Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 11:40 a.m. No.16445901   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5932 >>5963 >>5968 >>5990 >>6101 >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

Israel warns Assad, will bomb palaces if Iran operations continue -report


The alleged threat follows after Israel allegedly bombed Damascus International Airport, targeting Iranian shipments.


Israel has threatened Syrian President Basher Assad with bombing his palaces if he does not cease or reduce military cooperation with Iran within his territory, the Arabic news site Elaph reported late on Monday.


The Jerusalem Post was unable to independently confirm the dramatic developing story, and the IDF declined to comment. The report could either dovetail with ongoing Israeli efforts to rid itself of an Iranian threat embedded in Syria, or could be an exaggeration of such efforts by various interested parties.


Based in London and owned by Saudis who have a mixed relationship with the Saudi leadership, Elaph has been used in the past by Israeli officials to reach out to the Arab world, including a famous first interview for a Saudi publication by then IDF chief Gadi Eisenkot in 2017.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 11:44 a.m. No.16445927   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6103 >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

It’s all a Lie – Government reports prove Cost of Living Crisis & Travel Disruption is being done on purpose to advance ‘The Great Reset’


Planes, trains and automobiles. All three of these things are constantly being talked about in the mainstream media at the moment alongside a cost of living crisis, war in Ukraine and an alleged monkeypox outbreak.


Flights are being cancelled left, right and centre ruining planned holidays for thousands. Trains are about to come to a halt in the UK thanks to a “spontaneous” national rail strike. And the average person can just about afford to get to the end of the forecourt after filling up thanks to the spiralling cost of the price of fuel.


Whilst on the face of it, these things may seem like unfortunate events occurring at random, the truth is they are actually all occurring by design, and official government reports alongside historical data prove it.




Well, reports suggest it’s all to do with meeting ‘zero carbon targets’. But that is another charade in itself, so the real reason has something to do with advancing the fourth industrial revolution, where you will own nothing and apparently be happy about it. An agenda that Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum likes to call ‘The Great Reset’.


Over the Jubilee bank holiday, which coincided with many schools’ half-term breaks, 750 flights leaving the UK were cancelled, according to aviation data firm Cirium. Meanwhile, around 466 return flights were axed.


Although cancellations made up a small percentage of total flights, many passengers were only informed at short notice and faced long queues to check in bags and get through security.


Meanwhile, the mainstream media are advertising the fact workers at British Airways are voting on whether to walk out over pay, while wage talks between Ryanair and cabin crew unions in Europe appear to have reached an impasse.


All of this is heightening people’s anxiety about whether these problems will continue into the summer season, and it is putting people off travelling abroad.


For example, Jess Baker, who spoke to BBC News, says that she has been put off travelling abroad this summer after a recent “nightmare” 18-hour journey home from Iceland.


She, her husband Shaun and their two children had their EasyJet flight into Luton cancelled recently.


They were given the option to travel home three days later but needed to get back sooner so paid £1,000 to fly into Glasgow with Icelandair. They shelled out an additional £340 to hire a car to drive down to Luton to collect their own vehicle.


“It’s been an absolute nightmare,” says Ms Baker. “We quickly decided that we’ll go camping here instead. It’s not worth the hassle all over again.”


Plenty of others are also thinking the same, with Sykes Holiday Cottages reporting a 22% rise in bookings over the past two weeks.


Chief executive Graham Donoghue says it is “at least in part due to widespread reports of overseas travel disruption. Travellers simply don’t want to have to tackle airports and take the risk that their family holidays could be cancelled”.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 11:44 a.m. No.16445930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

Herzog, Gantz award Mossad, spy satellite program defense prizes


The awards were for outstanding projects and activities that have contributed to the security of the State of Israel and to its qualitative edge on the battlefield.


The country’s spy satellites and two other classified projects, including an extended Mossad one, have been awarded the Israel Defense Prize, the country’s top security prize, President Isaac Herzog’s office announced on Tuesday.


The awards were for outstanding projects and activities that have contributed to the security of the State of Israel and to its qualitative edge on the battlefield, both in terms of technology and operations.


“Against Iranian aggression there is a need not merely for cooperation, but for building joint regional forces under American leadership – we are pushing for this,” Defense Minister Benny Gantz said.


“Also during this time period, our enemies do not let up and threaten our security, our land and externally [Israelis overseas], Herzog said. "The long arm of Israel will reach to any place that it needs to in order to defend our citizens.”


With concern continuing over Iran’s growing hostility in the region, Israel, with its army of satellites, keeps a close eye on the Islamic Republic. The latest satellite – Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems’ Ofek 16 – was launched in July 2020 in a joint operation of the Defense Ministry’s Space Department and IAI.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 11:45 a.m. No.16445934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6026 >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6491 >>6534 >>6637

Neocons Ascendant: Left-Wing Democrat Sees Light, Backs Liz Cheney for President


It's happening.


Joe Biden's job approval rating is so bad that Democrats are increasingly hesitant to endorse his reelection. "That's something certainly we're all willing to entertain and examine when the time comes," Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) said Sunday when asked if she'd support Biden in 2024. "Should he run again, I think that … we will take a look at it."


Democrats appear even less thrilled about the prospect of Vice President Kamala Harris winning the party's nomination. Some have argued (without evidence) that it would be better to nominate an alternative candidate such as Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, or Beto O'Rourke. Good luck with that!


Meanwhile, at least one Democrat has finally seen the light and accepted the truth: America needs another Cheney in the White House.


Robert Reich, the left-wing UC-Berkley professor who served under former presidents Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama, makes the case that Rep. Liz Cheney (R., Wyo.) has "demonstrated more courage and integrity than any other politician in America" and might just be "the best president of the United States for the perilous time we're entering."


In a Substack post published on Monday, the partisan Democrat suggested he would "probably" support Biden if the president seeks reelection in 2024. Nevertheless, Reich made a strong argument for why America would be better off with a neoconservative scion calling the shots. "All of America needs [Cheney] to run for president in 2024," he wrote. "Do we need her to win as well?"


The answer is clear.


Since Biden took office in 2021, Americans across the political spectrum have grown increasingly eager to support a restoration of the Cheney dynasty. That's why Reich thinks Cheney would "have a chance" to win even if she ran as an independent. Dick's firstborn daughter would give voice to the silent majority of neoconservative Americans whose passion for war and U.S. military dominance is not adequately represented by either of the major parties.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 11:53 a.m. No.16445971   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

Fake, ‘Pro-Trump’ Letters Posing as Right Wing Group Tells Muslims to ‘Go Back to Sh*tholes’.


The group which has drawn attention to the mistreatment of prisoners following January 6th has reported the crime to the FBI.


Letters with offensive sentiments are being sent from individuals posing as the right-wing training group ‘Look Ahead America’ – an organisation which has championed fights for election integrity and against the political persecution of January 6th protesters.


The effort was revealed by the Executive Director of Look Ahead America Matt Braynard, who explained on Monday: “Some low-life is trying to smear @lookaheadorg by sending out hate mail with our return address.”


Pictures of the letters sent by an anonymous group or individual invoked former President Donald Trump, and told recipients to “go back to whatever shit hole country” they came from:


“In the words of our dear leader, Donald J. Trump, go back to whatever shit hole country you come from, you Muslim bitch! You people aren’t welcome in or country!”


Speaking exclusively to The National Pulse, Braynard explained the steps his group would be taking in response to the letter. “Per our lawyers’ guidance, we’re forwarding these letters to the Postal Inspector and the FBI. We feel terrible for anyone that might have gotten such a horrific note with our address on it,” he outlined.


“We receive a constant stream of hate mail, but the left’s desperate and infantile escalation with fake letters is a validation of our organization’s mission and ascent across the country,” Braynard continued.


He also singled out the fact that the letters are postmarked “Orlando,” despite the fact that Look Ahead America’s offices are based in Washington, D.C.


“They put an Orlando postmark on letters that are supposed to be from DC, and then sent those letters to invalid addresses so they ended up in my hands, and now the authorities have them. Our enemy doesn’t even have the competence to do bad things well.”


“Look Ahead America will not be stopped. America first, America forever,” Braynard concluded.


The targeting of Look Ahead America follows the group’s involvement in efforts to scrutinize the 2020 election, including accessing voter rolls and auditing outcomes in states like Arizona and Wisconsin. The group also hosted a “Justice for J6 Rally” as part of its broader agenda to combat the persecution of January 6th protesters.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 11:54 a.m. No.16445978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6534 >>6540 >>6637

Liberals announce end to vax mandates for domestic travel, international flights


While some restrictions are still likely to remain in place, some of the major measures placed on unvaccinated Canadians will end.


A number of cabinet members of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government will be speaking today, making an announcement concerning vaccine mandates for domestic travellers, federal employees and transportation industry workers.


Dominic LeBlanc, the minister of intergovernmental affairs and infrastructure, will be joined by Omar Alghabra, the transportation minister, Jean-Yves Duclos, the health minister and Mona Fortier, the president of the Treasury Board of Canada.


Last night, a report from the CBC said the Trudeau government would begin ending some of its still-remaining restrictions, including the ban on unvaccinated Canadians boarding planes and trains.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 12:01 p.m. No.16446018   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6159 >>6164 >>6209 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

Joe Biden Downplays Inflation – Then Starts Screaming: “I Don’t Wanna Hear Anymore of These Lies About Reckless Spending!”


Joe Biden on Tuesday spoke at the AFL-CIO labor union convention in Philadelphia where he defended his abysmal economic track record and lashed out at Wall Street.


Biden repeated the same boring lies in his speech to 2,000 union members and state officials:


Republicans want to raise taxes

Biden discussed the price of gas at the dinner table when he was a child (gas prices were flat his entire childhood

Americans have more savings now (they don’t – Americans have an average of $9,000 less in savings now)

Biden claimed wages have gone up (inflation has outpaced wages)


Joe Biden downplayed inflation and said other countries have it worse.


“We’ve made extraordinary progress and put America in a position to tackle the worldwide problem that is worse everywhere but here, inflation!” Biden said.


This is the new talking point from the Biden White House.


White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday echoed the same meaningless talking points: “We are watching closely and we know families are concerned about inflation and the stock market – that is something that the president is really aware of.”


She continued, “We’re not the only country dealing with what we are seeing at the moment as it relates to inflation you know, Putin’s price hike.. coming out of a global pandemic, all of those things play a factor.”


The Biden White House’s message to American peasants suffering because of high inflation rates: Shut up and be thankful for your crumbs.


Joe Biden began screaming out of no where and scolded critics for claiming his reckless spending caused inflation rates to spike.


“I don’t wanna hear any more of these lies about reckless spending!” Biden shouted.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 12:08 p.m. No.16446045   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6164 >>6230 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

Jan. 6 panel gets caught spreading a whopper worthy of Russia collusion, Biden laptop


Capitol police chief says there is 'no evidence,' as Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney alleged, that a GOP lawmaker ran a reconnaissance mission for Jan. 6 protesters


The Donald Trump era has brought countless examples in which Democrats, bureaucrats, and the establishment news media wove a sensational tale that turned out to be false.


There's the Russia collusion caper that wasn't, the 51 security experts who wrongly claimed Hunter Biden's laptop was misinformation, the Ukraine quid-pro-quo call that had neither a quid nor a quo, and the Moscow bounties on U.S. troops' heads that never happened.


Now the Jan. 6 panel — led in part by the Russian collusion advocate Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif. — has been called on the carpet for falsely suggesting a GOP lawmaker ran a reconnaissance mission inside the Capitol for Jan. 6 protesters the day before the riot.


Ironically, the man who blew that whistle is the new Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, who got his job on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's watch but handed Republicans vindication on an allegation they long claimed was a smear.


Manger wrote in a letter Monday to Congress, which Just the News obtained, that an exhaustive review of security footage found no evidence that Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia did anything other than give constituents a tour of some congressional office buildings.


In fact, the chief said, the congressman didn’t even enter the U.S. Capitol with the group.


“There is no evidence that Representative Loudermilk entered the U.S. Capitol with this group on January 5, 2021,” Manger wrote in a letter to Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., the ranking Republican on the House Administration Committee. “We train our officers on being alert for people conducting surveillance or reconnaissance, and we do not consider any of the activities we observed as suspicious.”


220807 U. S. Capitol Police Response to RM Davis re Jan 5 2021 Tour.pdf


Republicans weary of being falsely accused and vindicated months later pounced on the revelation.


"All I can think of is this is a Soviet-style propaganda trial, like a show trial," Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., who spent time working in Communist Yugoslavia earlier in her career, told Just the News. "They put this tape together using propaganda, selected words and clauses cut and pasted to smear the people they want to smear and to get the outcome."


Rep, Rodney Davis, the Illinois Republican who pressed Capitol Police to review the evidence and clear Loudermilk, said Democrats who besmirched his colleague's name need to face accountability before the House Ethics Committee.


"The Democrats need to be ashamed of themselves," Davis told the "Just the News, Not Noise" television show Monday night.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 12:11 p.m. No.16446060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

Federal MPs and public office holders to receive pay increase of 2.75 per cent from July 1, Remuneration Tribunal announces


The pay rise of 2.75 per cent for all Federal MPs means Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's salary will be more than $564,000.


Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton are set to get a pay rise ahead of the Fair Work Commission’s minimum wage increase on Wednesday.


The independent Commonwealth Remuneration Tribunal has ordered a 2.75 per cent wage increase for Federal MPs and public office holders from July 1.


This means the Prime Minister’s salary will boost to more than $564,356 a year, while the Opposition leader’s annual income will increase to $401,561.


The pay rise of 2.75 per cent follows a freeze on wage increases which took effect in July 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Before this year’s wage increase politicians were awarded a pay rise of two per cent in 2017, 2018 and 2019.


“While the work performed by the wide variety of offices in the tribunal’s jurisdiction, including members of parliament, is diverse and unique, the tribunal is conscious of ensuring that relativities within the group of offices for which it determines remuneration remain consistent,” the tribunal said.


While the pay rise is not in line with inflation – which stands at 5.1 per cent – the base salary of a backbencher will jump to to $217,060, meaning the lowest paid federal MP will rake in more than 97 per cent of Australians.


It comes as the Fair Work Commission is set to deliver its review of the increase to the minimum wages on Wednesday morning.


The decision will affect more than 2.6 million low-income earners with unions pushing for a 5.5 per cent increase to prevent further pay cuts to a quarter of all workers.


In 2021 the national minimum wage rose by 2.5 per cent to $772.60 a week, or $20.33 an hour.


The Fair Work Commission will hand down its decision at 10:00am on Wednesday.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 12:14 p.m. No.16446073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

Former Sydney councillor received 'bags of cash' in bribes from Chinese developer, ICAC told


A former Sydney councillor has told the anti-corruption watchdog he accepted bribes of $170,000 from a Chinese developer in exchange for his support of two major development proposals.

Key points:


Vincenzo Badalati told ICAC he received cash from a developer as a 'thank you' for voting in support of one project

He and fellow councillor Constantine Hindi also received money ahead of a vote on another project

The inquiry heard both men travelled to China frequently and the developers often paid for their meals


On Tuesday, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) began its public hearings into the conduct of former Georges River councillors Constantine Hindi, Vincenzo Badalati and Philip Sansom as part of Operation Galley.


All three councillors served on Hurstville Council, before it merged with Kogarah Council to form Georges River Council in 2016.


They are alleged to have accepted benefits for helping Chinese developers get planning proposals approved for two major developments in Hurstville — the $29 million Treacy Street project (an 11-storey mixed-use apartment block) and the Landmark Square development (a complex of 19-storey residential buildings).


The projects were by developers Ching Wah (Philip) Uy, Wensheng Liu and Yuqing Liu and required councillors to make exceptions to the seven-storey building restriction in the area.


Former councillor Vincenzo Badalati told the inquiry on Tuesday Mr Uy gave him $70,000 for assisting with the Treacy Street project and another $100,000 for the Landmark Square development.


Mr Badalati detailed the day in 2015 when he met Mr Uy at a coffee shop in Kingsgrove and received $70,000 for the Treacy Street development, which he voted in favour of in 2014.


"He [Mr Uy] got a bag out and handed it to me and said 'thank you for your help on Treacy Street'," Mr Badalati told the inquiry.


"I saw the money when I got home. They were all bundled hundred-dollar notes. I put it in my safe. I told Constantine Hindi."


The other cash gift of $100,000 was handed over at a park in Rhodes in 2016 during a meeting between Mr Badalati, Mr Hindi and Mr Uy.


The money was intended to guarantee the councillors' favourable vote on the Landmark Square development.


"He [Mr Uy] opened his boot and gave us two bags each," Mr Badalati said.


"He said 'thank you for your assistance on Landmark'.


"Some went into the bank and some were spent."

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 12:19 p.m. No.16446098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6164 >>6181 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

=Pentagon awards Australian rare earths miner Lynas $US120m contract to build plant in Texas


Australian mining company Lynas Rare Earths has been awarded a contract by the United States Department of Defence worth $US120 million to build a processing facility in the US.

Key points:


ASX-listed Lynas Rare Earths is the world's only significant miner of rare earths outside China

Rare earths are a group of 15 elements on the periodic table which have strategic uses, including in the defence, space and energy industries

Lynas is also building a new refinery in Kalgoorlie that will create about 120 operational roles


The facility is expected to be built on the Gulf Coast in the state of Texas and should by operational by 2025.


It will reduce America's reliance on China for strategic minerals used to make missiles and other high-tech equipment.


Lynas operates the Mt Weld rare earths mine in Western Australia's northern Goldfields and is building a $500m refinery in Kalgoorlie-Boulder that is due to begin production next year.


The ASX-listed company, which counts the Japanese government among its biggest backers, ships rare earths to its processing facility in Malaysia, but the new deal means WA minerals will also be headed for the US.


Lynas originally struck a deal with the Pentagon in July 2020 to progress plans for the facility.

A man and a woman wearing hard hats and high-vis workwear on a construction site.


Lynas managing director Amanda Lacaze says the deal demonstrates the priority that the US is placing on "ensuring that supply chains for these critical materials are resilient and environmentally responsible".


"The development of a US heavy rare earths separation facility is an important part of our accelerated growth plan," she said in a statement.


"We look forward to not only meeting the rare earth needs of the US government, but also reinvigorating the local rare earths market."


It is unclear whether the Texas plant will affect Lynas' pre-existing supply agreements with Japan, which has priority supply rights until 2038, according to the company's last annual report.


Lynas has financing facilities in place with a group known as Japan Australia Rare Earths (JARE), a joint venture that is part-owned by the Japanese government.


The principal amount of the JARE loan facility was US$145 million at June 30 last year, according to Lynas's annual report, with an interest rate of 2.5 per cent and a maturity date of June 30, 2030.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 12:23 p.m. No.16446118   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6134 >>6164 >>6282 >>6534 >>6637

Mitch McConnell Says He Will Likely Vote For Gun Control Bill That Includes Red Flag Laws


Here we go.


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Tuesday said he will likely vote for the gun control legislation that 10 Republicans agreed to over the weekend.


“For myself, I’m comfortable with the framework and if the legislation ends up reflecting the framework, I’ll be supportive,” McConnell told reporters on Tuesday.


McConnell is the 11th Republican senator to announce support for the gun control measure which means the Democrats easily have enough votes to overcome the filibuster.


RINOs like McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Collins, Toomey and others always fold to Democrat demands.


A group of bipartisan senators on Sunday reached an agreement on principle for gun legislation which includes ‘red flag’ laws.


10 Republicans joined the Democrats and bowed to their demands.


“The group on the release includes Republican Sens. John Cornyn of Texas, Thom Tillis and Richard Burr of North Carolina, Roy Blunt of Missouri, Bill Cassidy of Louisiana, Susan Collins of Maine, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Rob Portman of Ohio, Mitt Romney of Utah and Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania.” – CNN reported.


The actual legislation has not been written yet.


Last week the House of Representatives approved sweeping gun control legislation that bans high-capacity magazines and raises the age to purchase an ‘assault rifle’ to 21.


The House passed the gun legislation 223-204 – 5 Republicans voted “yea” – 2 Democrats voted “nay.”


The Red Flag Laws by Democrats are not meant to stop crime. They are only meant to take guns from legal gun owners.

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 1:47 p.m. No.16446530   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6545

Multi-Year Investigation Leads to Indictment of 26 Defendants and Seizure of Nearly 500,000 Counterfeit Pills Laced with Fentanyl

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 1:49 p.m. No.16446538   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former Memphis Police Officer Indicted for Sexually Assaulting a Female Crime Victim

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 1:50 p.m. No.16446546   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gambino Crime Family Associate Convicted by Federal Jury in Murder and Robbery of Brooklyn Man


Defendant Shot His Longtime Friend in the Back of the Head and Stole the Assets of the Victim’s Loan Business

Anonymous ID: 656dd9 June 14, 2022, 1:59 p.m. No.16446587   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6594 >>6596 >>6604 >>6607 >>6637

Supreme Court rules detained foreign nationals in U.S. illegally can’t file class action lawsuits


At issue before the Supreme Court was whether the lower courts had jurisdiction to hear their requests and provide class-wide injunctive relief under the INA

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that foreign nationals in the U.S. illegally and detained on immigration charges can’t file class action lawsuits.


The court ruled 6-3 in Garland v. Aleman Gonzalez with Justice Samuel Alito writing for the majority. Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote a partial dissent with Justices Elena Kagan and Stephen Breyer joining.


The court reversed a ruling issued by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that allowed detained foreign nationals to file class-action lawsuits who also demanded bond hearings for their release. By doing so, the Supreme Court effectively shut down such lawsuits from being filed in the future.


At issue are two cases brought by Mexican and El Salvadoran nationals who sued the federal government for detaining them according to federal law after they reentered the U.S. illegally. They alleged they had a right to file a class action lawsuit and were entitled to a bond hearing.


One case was brought by Mexican nationals Esteban Aleman Gonzalez and Jose Eduardo Gutierrez Sanchez, who were detained on immigration charges under the Immigration and Naturalization Act after they’d reentered the U.S. illegally. They filed a putative class action in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California alleging they were entitled to bond hearings due to the length of time they were detained. The District Court certified a class of similarly situated plaintiffs and enjoined the federal government from detaining them for more than 180 days without providing them with a bond hearing. A divided panel of the Ninth Circuit affirmed the lower court’s ruling.


Another plaintiff, Edwin Flores Tejada, a native and citizen of El Salvador, also reentered the U.S. illegally and was also detained according to federal law. He sued in the Western District of Washington, alleging that he was entitled to a bond hearing. The District Court certified a class, granted partial summary judgment against the government, and entered class-wide injunctive relief, which a divided panel of the Ninth Circuit also affirmed.


At issue before the Supreme Court was whether the lower courts had jurisdiction to hear their requests and provide class-wide injunctive relief under the INA.


The Supreme Court ruled they did not.


“We hold that the District Courts exceeded their jurisdiction in awarding such relief,” Alito wrote for the majority. He also said, “Respondents advance two counter-arguments, but both fail.”


“The classwide injunctive relief awarded in these cases was unlawful,” the court concluded. “The judgments of the Court of Appeals are reversed, and the cases are remanded for further proceedings consistent with this opinion.”