Anonymous ID: bebd66 Feb. 10, 2024, 6:11 p.m. No.20393180   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3188 >>3241 >>3316 >>3388 >>3445 >>3594



Note: dough below to rally notes. !!!


LIVE: President Trump Holds a Get Out the Vote Rally in Conway, S.C. - 2/10/24


President Trump [outside rally]: We have a country that's failing. We have a country that we feel very badly about Four years ago we were a great nation, today we're a nation that's being laughed at, and we're not going to stand for it. We're gonna win in November, we're gonna turn our country. around. It's going to be greater than ever before!

President Trump: This November. we're going to win the White House, and we're going to take back our country. We're going to take it back!

President Trump: Let's not forget that this week we also had another massive victory that every conservative should celebrate. We crushed Crooked Joe Biden's disastrous open borders bill. Crushed it.

President Trump: I think Barack Obama has a lot to do with running the country right now, and we can't let that happen. He has a lot to do with it.

President Trump: Among other travesties, Biden's horrendous border plan would have allowed millions and millions; this is the worst border plan I've ever seen. You know, you don't need a bill or a plan. All you have to do as president is say, 'Shut The Border'; would have allowed millions of illegal aliens a year, flooding unchecked to cross our borders, virtually unlimited number of illegals from, countries such as Somalia, The Congo, Libya, Yemen, and Iran. A lot of people coming in from Iran. A lot of people coming from China. A lot of people coming from Russia. You know, it's interesting, they're coming from these places…they're almost all men. Eighteen to twenty-five. That means fighting age. That's fighting age. So they have something planned, and we're not going to stand for it.

President Trump: What Crooked Joe is doing to our border is a crime against this nation, but he will not get away with it. We're not going to allow these horrible offenses to take place. He'll be tried by the ballot box.

President Trump: As you probably know, two days ago, the Biden Department of Injustice let Crooked Joe off the hook for some of his very egregious crimes, including his brazen theft of classified documents long before he was ever president. He's been doing this for fifty years. They couldn't believe it….he took 'em when he was a senator. You can't do it…this is yet more proof that we have a weaponized, two-tiered system of justice in this country. Crooked Joe got off scot-free; I don't know if you call it scot-free, they said he was a mental basket case, ok, so, I wouldn't say it's totally scot-free…they said he was a disaster mentally, and he willfully stole gigantic numbers of classified documents.

President Trump: If you look back, at presidents have taken a lot of stuff. That would mean every president, including Obama, Clinton, Bush, everyone one of them would right now be in the hoosegow. That wouldn't look too good in history, would it?

President Trump: When I return to the White House, I will have no higher priority than cleaning up this rot and this corruption, and restoring fair, equal and impartial justice, under the Constitutional Rule of Law.

President Trump: Brain dead [Haley]; she's got, you know what she's got? Like twelve percent.

President Trump: In everything he does, Crooked Joe Biden puts illegal aliens first, he puts Ukraine first, he puts China first; well he has to put China first, he gets paid off by China. The guy gets millions of dollars. He gets millions of dollars, why the hell wouldn't he put them first. He's actually afraid, because they'll reveal, 'cause they know, how much he really got.

President Trump: Before we can defeat Crooked Joe Biden this November, we first turn, and we have to, the page forever on America last. He actually says, 'We've gotta stop MAGA'. How about the scene where he had like the devil's colors behind him, right?

President Trump: Nikki may have started her career in South Carolina, but she's now one hundred percent the candidate of Wall Street and the war machine. She wants to go to war with everybody. She wants to kill people. Kill people. Countries that don't want us there. Countries that don't want us there. We're all over the place. We took a lot of it out. They costs us billions and billions, trillions of dollars.President Trump: I think the greatest salesman ever in history is Zelenskyy. And I like Zelenskyy, because during the hoax of, you know, the impeachment hoax, they said I made a threatening phone call to him, and when they asked him, he said, 'no it wasn't threatening, it was a very nice call.' He could have played to the bandwagon, he didn't do that. He told the truth. So I like Zelenskyy, but that war has gotta end.


Anonymous ID: bebd66 Feb. 10, 2024, 6:13 p.m. No.20393188   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3241 >>3316 >>3388 >>3445 >>3594



President Trump: I took on communist China like no other administration in history, bringing in hundreds, and hundreds of billions of dollars. Hundreds of billions. I would say my relationship got to be a little bit sour. There are a lot of people who think COVID came because of that. They say, 'how do we get this guy out?' Now what they're trying to do is use the Justice Department, the local DAs, and the attorney generals; but nothing's going to work. Look, we're doing a great job. We're doing a great job. If we do a great job, and we have the people on our side, noting they can do can hurt us. We're doing something that's never been done before.President Trump: Joe Biden and the fascists that control him are a true threat to democracy. You know, he's controlled by fascists and bad people.

President Trump: From the very first day that we take back the White House from Crooked Joe Biden, I believe this strongly; we're going to have the four greatest years in the history of our country. And frankly, we have to. We have no choice, because we're so far behind.

President Trump: This is not going to turn out well [illegals flooding in]. The biggest problem I have, even with the election, is ten months is a long time. Ten months is a long time. These people have done such damage to our country.

President Trump: Unlike Nikki Haley, I will always defend Medicare and Social Security for our seniors. Always. Always.

President Trump: Our goal will be one-day voting with paper ballots, voter ID. One-day voting. By he way, the paper ballots cost nine percent the cost of what you're doing right now, and they're faster, and they're far more secure.

President Trump: The danger from within is far greater, in my opinion, that the danger on the outside of our country…the fascists, the communists, the serious socialists; we're not even talking about socialism anymore. Remember, I said, 'We will never have a socialist country', I was right. We skipped over socialism, we went right down to communism.

President Trump: They also want to make our fighter jets with a green stamp of energy savings, though losing fifteen percent efficiently, but allowing us to keep our enemies atmosphere clean from emissions as we viciously and unceremoniously attack them at levels they've never seen before.

President Trump: We're a nation that allows radical-left terrorists to violently attack our cities, leaving behind massive destruction and death, and nothing happens to the criminals that do these terrible, terrible things. There is no punishment. But when people who love our country protest on January 6th, in Washington, DC, they become hostages for many years, unfairly imprisoned for long periods of time.

President Trump: We are a nation whose stock markets continued success is contingent on MAGA wining the next election. If we don't win the next election, the stock market will crash, just like it did in 1929.

President Trump: We have become a drug-infested, crime-ridden nation, which is incapable of solving even the simplest of problems. We will institute the powerful death penalty for drug dealers, where each dealer is responsible for the death, during their lives, of five hundred people.
