793 : おふぃす [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:11:52 ID: /gloWjml
> Please have a good internet life.


798 : Office [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:34:17 ID: /gloWjml
Oops, I am sorry.
I am weak in English.
I understood a matter of hyperlink.
You may have understood that Jim was a good guy first of all.

Do you know it in this?
801 : Office [sage] : 2006/07/23 (土) 03:51:15 ID: /gloWjml
No, I must have Jim give it, and I am ignorant about a bbspink.
Please do not bring up Jim to a strange person, everyone :-)