Anonymous ID: e457ac Feb. 16, 2024, 7 a.m. No.20423366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3371 >>3388

>>20421910 Flynn on deleted Callesto Project Fulsome tweet: Doing this should forever change the intelligence relationship between the U.S. and the UK (PN)


My comment on Flynn’s statement UK should be ashamed of themselves: people forget the US exists because we left the totalitarian UK and Europe. But remember this, “England has never forgiven American Patriots”, they will never stop trying to destroy us. In essence England, the UK have no real allies WW, except for the treacherous NWO. The UK have been destroying their people and country for decades, which is the very reason, patriots left the fucked up shores of Europe.


Remember the UK/England will never forgive us and they will do anything to destroy the people and The US, for all time. Until they have internally destroyed their own country, which they are coming very close to, only then will the enemy be defanged.


They are not Ashamed because they are not Allies, and never have been..


They can’t get over losing America to a ragtag group of patriots that were outnumbered a 1,000 (or more) to 1! Suck on that assholes!

Anonymous ID: e457ac Feb. 16, 2024, 7:27 a.m. No.20423476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3487 >>3543 >>3817 >>3952 >>4033

(This was the democrats plan all along and still is since at least 2015-16. Black women mayorsBlack Panther related? Note the PACS and orgs still doing this, the Il Mayor now spending millions and wasting money. How many more have they installed since 2020?. We should also search black women DAs. Soros found probably involved.)


Black female mayors take the spotlight amid protests and pandemic

June 2, 2020 3:34 AM PTDETROIT


Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottomscaptured the nation’s attention when she addressed the civil unrest occurring in her city after George Floyd’s death.


“I am a mother to four black children in America, one of whom is 18 years old,” Bottoms said Friday in a rousing speech watched and praised across the country. “When I saw the murder of George Floyd, I hurt like a mother.”


Bottoms and other black female mayors, including San Francisco’s London Breed and Chicago’s Lori Lightfoot, are leading some of the nation’s largest cities during an unprecedented moment of challenge as protests against police brutality overlap with the ongoing coronavirus crisis and the attendant economic collapse. They’re being praised as thoughtful leaders at a time of political tumult and as high-profile examples of black women holding political office across the country.


Higher Heights for America PAC, a political action committee dedicated to electing more progressive black women, says there areseven black women serving as mayors in the nation’s 100 most populousU.S. cities, compared to just one in 2014.


“Black women have always been leading, and we have been the defenders of our homes, our communities and our nation,” said Glynda Carr, president and chief executive of Higher Heights. “Our leadership was built for this moment, and their unique experiences as black women, not only as Americans, has provided the type of trusted leadership that can help move this country forward.”


The mayors have demonstrated leadership with personal connections. Lightfoot, Chicago’s first black female mayor and first openly gay leader, frankly acknowledged America’s history of racism and blasted President Trump’s divisive tweets in which he called protesters “thugs” and said that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts.”


“It’s impossible for me as a black woman who has been the target of blatant racism over the course of my life not to take the killing of George Floyd personally,” Lightfoot said. “Being black in America should not be a death sentence.”


The question is whether this moment will translate into a long-lasting higher profile for the mayors.


Bottoms, for example, was already believed to be under consideration as Joe Biden’s running mate before the protests. Her stature has only risen amid the unrest.


Beyond her well-received remarks Friday, she acted swiftly two days later, firing two police officers and placing three others on desk duty over excessive use of force during a protest arrest involving two college students.


“Use of excessive force is never acceptable,” Bottoms told reporters.


Nadia Brown, a political science professor at Purdue University, says her research has found that many black female leaders, especially within their own communities, are seen as relatable figures — something that has worked in their favor at this time….

Anonymous ID: e457ac Feb. 16, 2024, 7:29 a.m. No.20423487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3543 >>3817 >>3952 >>4033




During the pandemic, residents made viral memes ofLightfootenforcing her stay-at-home orders. Instead of chiding them, Lightfoot embraced the moment and used it to connect with residents, Brown said.


“I think that we’re seeing some of this play out in real time,” Brown said. “She was speaking in that role of telling residents what to do from an authority figure that seemed very familiar. And I think that’s kind of a mode in which we’re seeing some other black women elected officials deal with unrest, in that they’re speaking to constituents not just as an authority figure but one that is familiar.”


Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren, who is in her second term as the first black female mayor of New York’s third-largest city, said that although black women had made strides in gaining prominence, they still faced unique challenges of racism and stereotypes.


“We’re trying to fight a system that was institutionally built to create the disparities that it has created over generations and so we’re trying to undo the damage that has been done to prepare our children for the future,” Warren said. “A lot of times we get branded with the ‘angry black woman syndrome’ when we’re speaking up to a number of different issues that impact our community, but we have been built to take on the responsibility and we take it in stride.


“No matter which mayor I look at across this country right now,” Warren added, “they have done an extraordinary job trying to balance all that’s coming toward them.”


Other black mayors,including San Francisco’s Breed and Muriel Bowser of Washington, have also been recognized for their measured responses and handling of their communities.


A’shanti Gholar, president of Emerge America, an organization that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for office, said many of the black women in office today were entrenched in grass-roots political work for decades, paving the way for those to come behind them.


“This is about a movement, a movement of women extending and taking their leadership all over across the country,” Gholar said. “Black women running for office and winning, it isn’t an anomaly. They’re also building up the next generation of black women elected officials and black women mayors who they’re inspiring to run.”


Although gains have been made, Carr said there was still much more work to be done. Biden has pledged to pick a woman as a running mate and is considering several women of color.


No black woman has ever served as governorin the country. Carr noted that black women made up 7.6% of the country’s population yet accounted for just 4.3% of all members of the House and 1% of the Senate.


“All that we celebrate about the gains we made 51 years after Shirley Chisholm became the first black woman to serve in Congress, we also recognize that the 23 million black women in this country are so underrepresented and underserved,” Carr said. “So we need to continue to invest in recruiting, training and supporting black women.”

Anonymous ID: e457ac Feb. 16, 2024, 9:02 a.m. No.20423895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3909


Exactly! The US and Russia have been allies at least since the Revolution in America, the Czar sent ships etc to help the colonists. The NWO had to try to destroy the deep ties