Anonymous ID: 30a00c Feb. 14, 2024, 11:19 a.m. No.20413236   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tiny cowering powers pretending to be:


You and I both know Jesus was murdered, not once, but twice.


First the initial crucifixion.


Then, a few centuries later, the tiny cowering powers pretending to be felt threatened by the words Jesus left behind, how that message he’d carried from God to and for the people had sprouted a community here, a different one over there, like beautiful, but separate individual plants. So these tiny cowering powers did what every threatened entity would do to retain power and control: they front-ran the narrative. Like Solomon said, nothing new under the sun here.


Who gave these men the authority to raise any soul to god-like status?


What they did there was murder Jesus’s humanity.


What if someone new should seek Jesus’s God, like Jesus asked us all to do at the Sermon on the Mount…and find him. What if more than one soul sought Jesus’s God?


You can’t go looking for Jesus’s God, they say, because Jesus is now your first god, your intercessor, (forget the First Commandment), look in our new testament. See? Written right there. This guy Jesus that our ancestors murdered died for you and you owe us in his name. You were born a sinner because we murdered him and now you owe, so now you must live in continual fear of this hell we made up to frighten the shit out of you. On your knees, sinner, deny Nature, your own humanity, be ever ashamed of your own God-given creation, deny true science, true biology, true Math, swallow lie after lie after lie, tolerate any and all evil in holy forgiveness (even though Jesus probably didn’t like pedophiles), ten-percent to our fake church for heaven on the installment plan is our preferred donation…all because tiny cowering powers pretending to be, seemingly an evil ever with us since the dawn of Man, these sons of the synagogue of Satan, insisted it was so. Hell, they even had a book and everything.


Forget the conflict of interest there, that they put their new testament together to bolster their preferred narrative. And had no qualms at all using the fear of death to sell their anti-Nature antiChrist to the world.


The grossest thing ever done to Jesus is communion. Eat the flesh, drink the blood, celebrate the murder by cannibalizing the victim.


God's will in all things.