Anonymous ID: 71da36 Feb. 10, 2024, 10:45 a.m. No.20390877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0889

Ah, tiny cowering powers pretending to be:


If you didn't understand the last message, you will. Just a matter of Time.


Now, pardon me for asking, but is Zelensky just a mini-me to Netanyahoo? Can't help but notice the similarities…kek


Boy, I wish any of the dual citizens in Congress, their uniparty cling-ons, had as much class as Putin. I know they love their country, Israel, like he loves Russia, for sure. Kudos to Tucker for trying. I guess no one in and around the Federal Government loves anything remotely American.


So, where's the America I knew?


Is it the height of mental illness by the TRAITORS running our government to parade their elder abuse before the whole world?


Why try to normalize all these mental illnesses, and all of a sudden? I expect it's to hide the seriousness of the insanity growing within the WEF. Trying to blur the lines so we don't see the depth of the depravity.


And here comes the Sun. Sooner or later, the Math gonna get ya…


God is good. Anyone who even considers what level of Math it takes to create and power a galaxy, a universe, has to be in Awe. Utter Awe.


Now, I've said before, there is no death. And no judgment. God loves us all UNCONDITIONALLY. The only judgment coming into play for each of us is in our life reviews, when we get to see what effects our behavior had on others. Good or bad, we judge ourselves. Can you own even your cringiest behavior? I can, have, and do.


God's will in all things.