Anonymous ID: e7ecb6 May 9, 2024, 7:53 a.m. No.20842078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2093 >>2214 >>2221 >>2301 >>2302 >>2325 >>2359 >>2475 >>2487 >>2513 >>2514 >>2594 >>2615 >>2741 >>2745 >>2756 >>2789 >>2797

SCOOP: FBI Officials Were Told to ‘Stand Down’ the Day before Jan. 6

'We are standing down in [REDACTED]. The predicated subjects have been [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] is being informed…'

Posted by Ken Silva May 8, 2024


(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The FBI released on Tuesday a new batch of records about its investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill uprising—raising more questions about the event in the process.


Among the 107 pages of new records is a series of emails with the subject line, “Stand down. See below.” The emails are heavily redacted, and the individuals in the email thread are not identified. Only one person’s title was revealed: a supervisory intelligence analyst for the FBI’s DC office. Even the date and times of the emails are redacted, with the exception of one that was sent at 5:46 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021.


🚨Newly released FBI records include an email thread with the subject line, "Stand down. See Below" the day before Jan. 6🚨 The vast majority of this email thread is redacted, so it's unclear what the "stand down" order was in relation to. — Ken Silva (@JD_Cashless) May 8, 2024


The limited information in the emails suggests that law enforcement was investigating a group of people who travelled to Washington DC on Jan. 5.

“We are standing down in [REDACTED]. The predicated subjects have been [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] is being informed.The only people from the group who are continuing to DC are non-subjects, who are not carrying weapons, and appear to be solely involved in legal First Amendment protesting,” one email from the thread stated.


In response to that email, someone else said, “Thank you all for quickly stepping up today!”


Law enforcement did have to deal with some armed individuals on Jan. 5, 2021, as noted by Jan. 6 defendant William Pope.


First up is Thomas Gronek from North Carolina who was on the Hippies for Trump bus that got pulled over on January 5. Gronek brought a pink Ruger 10/22 rifle, with 275 rounds of .22 ammo, and a black 9mm Springfield handgun with 31 rounds of ammo. Gronek was detained until… — 🇺🇸 (@FreeStateWill) April 23, 2024


For instance, theDC Metropolitan PoliceDepartment reportedlystopped a “Hippies for Trump” bus on Jan. 5, arresting a protestor during that stop. Officers said they found a pistol, a rifle, more than 300 rounds of ammunition and fireworks.


Another would-be protestor, Colorado man Harlan Boen, was reportedly arrested on Jan. 5 for carrying a pistol at Freedom Plaza.


The batch of FBI emails released Tuesday also includes discussions between Joint Terrorism Task Force, or JTTF, members on Jan. 5, 2021, forewarning possible violence.


“Hi all, [REDACTED] asked earlier about [REDACTED] subjects coming to the [National Capitol Region] this week who have been [REDACTED]. Per [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] (cc’d), below is information regarding [REDACTED] subjects travelling to the NCR [REDACTED].”


Yet another heavily redacted email from Jan. 4, 2021, shows that the JTTF treating the upcoming Stop the Steal rally as a “usual” event.


“Usual early [warning order] for something brewing. There are a few people posting intent to come down to DC to do harm on the 6th. [REDACTED] are working in which [REDACTED]. [REDACTED] … and there are likely to be others … That is all I have. You should at least be [REDACTED] from here on out,” the Jan. 4 email said.


The FBI has declined to comment on its Jan. 6 investigation in response to emails from Headline USA.


link to FBI release if PDF doesn't post

Anonymous ID: e7ecb6 May 9, 2024, 8:08 a.m. No.20842126   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interesting, was looking through FBI vault, this was named:

Special Counsel Mueller Investigation Records Part 47.


Low and behold this is an investigation of Michael Cohen bank records, corp, and his financial filings from 4/3/2017, and documents from October of 2016 seems like when he opened the acct.


Anons,Call the Digif you have an interest

I only saved page that had data on them, the first 11 were just listing of work.

Anonymous ID: e7ecb6 May 9, 2024, 8:35 a.m. No.20842214   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2221 >>2224 >>2301 >>2302 >>2325 >>2359 >>2475 >>2487 >>2513 >>2514 >>2594 >>2615 >>2741 >>2745 >>2756 >>2789 >>2797


guess what FBI released 35 parts documents & reports on 4/7/24 on US capitol violence on J6the one posted with this article was on MAY 7, 2024


04.07.22 United States Capitol Violence and related Events of January 6, 2021


Go to link if you want to download them

Anonymous ID: e7ecb6 May 9, 2024, 9:24 a.m. No.20842383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2388 >>2399 >>2400 >>2410 >>2523 >>2789




I’m officially un-endorsing #JoeBiden I did so much work on behalf of this soft serve ice cream eating MF, I’m done. #Unendorsed


(Smokin Joe Bidan, Cadaver Joe Bidan, you know who I am! KEK he's losing his mind because Joe is not sending weapons to Israel. I doubt Joe cares. Michael may need some therapy)


0:00 / 1:28

8:09 AM · May 9, 2024




Anonymous ID: e7ecb6 May 9, 2024, 9:52 a.m. No.20842474   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Columbia Law students demand passing grades after protests. Blame coddling schoolsBy Rikki Schlott May 8, 2024, 6:00 a.m. ET


Law students at Columbia are demanding exams be canceled due to campus upheaval. Columbia Law students want their final exams called off …in the name of Palestine. In a recent letter, the student editors of the Columbia Law Review made a public call for the school to cancel the semester’s remaining exams and “give all students passing grades for their work throughout the semester.”


“We believe that canceling exams would be a proportionate response to the level of distress our peers have been feeling,” the unnamed students wrote in an open letter. The plea comes after Columbia University, on April 30, authorized the NYPD to clear out trespassers who violently and forcibly took over the school’s Hamilton Hall (and smashed windows and trashed furniture while at it). And yet these lawstudents describe the police’s action as “violence” that “has irrevocably shaken many” of them and “the majority of our classmates.”


You’re telling me that the majority of Columbia Law students —who were admitted to a program with a 12% acceptance rate— are unable to do their work amidst political upheaval?


According to the Law Review board, law students have been rendered “unable to focus and highly emotional” due to recent events on campus. And, if the school says they can’t all just pass automatically, the Law Review’s letter asks that exams at least be graded on a pass or fail basis.


These needy kids might sound like the squeaky wheels —but a shocking 74.2% of ColumbiaLaw School Studentssupport pass-or-fail grading this semester. (Since 1994, the school has used an A, B, C, F grading system with “very few” credit/fail courses, according to its academic procedures.)

It’s not a good look when most students at your elite institution are asking for educators to go easy on them.


“Videos have circulated of police clad in riot gear mocking and brutalizing our students,” the letter reads. “Many [of us] are unwell at this time and cannot study or concentrate while [our] peers are being hauled to jail.”


ClearlyColumbia Law School isn’t teaching theirstudents property rights. They should know well that a private institution has every right to establish its own rules and see that they are enforced. There’s no inalienable right to trespassing. The students also clearlyneglected to read the campus rulebook, which clearly states that “all tenting must be ordered through Columbia Facilities Events Administration.”


I’m a part-time Columbia student, but I don’t need a law degree to parse out what that means:No liberated zone on the quad. The letter — which was co-signed by the executive boards of five other Columbia Law-affiliated publications — asks the school to “give all students passing grades for their work throughout the semester.”


The subtext:Even those with Fs should get degreesand start representing legal clients without qualifications or requisite knowledge. The entire demand isabsurd. Nothing about exams is supposed to be equitable. The whole point of finals is to figure out who retained knowledge and understood concepts and who didn’t.Egalitarian grades are no grades at all.


You know what elsecan be distressing, disturbing and emotionally confronting?Courtroom proceedings. These kids might end up working as legal counsel in a murder trial. Such a level of entitlement would have been unthinkable just a couple years ago, but this is a coddled generation accustomed to being given extensions on deadlines, extra time for exams and easy As on their transcripts.

The law students’ requestshave precedent. When they demanded leniency on grades in the wake of George Floyd’s murder in 2020, administrators capitulated. At UCLA, aprofessor was even suspendedforrefusing to go easieron black students’ grades.


At NYU, the Senior Vice President for Global Inclusion at the university’s DEI office said that professors should consider not making students turn on cameras during Zoom classes in the days following the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse, who fatally shot two protesters during a fiery Black Lives Matter demonstration in Kenosha, Wisconsin. NYU’s statement cited students’ “exhaustion, fatigue, frustration, and anger” as a reason to go easy on them.


Time and again, kids have been coddled by their schools — and they’re growing entitled. Now that they’re being unleashed into the courtroom, the rest of the world risks bearing the consequences.


If not for the sake of sanity, for the sake of reputation Columbia Law School shouldn’t give in and start doling out degrees to feeble,flunking Hamas supporters.

Anonymous ID: e7ecb6 May 9, 2024, 10:38 a.m. No.20842664   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Axelrod: Biden ‘pride’ may cost him election (what about his consistent lying, isn’t that a problem)

Nick Robertson Thu, May 9, 2024 at 10:13 AM EDT·2 min read

Senior Democratic strategist David Axelrod hit President Biden over his economic messaging Wednesday following a campaign event in Milwaukee, saying the president’s “pride” could be his undoing in November.


Biden has consistently framed struggles with the economy in the past tense, and treated the issue as already won. Most Americans disagree, with polls showing most trusting former President Trump on the economy more. Axelrod, who was former President Obama’s campaign strategist, said it’s “absolutely true” that the economy has significantly improved under Biden.


“But that’s not the way people are experiencing the economy,” he said in a CNN appearance. “They are experiencing it through the lens of the cost of living. He is a man who’s built his career on empathy, why not lead with the empathy?”


“I think he’s making a terrible mistake,” he continued. “If he doesn’t win this race, it may not be Donald Trump that beats him, it may be his own pride.”


In the Milwaukee campaign event Wednesday, Biden said his administration had “already turned” the economy around. That pride in previous accomplishments may not work with voters, Axelrod said, who have a more negative view of the economy.


Economic messaging has been a struggle for the Biden campaign, after last year’s “Bidenomics” tour fell flat and concerns remain about inflation and gas prices.


Inflation was just 2.7 percent year-over-year in March, down significantly from its highs last year, but that isn’t being felt in voter sentiment. The issue is still top of mind for voters, according to Gallup polling.


Only 38 percent of Americans have a “great deal” of confidence in Biden’s ability to lead on the economy, according to a Gallup poll last week, a near record low for the figure. Trump never received less than 42 percent confidence on the issue when he was in office.


Now,46 percent of Americans said they have a “great deal” of confidence in Trump, a disparity that could impact the president’s odds at reelection this November.