595 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/10 (土) 22:21:18 ID: br/WXG09



I think that it is a very good idea that makes him manage the
deletion system because the boy "TAMON" is a very tough negotiator.

The fault of "TAMON" is a thing that doesn't have the sense of a necessary joke for
communications at all.
611 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/11 (日) 11:22:14 ID: br/WXG09
I have one small uneasiness.

It is encode.

For example, see " >610", as for the personal computer of Jim-san, is the character "AA-art"correctly output?

612 : 名無し編集部員 [sage] : 2006/09/11 (日) 11:49:37 ID: br/WXG09
Oh no!!! I mis-wrote ( >611 )!!! Please correct it as follows:


For example, see " >609", as for the personal computer of Jim-san, is the character "AA-art"correctly output?