Anonymous ID: 90e5c9 Feb. 5, 2024, 4:48 p.m. No.20363849   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3882

US ‘threatens peace’ in the Middle East – Russia


Pentagon’s strikes in Syria and Iraq are illegal under international law, Moscow’s envoy has told the UN


Washington is fanning the flames of conflicts in the Middle East by conducting unlawful strikes in Iraq, Syria and Yemen, Russian Permanent Representative to the UN Vassily Nebenzia has said.


Russia has requested an urgent session of the UN Security Council after the US carried out airstrikes in Syria and Iraq in response to a drone attack on an American military outpost in Jordan.


The bombings have “once again demonstrated the aggressive nature of US policy in the Middle East and Washington’s complete disregard for the norms of international law,” Nebenzia said during the UNSC meeting in New York on Monday.


The Russian diplomat argued that the US is “pouring gasoline on the fire” by conducting strikes that pose “a direct threat to international peace and security” and undermine “the central role of the UN.” He reiterated that US bases in Syria are “illegal” because American military presence has not been authorized by Damascus.


Addressing the Security Council, US Alternative Representative for Special Political Affairs Robert Wood said that the strikes were “necessary and proportionate, consistent with international law, and in exercise of the United States’ inherent right to self-defense.”


On January 28, a kamikaze drone hit a US outpost known as Tower 22 near the Jordanian-Syrian border. Three American soldiers were killed. Islamic Resistance in Iraq – an umbrella group for Islamist Shia militias – claimed responsibility for the attack.


The White House accused Iran of mastermining attacks on US personnel. Tehran denied the allegations, insisting that militias are acting independently and targeting US soldiers because of Washington’s continuing support for Israel during its war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


The US and UK have also been hitting Houthi sites in Yemen in response to Shia militants’ drone and missile attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. The Houthis vowed to continue targeting the ships until a permanent ceasefire is declared in Gaza. The US, meanwhile, promised to continue to protect the “freedom of navigation that serves as the bedrock of global trade in one of the world’s most critical waterways.”

Anonymous ID: 90e5c9 Feb. 5, 2024, 4:52 p.m. No.20363865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3870 >>3980 >>3985 >>4047 >>4070 >>4118 >>4257 >>4440 >>4490 >>4548 >>4580

Insider: Big Pharma Buys TV Ads to Own the News, Not Sell Meds


Big Pharma has 'already bought off the doctors,' Calley Means told Tucker Carlson. Now they're funneling ad money into media to 'buy off the news.'


A pharmaceutical sector insider told Tucker Carlson in an interview that Big Pharma purchases TV commercials and advertising space to gain financial control over the media and control the news, not to actually convince people to buy their drugs or request them from their physician.

“They’ve already bought off the doctors. They’re good on that. This is an open secret. The news ad spending from pharma is a public relations lobbying tactic essentially to buy off the news,” pharmaceutical insider Calley Means told Tucker Carlson, on Carlson’s Tucker Carlson Encounters program.


“The news isn’t investigating pharma. The news has become basically a referee that you are a terrible ‘anti-science’ luddite for asking why the shots that we require our kids to get that fundamentally, by their own advertising, change the immune system of that child for life, why has it gone from 20 [childhood vaccines] to 70 [childhood vaccines]?” Means went on.


“To even ask that question, the news referees that and calls you ‘anti-science’ when the two largest vaccine makers in the country are literally criminal enterprises.”


“GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Merck, in the past 5 years, have settled two of the largest criminal penalties in American corporate history for bribing doctors and creating misleading research. [They’re] the two largest vaccine makers,” Means said.

Anonymous ID: 90e5c9 Feb. 5, 2024, 6:33 p.m. No.20364273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4440 >>4490 >>4548 >>4580

Sister of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh treated in Israeli hospital


Haniyeh's sisters live in Tel Sheva, and one of them gave birth to a premature baby in the last few days, receiving life-saving treatment from the medical team.


The sister of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas's political bureau, was hospitalized in the Soroka Medical Center, where she gave birth.


Some of Haniyeh's sisters live in Tel Sheva, and one of them gave birth to a premature baby in the last few days, receiving life-saving treatment from the medical team.


A senior official in Soroka said that this is a Bedouin family from Tel Sheva with a blue ID card.

Anonymous ID: 90e5c9 Feb. 5, 2024, 6:48 p.m. No.20364317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4323 >>4326 >>4327

8 April onwards shit will get real!


Cap it!


On Monday, April 8, a total solar eclipse will cross North America, passing over Mexico, the United States, and Canada. The eclipse will begin over the South Pacific Ocean.