So, ★ (black star mark) means the official volunteer mark.
You are now seeing 桃色吐息 ★ on the name field on my writing. This black star mark cannot be input directly, 2ch and BBSPINK's BBS system changes the black star into the white star (☆) forcely.
And each 'official name' is bounded each secret password, so, when I set this on all BBSPINK servers, you can use your 'cap' on BBSPINK.
But, be careful, you should not use it too much. So, it is only use for the 'official opinion'.
I will email to you how to use the 'cap' mark on BBSPINK system later.
And your cap handle name is "Apparently admin ★".
Of couse it sounds very strange, but Hiroyuki uses the Japanese version of this as "どうやら管理人 ★". So, of course, you can use the English version of it on BBSPINK, because you are the administrator of BBPINK.
>>678 Exactly, but management mark is Jim's one. All other's are not management mark, of course (including you and me).
And I will make two volunteer handle name for your official work for BBSPINK, one is for your personal official work and the other is Sakura Plus's official work.
I think the cap handle of Sakura Plus's official work should be shared Jim and you. So, I will email to you your personal cap handle, and I will email to Jim and you Sakura Plus's official cap handle.
>>700 Izumi-san, Jim-san is clever and gentle, so please don't hesitate for communicating him.
To: all users, Of course, the above can be applied for all 2ch and BBSPINK users.
Jim-san, I will make "the gateway thread" for publishing your official opinion. So, you can write this thread by using your cap handle for publishing your thinking publicly.
Above AA is called "Pugyaa". It is frequently used for "You deserve it".
But he is one of my online friends in 2ch/BBSPINK. (As you know, I have so many online friends in 2ch/BBSPINK, including you) I am sorry he could not attend the festival in yesterday midnight.