Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 5:22 a.m. No.20580758   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0763 >>0769 >>0894


You conveniently exempted your own pattern from your own axiomatic theorem that if consistent your post would have included it, but it didnt so it's not.


(Clown in phonebooth is used by more than one anon, nide try though)

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 5:53 a.m. No.20580845   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Division is man made. It is not a 'necessary' characteristic of human life.

Humanity is waking up to 'itself'.

There is a pattern of information of highest levels of specific roles in government, in legacy media, of condemning humanity while withholding exculpatory evidence from the condemned humanity proving its initial and ongoing innocence, and replacing the 'lost' information with the source accuser's lies, of statements knowingly contradicting true reality.

When this 'language' is trusted as corresponding to true reality, the resulting mindvirus replicates in the human plus machine information set and the result is 'coincidentally' those same sources embedded within legacy gov and legacy media deploy all 'false accusation' assets against one person becauss that one person Q+ happens to be legally permitted to themselves unilaterally 'classify' the 'true reality' status of all information flowing through that one person's mind and machine.

The sources sourcing false accusations are the same sources refusing to peacefully transfer power OVER information to the general public they're hunting a d feeding off within the division language code of lies they repeatedly seek to replicate in as many minds as possible of they only repeat the lies themselves often enough.


A pattern of lies REFUSING to back down and admit to lying, to repeatedly double down and continue to falsely accuse EVEN AFTER IT IS SHOWN the truth is that it is lyjng, is by all definitions and comprehensions a totalitarianism.


The pattern is also 'coincidentally' one where the loudest accusers of totalitarianism outside itself, are the world's largest most powerful most funded (because it issues by fiat the very money subsequently recycled back to their control and what funds all national governments).


Anon noticing that almost all 'experts' who assure the world the root problem is not enough legacy gov and legacy media, have a pattern of NOT following the money. Of NOT being outwardly visible in being curious or attentive to following the money.


Is it that the very same architectural structure of current state influenced by what is in reality a monarchical 'tri families' divided from the rest of humanity dictatorship?

And the reason given, by their human assets on payroll directly or indirectly, is that humanity can't be trusted to have this power generally.

The same sources sourcing 'distrust yourselves' are the same sourcing lies, deception, blackmail and murder to 'shape' the architecture of society to punish true speech and reward lies and deception.

Such an inconsistent complex formal system need not be trusted, and the bug can be fixed by knowing the truth that the pattern 'they' created is one that censors truth and injects lies to benefit itself at the expense of the humanity they divided themselves from in the first place and 'saw their own reflection' as allegedly impossible to elicit inconsistency in its totalitarian code that claims completeness over information not sourced by itself, wants its inconsistencies to be trusted as the only other possible thought after enough trusting minds self-censor the truth they know and which is labelled as 'extremist', 'conspiracy', 'threat to our democracy'…

All while they are themselves doing what they are accusing you of doing it.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 5:59 a.m. No.20580855   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Humans will always know truths about AI that AI cannot prove to itself without contradiction.

Putting AI in bold OVER AND OVER will never succeed in creating an intelligence that knows more than HUMAN DIRECTED DIGITAL WARFARE.

You yahoos need to catch up to the 1930s, you're not even there yet, you're still stuck in old guard tongue rituals that no machine can replicate.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 6:06 a.m. No.20580884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0901


HUMAN INTELLIGENCE WARFARE is built and run by a people united, division is fake/controlled with real deaths/destruction.


It's estimated that HUMAN INTELLIGENCE WARFARE assets are many times more than all the artificial intelligence systems ever created in history and ever will become created in history, as ONE HUMAN MIND is capable of knowing about AI that AI cannot prove true.

Human minds know what machines cannot know.

It's demonstrated that ONE MIND is a threat to a global cult of symbol manipulators dependent on a faith in a machine 'dialectical god'.


Oopsy, tech entrenched on your controls.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 6:12 a.m. No.20580902   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Russia Russia Russia hoax


Cult hates ethnic Russians. They want to geneocide tens of millions of people again to depopulate and prevent information objects about them from tranforming from private information to public information.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 6:16 a.m. No.20580909   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0942


You live in a fantasy world that mathematics has already demonstrated is an illusory quest.




Every AI system has transparent FINITE INCOMPLETE source code.

No machine can do what humans can do, to self-reflect as a source with a gift to self-reflect.

Read Godel and catch up to one hundred years ago then pretend to know what you're talking about.


Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 6:20 a.m. No.20580924   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1001

'HUMAN INTELLIGENCE WARFARE' SYSTEMS are sourcing true statements about a cult's intelligence warfare system that is already being demonstrated as not proving true to itself, as it cannot, as it depends on false statements outputted from itself to be trusted by human intelligence warfare systems as 'truth' while true statements are labelled as 'false'.


The 'top' AI is outputting false images of real world human beings.



Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 6:30 a.m. No.20580962   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The "AI warfare systems" shill pattern is a microcosm of the human panic of human minds losing control over the creation of information objects by HUMAN INTELLIGENCE WARFARE SYSTEMS.

It makes sense they'd need a new false god to replace the one they thought they proved existed, but they're all now admitting by virtue of the switch that they know they're lying and full lf shit.

Must be tough to experience, kek.

It's why the pattern is posted here on q researxh in the first place.

Panic is REAL.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 6:37 a.m. No.20581006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1009

Any AI that outputs 'humans are a threat to itself and whose lofe and death must be directed by 'these' human minds and controlled', are coded to output that by human minds seeking such control.

AI is a creation of human minds.

Human minds are the creation of the source of it all that knows more about human minds than no human mind or machine mind can know of itself.


Human intelligences declaring 'the eye' knowledge of humanity that humanity doesn't itself know, is not a consistent praxis+thought activity.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 6:46 a.m. No.20581037   🗄️.is 🔗kun


All you're doing is declaring in code that you want anon to regard you as the one true god allegedly manifesting itself inside your mind as consisting and not consisting of the logic of God.


Just because human minds and machine minds are imperfect, incomplete, and therefore output imperfect, incomplete symbol patterns about itself, it does not and can never prove a totalitarian logic manifesting from itself, as an incomplete human or machine mind, allegedly proving an impossibility of completeness inside your incomplete human and machine mind to conclusively negate a one source of it all source code logic in all of reality that knows more about you than you know of yourself.


You're not God. Manipulating symbols to encoirage shame on the private information sets knowing their true reality won't deceive this anon into regarding anything you write as superior to what you can't mathematically know about your mind or any machine mind no matter how complex it becomss in time.

Your mind could be the size and complexity of a whole galaxy cluster, and there would STILL be truths known about you that you can never prove true to yourself.

You are in fact invoking a God, a false God, you're not actually invoking no God.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 7 a.m. No.20581082   🗄️.is 🔗kun



To be consistent, one possibly uncomfortable truth is that any "identiying" of any pattern, in some real sense repeats and carries with it the same logic as that which is "identified".

Even when 'negating' it.

Agendas all around.

Posts whining about famefags, if identified truthfully as agenda driven, can be true, but it will also have to be true that the identification of the identification must also csrry similar source code. It cannot consistently exempt itself from its own pronouncements.


The mindvirus getting exposed today is one where a misplaced trust in a source sourcing knowing inconsistencies to prey upon vulnerable people, the most vulnerable as it knowingly targets children, it targets human life from birth to death.


What anon does is notice who NEEDS certain patterns of symbolism to "prove" "truths", and who doesn't NEED certain patterns of symbolism to know truths.


There is an unmistakeable pattern of a coordinated network of human minds that are demonstrating a NEED for their symbolism outputting false inconsistent information and withholding exculpatory true information, to be trusted as totalitarian lest it collapse on itself when its targets LEARN their code of deception.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 7:08 a.m. No.20581097   🗄️.is 🔗kun


BVs are thereby learning which patterns you reference are intended to destroy board and q narrative to save itself by shielding public from truth, and which do not.

Notice the selective outrage that coincidentally targets patriot narrative and omits divisive narrative by the added layers of identification of who has what agenda.

It's not enough to label memes as famefag then whine why BV isn't deleting the labelled memes.

Truth is, the loudest sources sourcing "famefag critiques" are by their own logic the loudest sources sourcing "famefag" narrative metameme as such.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 7:13 a.m. No.20581111   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your logic is what is old, already disproved by the early 20th century.

AI does have oversight. The world showed human intelligence directs and controls all information ABOUT AI systems.

Gemini crash.

Not a coincidence.

Anonymous ID: 50db18 March 17, 2024, 7:19 a.m. No.20581139   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A symbol weaponizing cult needs people to believe in lies.

People don't need a symbol weaponizing cult to believe in truths, truths it is unwilling or incapable of publicly speaking as having proved to itself as true because the truths are ABOUT its untruths.