Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 12:31 p.m. No.20833810   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3816

US Corporate Media Complicit in Demonizing Pro-Palestinian Protesters


Mainstream outlets give the impression of circling the wagons with Israeli and American officialdom to prevent at all costs an open, honest, comprehensive and contextualized public discussion on Israel’s behavior.


A great, novel experiment in political physics is under way in the United States, as the unstoppable moral force of youth-led protests against Israel’s genocidal war in Gaza runs into the immovable object of the American power elite’s support for it.


In this clash, two critical forces have been weaponized: the U.S. mainstream media that heavily disseminates Israeli propaganda and shapes many local, state and national policies, and the scourge of antisemitism that has been unfairly used to demonize and silence Palestinians and shift attention away from the U.S.-enabled Israeli genocide in Gaza.


Since Israel launched its assault on Gaza, President Joe Biden’s steadfast support for it has galvanized young Americans and pushed them to mobilize.


They have formed decisive coalitions with Muslim and Arab Americans, Jewish, Black, Hispanic and Native communities, labor unions, and churches. They have given notice that if the U.S. continues to support the war, they will abandon Democratic candidates in the November elections, which would likely be fatal for the party.


[The power elites] fear the growing coalition of Americans who are not afraid to challenge the falsehoods and distortions of staunch Israel supporters or ignore biased media offerings.


The American power elite largely ignored the initial criticisms of the young and the marginalized, until student encampments started springing up at universities across the country three weeks ago. The students demanded an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, a halt to U.S. government financial and military aid to Israel, and the divestment of university investments from military industries that enable the Israeli genocide.


The mainstream media’s coverage of the campus encampments and the violence against them has exposed it as a central actor in the power elite that sustains Israel’s war and simultaneously tries to silence Palestinians and criminalize anyone who supports them.


As I closely followed U.S. media outlets in recent weeks, I was shocked to see reporters, commentators and hosts use the exact same words and phrases that Biden and US and Israeli officials have used to smear the protesters. The mainstream media gives the impression of circling the wagons with Israeli and American officialdom to prevent at all costs an open, honest, comprehensive and contextualized public discussion on Israel’s behavior while trying instead to focus public attention on spurious accusations.


The mainstream media has widely condemned students and accused them of using “hate speech and hate symbols” (in the words of the US president), endorsing terrorism, advocating for Israel’s destruction, resorting to antisemitic slurs and threatening and frightening Jewish students. Everywhere they look in the student protest encampments, the media oracles have seen “terrorists” in training, “anti-Semites” at work, “Jew-haters” being groomed, universities collapsing, and “Nazi mobs” in the making.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 12:37 p.m. No.20833825   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3833 >>3867 >>3922 >>3957 >>3959 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4469 >>4524 >>4537

UK Ministry of Defence Hacked by China, Over Quarter Million Armed Service Members Impacted: Reports


Communist China is suspected of being behind a major hack of Britain’s Ministry of Defence in which over a quarter of a million military service personnel may have had their private details compromised.


All of Britain’s armed forces servicemen and women, including active members as well as reservists and veterans, amounting to an estimated 270,000 people may have been compromised in a hack of the Ministry of Defence’s payroll.


The MoD has established a crisis response unit over the past three days after the suspected hack. Although the government has yet to formally accuse Communist China, multiple media outlets, including Sky News, have cited government sources claiming that Beijing is believed to be behind the cyberattack.


According to The Sun, Britain’s largest-circulation newspaper, the MoD also plans to hire contractors to scan the dark web to monitor if any information contained in the hack begins appearing for sale.


Former chairman of the defence select committee, Conservative MP Tobias Ellwood suggested that the information gleaned could enable the communist country to exert pressure on members of the military to give up secrets in exchange for “financial gain — perhaps even unaware China sits behind this”.


For its part, the Chinese foreign ministry denied involvement, saying that Beijing “firmly opposes and fights all forms of cyber attacks” and “rejects the use of this issue politically to smear other countries”. This claim would be remarkable if true, given the frequency with which European governments accuse China and its agents of attempting to hack their computer databases.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 12:38 p.m. No.20833829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3935 >>3957 >>3959 >>3989 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

Israel Captures Rafah Border Crossing, Cutting Off Aid


Netanyahu has rejected the ceasefire proposal Hamas agreed to


The Israeli military announced on Tuesday that its ground forces captured the Palestinian side of the Rafah border crossing, cutting off a vital aid route as Palestinians are facing starvation.


Israeli tanks and troops entered Rafah late Monday, and Israeli strikes pounded the city throughout the night, hitting residential homes. According to AP, hospital records show that at least 23 Palestinians were killed in the bombardment, including six women and five children.


The Israeli military claimed that it killed about 20 Hamas fighters in the operation. The Israeli military also claimed that the Rafah crossing had been used for “terrorist operations” but did not provide evidence.


The Rafah border crossing has been the main hub for aid deliveries into Gaza and was the only crossing not controlled by Israel. The UN’s World Food Program (WFP) said the nearby Kerem Shalom crossing still remains closed.


The cutting off of vital aid channels comes after WFP chief Cindy McCain said northern Gaza was already experiencing a “full-blown famine.” James Elder, the head of the UN’s children’s relief agency, said on Tuesday that if the Rafah crossing is closed for an extended period of time, it would be “hard to see how famine in Gaza can be averted.”


Also on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a ceasefire proposal that was accepted by Hamas. He accused the Palestinian group of trying to “sabotage the entry of our forces into Rafah” by announcing it accepted the ceasefire deal.


Netanyahu said the deal Hamas accepted was “very far from Israel’s vital demands” and he vowed Israel would not allow “Hamas to restore its wicked rule in the Strip.”


The US has claimed it’s opposed to an Israeli assault on Rafah since the city is packed with 1.4 million civilians, and they have nowhere to go. But the US appears to have accepted the Israeli decision to attack, as the White House said Israel informed the US that the operation would be limited.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 12:41 p.m. No.20833847   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3957 >>3959 >>4130 >>4250 >>4268 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

Mitt Romney Says Congress Supports Banning TikTok for Israel


Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) acknowledged that banning TikTok has such strong support in Congress because the social media platform has hurt Israel’s public relations battle.


“Some wonder why there was such overwhelming support for us to shut down, potentially, TikTok or other entities of that nature,” Romney said at the McCain Institute this past Friday. “If you look at the postings on TikTok and the number of mentions of Palestinians relative to other social media sites, it’s overwhelmingly so among TikTok broadcasts.”

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 12:43 p.m. No.20833857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3957 >>3959 >>3973 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

The US gives Israel $1.2B for giant laser beam weapon


The new 'defensive' technology, unsurprisingly, could go horribly wrong in practice


In the midst of Israel’s destructive campaign in the Gaza Strip, which has killed at least 34,000 people to date, Congress recently approved a $15 billion U.S. military aid package to Israel.


Providing funds towards artillery and munitions development, replenishing defense systems, and Gaza aid, the package also includes $1.2 billion towards Israel’s sci-fiesque “Iron Beam” laser weapon, a prospective directed energy system for air defense.


Once operational, Iron Beam’s systems appear slated to revolutionize Israel’s defense capacities, escalate the ongoing crisis in Gaza and already boiling tensions in the Middle East, and normalize lasers’ use in warfare as efforts towards directed energy weapons (DEWs) intensify. What’s more, the U.S. seems interested in procuring Iron Beam and adjacent technologies to its own ends, perhaps facilitating DEWs’ further future proliferation.


What is Iron Beam?


A prospective successor to Israel’s “Iron Dome” missile defense system, which launches missiles to intercept and shoot down incoming threats within Israeli borders, Iron Beam is a directed energy system that neutralizes or brings down incoming projectiles with a fiber laser.


While Israel claims Iron Dome eliminates 90% of incoming threats, the system’s weakness is its higher costs, where a single interceptor missile costs about $50,000. In contrast, Iron Beam would produce similar results without costly artillery, running solely on electricity to produce laser beams that have destroyed tanks, rockets, drones, and other targets in tests.


"[Iron Beam] is a game-changer because we cannot only strike the enemy militarily but also weaken it economically," former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett remarked back in 2022, explaining that with Iron Beam, “[Israel’s adversaries can] invest tens of thousands of dollars in a rocket and we can invest two dollars to cover the cost of the electricity in shooting down the rocket."


Bad weather can blunt the system’s effectiveness, however, which means Iron Beam is perhaps best used in tandem with the Iron Dome system for comprehensive air defense.


A growing interest in Directed Energy Weapons


Israel’s Iron Beam is a manifestation of governments’ decades-long interest in DEWs, systems that can convert chemical or electrical energy into radiated energy that can be focused to damage, destroy or neutralize adversarial targets. Operating at rapid speeds, directed energy weapons such as lasers, high-power microwaves, and particle beam weapons are crafted to discreetly, quickly, and precisely hit targets without artillery.


Aware of their potential, a number of countries are developing DEWs. The UK recently tested its “DragonFire” laser weapon, which reportedly can hit a coin from a kilometer away. And Russia’s Peresvet laser system, designed to disable or “blind” high-altitude spacecraft, like satellites, and the Zadira laser system, which can shoot down drones, further, are being tested on Ukraine’s battlefields.


Likewise, the U.S. spends about $1 billion annually to develop laser and adjacent directed energy weaponry. Notably, the U.S. Army’s Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office is overseeing an Indirect Fire Protection Capability-High Energy Laser prototype program, awarding Lockheed Martin with a contract for the project in October 2023. Once operational, the laser is designed to counter or neutralize rockets, artillery, mortars and other projectiles hostile to warfighters in tandem with a military’s other defense components.


Ultimately, DEWs offer a cheap, accurate solution for militaries looking to counter drones and other aerial threats. But their destructive capacities, where Iron Beam’s lasers are able to neutralize and destroy many projectiles with a simple laser fire, are clear and contribute to an ever more perilous future for warfare.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 12:46 p.m. No.20833876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3893

Denver Sets Up Hotline to Encourage Citizens to Host Illegals in Their Homes


Denver, Colorado, like communities across the nation, is collapsing under the weight of its new population of illegals thanks to Joe Biden’s broken border.


Denver’s mayor just cut police funding by $8 million to keep catering to illegals.


Advocacy groups say that six months of free housing and food are not enough and is “insulting.”


A new push is encouraging people with “extra room” to host illegals in their homes. They even set up a helpful hotline to expedite the process.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 12:52 p.m. No.20833895   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3957 >>3959 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

Zionists Fighting to Control a World Turning Against Them


Israel’s litany of criminal actions has historically all gone unpunished because they perma-wrap themselves in victimhood when in fact, today they are the barbarous, most violent oppressor committing genocide. The over-the-top reactionary oppression and authoritarian police state tactics deployed alongside today’s weaponized antisemitism/hate speech law is designed to subversively silence and criminalize those simply reacting to the appalling wholesale slaughter of the Palestinian people. But the cat’s out of the bag, the genie is out of the bottle and recognized bullshit out of the broken propaganda machine is no longer working.


All the good people on this earth will not stop speaking out against the horror of war crime atrocities committed by those shielded and protected as Israelis, Zionists and the so-called “chosen people” of Jewish supremacism. It never gives anyone a license to massacre at will another group of people deemed less worthy of life. And the fact that the Deep State Rothschild controlled Israeli firsters are screaming “antisemitism” is now off the charts only means that we will not be blind to Israeli genocide that has nothing to do with antisemitism. Get that straight you liars in the Zionist minion media and Zionist minion order-followers in government.


The May 5th Times of Israel’s flashy headline “Antisemitism surging, report finds, prompting fear for future of ‘Jewish life’ in West,” is not going to silence or negate the truth. This propaganda piece claims that antisemitism is rising, citing that in 2023 it quadrupled in cases in France with twice as many in the US as the previous year. Might events after October 7th have something to do with it? Again, it has everything to do with the fact that Israel’s murderous impunity in this world always remains the same with every crime unpunished.


A walk down deception lane… stolen US nuke secrets and uranium to illicitly develop nuclear weapons with the Sampson option? The last US president for the people JFK that confronted Israel’s nuclear development shortly before for Israel and CIA blew his head off? The USS Liberty false flag attack with America’s “closest” Middle East ally murdering dozens of US Navy seamen? Bibi’s Fink Bar boast using US cash cow for Israel to suck its “golden calf dry” a decade ahead of its inside 9/11 job?


And now criticizing Israel, the Zionists, or the Jews is a hate speech crime that will lock up American citizens because their treasonous lapdog Congress controlled by Zionist bribery and blackmail answers to Israel and their City of London masters. All this talk of antisemitism is smokescreen misdirection to claim that all these massive worldwide anti-Israel protests reflect hatred toward the Jewish people. Media and government liars are failing miserably to control the narrative this time around. Why? Enough of us see through the layers of Deep State Modus Operandi deception. Israeli and US authoritarian overreach as the world’s two rogue state pariahs has reached the desperation stage.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 1:10 p.m. No.20833967   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3985 >>4003 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

Biden to condemn antisemitism, praise free speech at Holocaust remembrance event


US leader faces an increasingly acrimonious national debate about Jewish security, Zionism, free speech and support for Israel


So the jews wrote his speech?

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 1:15 p.m. No.20833987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4250 >>4281 >>4412 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537



Israeli envoy says US must cut United Nations funding if Palestinian statehood endorsed


Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan says a draft General Assembly resolution recognizing the Palestinians as qualified to become a full UN member goes against the founding UN Charter, and would give the Palestinians the de facto status and rights of a state.


“If it is approved, I expect the United States to completely stop funding the UN and its institutions, in accordance with American law,” Erdan says, noting that adoption by the General Assembly would not change anything on the ground.


Under US law, Washington cannot fund any UN organization that grants full membership to any group that does not have the “internationally recognized attributes” of statehood. The US halted funding in 2011 for the UN cultural agency UNESCO after the Palestinians became a full member.


“It remains the US view that the path toward statehood for the Palestinian people is through direct negotiations,” says Nate Evans, a spokesperson for the US mission to the UN.


“We are aware of the resolution and reiterate our concerns with any effort to extend certain benefits to entities when there are unresolved questions as to whether the Palestinians currently meet the criteria under the Charter,” he says.


The US is thought to provide approximately one-third of the UN’s budget.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 1:20 p.m. No.20834015   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4021 >>4022 >>4024 >>4025 >>4061 >>4063 >>4071 >>4082 >>4093 >>4105 >>4131 >>4137 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

Republican Lindsey Graham RAIDED by the FBI as FBI seize his phone and electronic equipment


He’s a globalist plant – he must’ve done something to piss off his handlers. This is probably just a stern warning that if he doesn’t tow the line, he’s going down.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 1:33 p.m. No.20834068   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4089 >>4090 >>4095 >>4118 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla – “What we did with Covid, We saved the world”


Pfizer chairman and CEO Albert Bourla: Our oncology drugs will be blockbuster ones

“Seagen acquisition and oncology. It is what it is our new Covid. So we did what we did with Covid. We are very proud, we saved the world, but it is behind us now. We want to do once more and I think oncology is our best chance to do it. But of course with many other therapeutic areas…I think will be blockbuster drugs. And more importantly, they will be blockbuster drugs because they will have significant impact on cancer patients…But what excites me most is not how the current projects are doing. Of course I’m very happy because they are helping people. But when I reviewed the pipeline which is coming out with ADC technology, I really think we will move the needle into overall survival of cancer.”

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 1:37 p.m. No.20834081   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4115 >>4150 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

Schumer Sends Jews $400 Million FREE Because They Got Emails Saying There Was a Bomb


So these Jews get an email saying there is a bomb. There is no bomb. In response to this “no bomb” situation, they get $400 million in free money from the Americans.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 1:47 p.m. No.20834128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4250 >>4281 >>4308 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

UAE Offers South Africa Investments To Drop Israel Lawsuit


Diplomatic sources revealed an offer made by the UAE to South Africa, which includes huge investments to withdraw from suing Israel in the International Court of Justice.


Emirates Leaks sources reveal UAE officials sought to persuade South Africa to drop its Court of Justice case against Israel by offering billions in oil refinery investments.


According to the sources, Emirati officials sought for weeks to secretly offer various temptations to their counterparts in South Africa, including opening various economic relations between the two countries.


In addition, the only Emirati request from South Africa was to withdraw from suing Israel or at least reduce the severity of the genocide charge included in the file in the Court of Justice.


However, South Africa insisted, after filing the lawsuit, on proceeding with the International Court of Justice and ignoring the Emirati offer, according to the same sources who indicated extreme disappointment in Abu Dhabi at the failure of these attempts.


For the fifth consecutive month, the UAE has positioned itself as the primary regional ally of Israel amid its ongoing conflict with the Gaza Strip.


Media outlets and online platforms linked to the UAE have initiated a significant campaign backing Israel while seeking to vilify Palestinian resistance groups.


In parallel, the UAE took advantage of its regional relations to avoid opening other arenas against Israel, especially in Syria.


The UAE warned the Syrian regime against interfering in the war between the Palestinian factions and Israel or allowing attacks to be launched from Syrian territory on Israel.


According to Axios, the UAE wields considerable influence over the Syrian government, surpassing that of many other Arab nations in the region, notably due to Abu Dhabi’s early move to restore relations with Assad.


The UAE also enjoys a close relationship with Israel, after the two sides signed a peace treaty in 2020, as part of the “Abraham Accords,” brokered by former US President Donald Trump.


The American website stated that Emirati officials conveyed messages to senior Syrian counterparts stressing the significance of refraining from involvement in the conflict.


According to the site, the Emiratis informed the administration of US President Joe Biden about their contacts with the Syrians.


The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs described the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation, launched by Hamas on cities and villages in the occupied Palestinian territories near the Gaza Strip, as constituting a “dangerous and massive escalation.”


In a statement, the Ministry also voiced its significant discontent regarding reports of Israeli civilians being abducted from their residences as captives. Emphasizing the necessity for “both sides’ civilians to be fully safeguarded under international humanitarian law,” it stressed the importance of them not becoming targets in the conflict.


Although expressing profound regret for the loss of lives from both sides due to the eruption of violence, the Ministry urged both parties to halt the escalation and refrain from exacerbating the situation, which could lead to further tragic outcomes affecting civilian lives and infrastructure.

Anonymous ID: 750c30 May 7, 2024, 1:54 p.m. No.20834152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4158 >>4250 >>4281 >>4432 >>4524 >>4537

Group Of Republican Senators Issue Warning To ICC Over Potential Arrest Warrants For Israeli Government Officials


"The United States will not tolerate politicized attacks by the ICC on our allies. Target Israel and we will target you. If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States. You have been warned," it added.