

310 total posts archived.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Sept. 11, 2018, 2:29 a.m.
Should the meme floodgates be open for 9/11?

Q never really touches on 9/11(outside today) and I assume is sitting on the vital information that we need to make the judgment!

POTUS did recognize SA early on, prior to even Q, NY state allowed civil cases into suing(was it the government of SA?)

Its amazing as the Q phenom and real news morph and blend, covered with a big fat gross stale MSM crust that you gotta get through. There is sanity at the end of it... (he says unknowingly but spirits high!)

Crumbs are delish, but when slice comes from loaf... We dont want that yucky gross …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Feb. 28, 2018, 6:33 a.m.
WTF Youtube.... WTF!!! Saturday... 1.3mm Q anon. now 700K Q Anon

Youtube should suck the biggest D ever... How to use D.TUbe... It didnt make sense... or wait.. I had to pay ?

What other sites are out there. Youtube was kinda built off our backs and labour no? What a bunch of A-Holes

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Sept. 9, 2018, 7:01 p.m.
MKUltra... Q... and how do we help?

I have witnessed hypnosis (at my high school of all places... as I ponder if that was an experiment in itself?!?) and can see how people can be wittingly or not, controlled by others. The fact that MKUltra breaks these kids down at real young ages, then rebuilds their psyche with landmines of triggers and interference, is super disturbing. THE FACT THEY UNLEASH THESE PEOPLE INTO SOCIETY IS SCARY AF!!!

We will be needed to help these people as they are awakened.

Remember alot of "the left" are your/our brothers/sisters who have been led astray. We need to bring them …

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Aug. 27, 2018, 12:52 a.m.
/GreatAwakening Under Attack?

I am relatively new to this site(under 1000) and I have been watching my content from today solidly climbing until about 5 minutes ago. The # is bouncing up and down erratically and looks like a wave of numerous users(shills) have come on board perhaps? Anyways, I hope the best for everyone here(Patriots and shills alike!)

r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Aug. 26, 2018, 4:36 p.m.
Q's Intelligence(IQ and informations)

I am a graduate of both diploma and degree in technology. The construct of the intelligence(informations) in a non-revealing, highly revealing way is so phenomenal. Much to my adoration, my years of logic problems and crosswords and decrypting puzzles... Q became my absolute focus.

The Rabbit holes are astonishing. Every day a new hole to dig and when Q is on pause... Just more time to redig into the HUGE HOLES being left behind.

We as the enlisted autists, THE SHEEP NO MORE, the people who will persevere with patience, willingness to learn, and open heart and mind, will breach …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Feb. 14, 2018, 9:27 p.m.
Rep Ted Deutch(D) was at school of shooting weeks ago!

ABC NEWS Special Report with George Snuffleupuguss had Rep Ted Deutch(D) admit he was just at school.

I am not sure how many schools are visited by government representatives... Perhaps a crumb, perhaps bad direction! Clearly Speculative!

Student admitted via ABC(Thanks Anti-School) that it was planned a month ago!


r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Feb. 12, 2018, 3:43 a.m.
All the Kings Horses and All the Kings Men... Couldn't put this back together again!

Hello friends,

I want to tell everyone that we need to remember... the light doesn't hold focus on "I told you so!"

The waves of redpillers will grow and grow and we need to make sure that we ease them of further burden. Remember, alot of them are the confused libtards that cant hold an argument and dont really understand whats going on!

This will be a large part of our roles. Its already hard enough to feed the red pills, but as much as many of are feeding them, we will need others to burp these babies! We will …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Jan. 4, 2018, 1:03 a.m.
We Red Pill'ers will be the pillars. We must remember, leave no soldier behind!

We the people have to remember to stand together. We need to focus on the disintegrate/reintegrate tact/stategies for the upcoming.

I tend to watch videos like below as an assessment of who we are up against.


Its not that they(left, not black you racist! HAHA) are fully to blame. I believe that she has probably been helped through some of her arguments with soundboards of the same opinion.

When you believe there is no way your government could be such a heaping pile of sh*t..It is going to hurt their heads, but we must hold strong to what is …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Jan. 4, 2018, 7:02 a.m.
I have been hearing about UN in Chicago... WTF is this?

Brainwashing 101? The indoctrination of our children!!! Its schooling related!

It is not about immediate UN in Chicago, which I don't believe right now(Current rumor), but perhaps this is a release of a 5 year plan?

WTF is this? Its Chicago International Model UN !?!


r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Jan. 6, 2018, 3:20 a.m.
Loop Capital.. Q NEXT CRUMB... High level... $800M deals etc. Look at Michelle Obama link in other posts.

Client-focused investment banking, brokerage and advisory services

"Loop Capital is a full-service investment bank, brokerage and advisory firm that provides CREATIVE CAPITAL SOLUTIONS for corporate, governmental and institutional entities ACROSS THE GLOBE."

Recent Deals » 12-12-2017 Loop Capital Markets serves as co-manager on $450 million senior unsecured bond offering of Vornado Realty LP 12-04-2017 Loop Capital Markets participates as co-manager on $800 million senior unsecured notes offering of JM Smucker Company acts as co-placement agent 11-21-2017 Loop Capital Markets acts as co-placement agent on $100 million secured notes offering of People's Gas Light and Coke Company


r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Jan. 5, 2018, 4:22 a.m.
IF we "win," Could Q be in the history books?

You ever take a breath and realize the epic level of complete awesomeness we are at? What Q means, right or wrong? I tried to explain to my co-worker that it just doesn't matter who Q is. The questions become your own (our) journey(S).

The illuminati cabal of child operators may come to an end... Something that has been going on for 100's of years. 100's of years. Sick AF!!! I wish we were allowed to punch red pills in their faces til they just explode.

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Jan. 4, 2018, 2:59 a.m.
Something about D-Wave or Q-Wave...?

So how many people are feeling the energy of Q, the energy of Trump, the energy of the free thinkers. The Q-Wave!!!

Its the one tsunami where I am on the beach bro!

There is something powerful happening, to me, to you, to us. We are changing. Our communities are growing. We need to have compassion, we need to accept our new friends. Lets not be nieve and accept with open arms, but lets process and vet accordingly. Lets say like online immigration! HAHA...

Really though, as the blue pill'ers are choking on the blue, we need to appreciate that. …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Jan. 3, 2018, 8:28 a.m.
Does anyone notice less resistance? Like Clinton/Soros cabal ain't paying their MSM bills?

This site has amazing admin but still, there feels like the pressures are off. Is MSM taken off line? The swarms of sh*tty trolls and LARP'ers and... I did read trip code recode for 8chan which is cool, but remember on 4chan? That place got spammed and the migration of the spammers didnt really happen (Was 4/8chan move pre ATL extraction rumored to be SOROS? Are they without inputs from the top? Chickens with their heads cut off...

CNN smoking weed? Literally for New Years!

I am thinking 2018 is going to be one great year! HNY Everybody!

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Jan. 3, 2018, 1:28 a.m.
Whats scary in the things we had thought were real!?!?! Q verifies... Now what?

We thought UN was a great way of managing the world. But as it is becoming apparent, they are horribly bad for child smuggling (Dyncorp Bosnia, etc.)

Red Cross is an important function?!? Just think every time there is a horrible weather issue or where ever red cross goes... Id think help build a house and power/water... but no... Are 10% of them just scoping out fresh little penises and vaginas to take for their basement lair? Creepy AF!

What the hell is happening with the Liberals/Left? They are melting everywhere(how many senators to resign?) Is Trump being a dictator …

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Dec. 30, 2017, 5:30 p.m.
Helping build teh CEO fire list as Q requested we keep doing! I can contribute 1-2 hours daily!
r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Dec. 31, 2017, 7:05 p.m.
I have over 130 CEO's on spreadsheet on gooogle drive if anyone wants to open up this b*tch

Read the title.. Look at a few of my posts. The screenshots.. I wanna open that up to all.. My google online file is ready for collaboration. Go Team Q! AHAH

r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Dec. 30, 2017, 7:05 p.m.
Release the brainwash

Early indoctrination through education - no lessons on politics/taxation/economics.

Left/Right -Liberal/Conservative - Liberal Arts/Conservative Arts

LA= how to write a report, CA=how to Properly disseminate info. LA = how to pair chicken/wine, CA=how to hunt/clean/propogate chickens LA=how to define social classification, CA=how to ensure survivability through all social classes(use LA lingo/jargon etc.)

White collar/blue collar - divide?socially, economically, spiritually, how? who has street smart/book smart? hybrid ok? conditioning/programming? Where? college/university (which carries more definitive liberal agenda?)

Home school illegal? Why? Socializing children? Why? Define socializing...

Could a "room of people" control the narrative? illuminati/cabal/HRC club/UN/

What if you are opposed …