ArchiveAnon !dTGY7OMD/g ID: ddab04 Explaining this all as simply as possible Dec. 17, 2017, 3:06 p.m. No.42   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6139 >>67

I'm the person who has been working on making a really simple explanation of everything. I've been attempting to cover everything anyone who wildly stumbles upon this might not know (so for example how RSA works, what big O notation means, what a nested loop is, as well as obviously explaining the grid and the whole point of all of this). Here's most of what I've done so far. I haven't had a lot of free time so I thought the most useful use of my time would be working on that "map" that VQC suggested we make. Obviously anyone is welcome to either suggest that this is complete shit or make changes or point out anything incorrect or work on their own version or anything like that. This work isn't about the individuals. It's about the result we get by working together. That's why if we can all get on the same level in terms of understanding, things might get done more quickly.

ArchiveAnon !dTGY7OMD/g ID: ddab04 Dec. 17, 2017, 3:07 p.m. No.43   🗄️.is 🔗kun

That said, I've been stuck on the quantum computing part for several days now. I understand the concepts, but after searching everywhere I could think to, there seems to genuinely be no explanation of how quantum algorithms are run that doesn't completely gloss over very important parts.


So using prime factorization as an example, we could have a huge list of numbers with a qubit associated with each one, and in order to find the number in the list we're looking for we would rely on finding the qubit with the highest probability. Each qubit would be represented as a wave, and, to begin with, they would all have the same amplitude/probability (so for example if there were 8 numbers in the list then each qubit or group of qubits represented with one coefficient would be represented as 1/8 probability).

>Then you do a global operation on all of the qubits which inverts the amplitude of the answer you want

>Then you do another global operation on all of the qubits which amplifies the difference between each amplitude and those of the equal superposition states, which greatly amplifies the one you want

>Then you can repeat the last step to amplify it even more

>Then you'll find the answer with a really high probability, and you can verify it with a regular computer

I cannot for the life of me find anything anywhere that explains how these steps actually work instead of just rewording what I wrote. How in the hell do you do some kind of global operation on the qubits that inverts the amplitude of the answer you want? You'd have to know the answer already in order to know what to invert, and that defeats the purpose of looking it up. This one has been bugging me the most. I also haven't been able to find an explanation of the second step, in which the differences between the amplitudes are used to make the one you inverted the highest probability, but that seems like it would only be a matter of some kind of equation or whatever. It also seems like it would take O(n) time, though, which would make it take as long to do as prime factorization on a regular computer, rendering the whole thing useless. I can't find any good explanations for either of these things (not to mention that I still have no idea how this grid even relates to quantum computing in the slightest, although I might if I understood these steps). I really hope someone here can explain these things to me, not only for my own benefit and understanding, but so that I can hopefully turn it into a simple explanation for everyone else who has no idea what this means, since I always seemed to be good at that.

Anonymous ID: e366e2 Dec. 17, 2017, 4:40 p.m. No.54   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>186 >>491

Hey thanks for your PDF. We have a small team working on this stuff here and lurking. We are not coders at all. So far I tried to get the code to spit out the .csv with MONO under linux command like but could not get it to go We also tried visual studio code on a windows box and have made far more progress. we are bogged down with scriptcs not recognized and other errors. Could you post a ?simple? step by step for a non-coder to get this to work? We have been spinning our wheels for days on it. Thanks for your time good sir

AA ID: ddab04 Dec. 17, 2017, 11:11 p.m. No.186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>187 >>189


>we have a small team working on this stuff here and lurking

I know, I'm the BO

>could you post a simple step by step for a non-coder to get this to work?

I'll get right on it. If you weren't aware, the code has been rewritten in a few other languages. I'll probably only be able to put a guide together for Python and Java, since I've never really used C# or Rust.



Good to know it was worth the time. Thanks! My goal with this, as well as making a map like VQC suggested, is to turn it into a guide that explains the entirety of the process, including how the grid can act as a quantum computer (which I actually don't really grasp myself yet) and how it can be applied to other things. Hopefully I can get a bit more free time at some point and work harder on it than I currently can.

>You should include a virus scan of it

If someone was going to put malicious Javascript into a pdf, wouldn't they also forge the virus scan? Wouldn't it make more sense for someone other than me to do that? I also don't know how




It's pretty good. It explains many things better than I'd written so far. I can see where you're going with the vector diagram too. Two things I can think to critique: it's probably better to have all the information in one place rather than linking to videos (especially in an infographic since you can't highlight and copy text), and I'm hoping this is leading to an explanation of how to use Shor's algorithm on the grid, because I still have no idea how that's meant to work. My own personal problem is that there are several little things I don't get about quantum computing that I'm having such a hard time finding simple enough explanations for, and without understanding those little things I don't seem to be able to grasp the bigger picture. It seems like this explanation is getting there (obviously it isn't finished), so I'm hoping if you're continuing with it that you're using the grid as an example.

Anonymous ID: 09b357 Dec. 17, 2017, 11:14 p.m. No.189   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The hardest and longest part of Shor is the QFT as you know. I haven't figured out how they factor it with the period but it's that simple, as the QFT gives you the period and then they crack it.

Anonymous ID: 09b357 Dec. 18, 2017, 12:49 a.m. No.230   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>231


Except one line of code is messed up.


Line 139 should be

text = "{" + String.format(formatTemplate, f, n - 1, d + 1, x + 1, a, b) + "}"


text = "{" + String.format(formatTemplate, f, b, a, x + 1, d + 1, n - 1) + "}";

Anonymous ID: ddab04 Dec. 18, 2017, 1:19 a.m. No.242   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>278


I'm going to have to change the pdf then. I wrote it based on {f, b, a, x, d, n}. I wondered why the fuck we were doing that. That made no sense to me.

Anonymous ID: ddab04 Dec. 18, 2017, 2:10 p.m. No.352   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>357


Well I'd also tried to rewrite it in Java but I didn't know how HashMaps worked. I was the one who added the image generator to your code.

Anonymous ID: 09b357 Dec. 18, 2017, 2:22 p.m. No.357   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They're pretty simple, they are the Java version of C#'s Dictionaries.


Just maps one type of an object to another type of object.

Anonymous ID: 163878 Dec. 19, 2017, 10 p.m. No.652   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>707


Mannn You are the best! We will dive back in soon as the real world sadly has intruded on our math :( Thanks! We will post our results when we get them.

Anonymous ID: ddab04 Dec. 20, 2017, 2:49 a.m. No.707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>713


Feel free too if you want. We do have pdf support, and we have several pdf-related boards (/pdfs/, /pdf/, /zundel/, about ten more when I use the search function just now) so it's not like everyone's opposed to pdfs as a file format. It would make it less likely that anyone would unintentionally run malicious Javascript that they might think I put into it of course. I just personally prefer typing it out.



It's what I'm here for thus far, so you're welcome. If you have any suggestions let me know. I'm not really sure what I should be focusing on next because I'm struggling to get my head around the relationship between the grid and quantum computing (I'm the annoying one from the other thread who keeps whining about it).

ID: 09b357 Dec. 20, 2017, 10:01 a.m. No.713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>728


Yeah I will,

and what I mean is that the people on /cbts/ and the like are afraid of PDFs having viruses.

'Spose that's what you get when you use an OS quite literally backdoored by the CIA.

Anonymous ID: ddab04 Dec. 20, 2017, 4:03 p.m. No.728   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>730


Well, I don't blame them. As interested in a lot of declassified CIA documents as I am sometimes (particularly the remote viewing ones) I don't tend to look at them since they're always pdfs. Is there anything you need me to fix about it before you turn it into an infographic or whatever? I typed it out in one go kinda quickly and didn't really go over it.

ID: 09b357 Dec. 20, 2017, 4:27 p.m. No.730   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>732


No, you should go over it, because I still have to finish Shor. It had been taking me a while because Gimp doesn't into propery memory usage (and working with an infographic size image tends to use all 8 gigs of my ram).

Anonymous ID: ddab04 Dec. 20, 2017, 4:46 p.m. No.732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>735


Have you thought of starting from near the bottom of where you currently are and pasting the pieces together in a different Paint-style program when you're done?

Anonymous ID: 20b5b1 May 24, 2018, 7:44 p.m. No.6139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6140 >>6152


Hey, really appreciate the work you've done to help new people get up to speed. I've been following Q since about post #6, but I was lurking and never followed to /cbts (figured it was a board for fanboys). I kind of regret that now.


Anyway, your .pdf "What is The Grid" has been an excellent help thus far. It makes getting the program together pretty trivial; I'm sure the fun has just begun.


I'm no expert in Quantum computing–I was considering making it a focus, but from what I understood it was probably going to be another twenty years before the technology went mainstream, which would put me pretty close to retirement age (maybe I was wrong). I do know that most of the explanations out there seem to be overcomplicating things and making them mysterious, which is annoying. I think people tend to emphasize the weird truths just because they're fascinating, but don't necessarily represent the whole picture. For instance, pic related is a video I'd some time ago, which is interesting but does nothing to explain why the phenomenon happens:

(I'd forgotten about his emblem)


So I think it starts with the idea that subatomic particles, particularly electrons, really don't occupy "orbits" as per the Bohr model; it's more like a "cloud" of possible positions. I know that there's a certain tradeoff when it comes to measuring these particles–there's an actual name for it, can't quite remember…but the idea is that you really can't gauge the exact position of a particle without affecting its position…so the more accurate your determination, the less accurate it is compared to where the particle would have been had you not tried. I think this is the paradox behind all of the mysterious "Schrodinger's Cat" explanations–the cat really isn't there until you look. I think the act of "looking" is what is known as "wave collapse."


I don't know how "wave collapse" is achieved—maybe it's just a matter of "observing" the electron, as in the pic-related experiment. So the way I think of it (and this may be completely wrong), is that it's kind of like trying to clap a really fast gnat or a particle of dust between your hands–if you're successful, you have no idea where it might end up on your palms, and if not, the act of even trying will have affected its trajectory.


The other thing I think I picked up about quantum computing is that the notation is very, very close to that used in multivariable calculus:


To me, the biggest takeaway is this: as programmers, we are used to dealing with bits (0 or 1)…but a qubit gives you a whole range of possibilities. How that is used in programming beyond dice rolls, I'm not sure…but again, I know almost nothing about it.

AA !dTGY7OMD/g ID: d06096 May 25, 2018, 8:28 p.m. No.6152   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm glad to hear people are benefiting from it. I'm in university exam season at the moment, so once that's over I'll probably fix the mistakes and maybe update it with our other progress over the last few months. I certainly had more free time in December than I've had since, unfortunately.


>there's an actual name for it, can't quite remember

The uncertainty principle. I know probably as much about quantum computing as anyone else who has only really looked it up on the internet, but, as much as it has always been mentioned here in relation to the grid, I still see almost no parallels between the grid and quantum computing. It caused me a great deal of confusion back in November/December, to the point of distracting me from even figuring out how the grid worked entirely. If the same thing is confusing you (or anyone else who might read this), I suggest ignoring the quantum computing aspects for now. We're looking for some kind of mathematical relationship or principle that hasn't been officially and publicly discovered that allows you to do what Shor's algorithm does without needing actual qubits.