186 : 名無し編集部員 : 2007/09/13 (水) 10:43:47 ID: fvBVxCmO
Dear, Jim-san.
"idol.bbspink.com" Sever ( Hostname is "banana218".) has down.
We can't access this server.
The BBSes on this server are very very important talking place for adults.
Will you reboot this server and fix some problems?
Thank you.
187 : ◆qb.x27/m96 [sage] : 2007/09/13 (水) 11:32:36 ID: Jktrqwnx
Dear jim san.

One day

a thriving Internet community

came to the verge of annihilation

The community,
an immense group of mega-bulletin boards

the largest of its kind in Japan,

...was called "PINK-Channel" ←now
        . ← How do you do?
Shut-down was eluded

...on th day

#誰かこのフラッシュを JIM さんが見れる場所へ導いて欲しい。。。
#2ch closedown disturbance.