird fuck post saying 7 hours followed by co-ords

>7 hours later, an earthquake strikes, very near where predicted, although with a notable deviation to the (east?) from predicted location. There was also another follow up post that may or may not be by the same anon, during which he was using a canada geoflag. The shockwaves were (according to some geologists in the thread) suspicious as all kinds of fuck, I've attached some of their comparisons too. It seems to be very closely related to the one that happened recently on pedo island - same signatures, suggestive of an underground explosion rather than an actual earthquake. Unusual shit, but I think it strongly supports the covert war theory, and I'm very very curious about how this random leaf got his intel. Predicting an earthquake with no explanations, that seems to relate to an underground explosion? Short, sweet, and explained later once you know more? Sounds similar to old Q too imho. I'm not certain it's related but I thought it interesting enough to note.

>I was praying Q would immediately change his trip to the super-secure version. He didn't and we all paid the price.

Agreed, although this again makes me suspicious of many things. He could have, for example, included an encoded pgp message in an early message, and then provided the decryption keys to that message as a proof of a new account, or something like that. Sure you could break pgp too, but it would take a lot longer. And given codemonkey seems very suspect, I find the timing of the !!!trips being introduced a little suspicious too. Do you know if he was implementing them specifically for Q, or was it just a general to do item?

> But the opposition to this operation was massive almost from the start and it continued

I like this theory - it seems very likely numerous deep state organisations are pretty factional, that some other factions were against the Q operation I could definitely believe, and it would explain why old-Q seems to have vanished. Perhaps they'd rather keep large elements of what happened a secret to avoid public outcry? That isn't inconceivable - if some of the rumours I've heard are true the level of depravity is truly shocking even for relatively hardened chan bastards.

> I'm sure we'll all find out one day what really happened.

100% agreed. Q has entered the collective conciousness now. At worst he's John Titor 2 : Patriotism boogaloo, at best it represented a spectators window into one of the biggest, and boldest intelligence operations in the history of the planet. I'm expecting multiple books on Q to be honest. And I am very glad we got as much as we did, as you say. It was/is a privilege to be granted such a /comfy/ opportunity to spectate in the takedown of the bastards so many of us have been learning about for years.

>Appreciate the conversation anon - ta muchly.

Likewise, happy to help.