Anonymous ID: 2306d8 June 20, 2022, 11:58 p.m. No.16481409   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This book, "the body remembers" really goes in to detail on subjects and mental illnesses commonly seen in the left. Pretty interesting book.


After administering several courses of electric shock, the researchers opened the doors of the cages and then shocked the dogs again. A group of control dogs who had never been shocked before immediately ran away, but the dogs who had earlier been subjected to inescapable shock made no attempt to flee, even when the door was wide open—they just lay there, whimpering and defecating. The mere opportunity to escape does not necessarily make traumatized animals, or people, take the road to freedom. Like Maier and Seligman’s dogs, many traumatized people simply give up. Rather than risk experimenting with new options they stay stuck in the fear they know.