Anonymous ID: 0ec30b April 29, 2024, 3:13 p.m. No.20796184   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6201 >>6239



isn't it ironic that the people protesting are protesting methods they call 'genocide' when worse methods were used, and still are used, to spread the 'religion of peace' which most of the pepole protesting are either part of or . . . some how connected to it.

Anonymous ID: 0ec30b April 29, 2024, 3:19 p.m. No.20796212   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6241 >>6252


I have no idea.

does that history upset you?

imagine how the people who were murdered or enslaved felt, or when they were being sold at auction in Cairo or Istanbul?

the ignorance of history doesn't wash away the effects of the sins of the past.

when has that group ever admitted to any of the horror that their ancestors did to the rest of humanity?

Anonymous ID: 0ec30b April 29, 2024, 3:27 p.m. No.20796258   🗄️.is 🔗kun



what I'm saying is this:

because some Muslims behave like psychopaths and chop of people's heads for the slightest mention of facts of history, others tend to let the snot nose brat children of such people get away with their crazy crazy crapolla and just pretend like it's all OK, when in fact it isn't.

I'm not taking sides I'm suggesting that Muslims stop being apologists for all the evil that was done in the past to promote their relision and admit to that.

and stop acting like some oppressed minority wheneveryone knows as soon as they gain power the oppression by them kicks into full gear. Witness the dope who had to resign in Scotland.

their behavior doesn't excuse the behavior of others, and it's not OK for anyone to the stuff that had been done. The Muslims need to make atonment and reject their crazy 'chop of their heads' behaviors which, clearly they dont' teach their snot nosed college students about.

if those college students were sincere they'd reject the religion of peace until it's reformed and tell their elders to F-off.

Anonymous ID: 0ec30b April 29, 2024, 3:40 p.m. No.20796307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6333 >>6337

and as soon as I suggest that if these protestors had free minds that they would reject the hatreds of the past and fruits of the sins of their ancestors and rebel against the ones who control them, demanding a reformation in their own religion, as soon as I suggest that shows them as being inauthentic because youth usually do rebel against the tyrannies of the past, as soon as I suggest that they reject that relgion until it's reformed and atoned, and direct their anger against their own elders


as soon as I do that the badger slink off.

they can't face the truth: there is nothing organic or real with these 'poor oppressed minority' protestors.

they are a stage show and a fraud and not run by youth but by handlers who are probably giving the compensation for doing it, with a cadre of useful idiots who just want to belong to something, anything.


they can't argue against what I say so they go mute.

Anonymous ID: 0ec30b April 29, 2024, 3:48 p.m. No.20796337   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ah, cricketts.

they can't argue against what I say, and I'm not talking about the group that tehy want everyone else to hate, and I'm calling out their youth as being conformist and blind to the hypocracies of their own religion . . .

so they just wonder off into the nothing.

how dare I suggest that their youth should focus their attention of the hypocracies of their own ethnicities and demand reformation and selfawareness amoung their own kind?

no, they ahve to have other groups as the bad ones. They won't admit to the obviousness of their own station in life being the result of eggrigious abuses against generations and generations of other people, who were either murdered or forced to convert.


they won't face the horrors of their own so how can we take them seriously when they go on about The Jews?

Anonymous ID: 0ec30b April 29, 2024, 3:57 p.m. No.20796372   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6391


not trying to outsmart anyone, don't care.

Just proving that the protestors are fake.

does that bother you?

the 'hate the Jews' message is fake

if they were real 'idealistic youth' they'd go after the psychopaths that enable them.